
Image of a manufacturing robot

GBatteries is a Canadian company on the cutting edge of innovative battery technology for electric mobility. It is currently developing lithium metal batteries by exploiting its proprietary intelligent battery management system to help accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles. The company was founded in 2014 and is located in Ottawa, Ontario.

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive program helped GBatteries by providing financial support. This, has enabled the company to develop their technology and move forward towards commercialization. The assistance from the SR&ED program has boosted GBatteries’ innovative research and development (R&D) work, and resulted in the company becoming one of the leaders in EV battery technologies in Canada.

Mr. Kostyantyn Khomutov, Chief Executive Officer of GBatteries, had this to say about the SR&ED Program:

"The SR&ED program provided the financial support that enabled us to build state of the art capabilities, reach our technical milestones, and innovate. This, in turn, facilitated the filing of 60 patents and attracted external investments and customers. We are grateful for the program's support and believe that it demonstrates Canada's commitment to fostering research and development and in retaining talent within the country."

The SR&ED program offers tax incentives to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct R&D work in Canada. Do you think your work qualifies? Learn more about our eligibility requirements, and see our list of free services and tools to help you get started.

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