Instalment payments

If you are a self-employed individual and earn business, professional, or commission income, you may have to make instalment payments.

Instalment payments are due on:

If you earn farming and fishing income, instalment payments are due December 31.


If any of the dates mentioned above fall on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a public holiday, you have until the next business day to make your instalment payments.

There are different methods that can be used to calculate instalment payments. To determine which calculation method is best for you, go to Required tax instalments for individuals.

In most cases, we will send you an instalment reminder showing an instalment amount we have calculated for you.

You may have to pay interest and a penalty if you do not pay your full instalment amount you owed on time.

For information on GST/HST instalments, go to Remit (pay) the GST/HST by instalments.

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