Canadian Geothermal Energy Association

The Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA) is a non-profit industry association with the goal of unlocking Canada's geothermal energy potential.
CanGEA hosted the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at a seminar on government support for research and development in Canada. The CRA presented CanGEA members with information about how the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program could benefit them. The organizer of the event stated:
On behalf of the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association and our 40 member companies and associations spread across Canada and internationally, we would like to thank you for the support you provided in making our seminar a success. We would not have been able to offer this opportunity without your support and for that we are truly grateful.
The SR&ED presentation was easily understandable and contained very useful information. The in-person and webinar attendees echoed this sentiment. CanGEA now has an SR&ED presentation, which will be an extremely useful tool in the future.
CanGEA and our members would like to thank you for working with us on past initiatives and this most recent seminar, and we look forward to future collaborations.
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