Scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) tax incentives

SR&ED outreach program

Program summary

The Outreach program provides education to eligible Canadian businesses that seek growth through innovation. The program assists businesses that may not be aware of potential tax incentives, or that face challenges and barriers that discourage them from filing a claim.

We also provide outreach to industry sector representatives, professional associations, and innovation and business facilitators to support their work and help increase understanding of the SR&ED program.

What is offered

Outreach program officers work across Canada to deliver presentations, host webinars, and distribute information products to raise awareness of the investment tax credits to which eligible businesses may be entitled.

Our Outreach program officers can:

How to request a visit

If your business conducts eligible research and development work and you would like more information, our SR&ED Outreach program can help.

To request a visit or for more information, contact your coordinating tax services office.

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