ARCHIVED - Quebec tax information for 2023 - Personal income tax

Use the information on this page to help you complete your provincial tax and credits form. 

On this page

Completing your forms

All the forms you need to calculate your federal tax are included in the Quebec – Income tax package. Complete the schedules that apply to you and attach a copy to your return.

If you had income from a business (including income you received as a limited or non-active partner), and the business has a permanent establishment in a province outside Quebec, complete Form T2203, Provincial and Territorial Taxes for Multiple Jurisdictions.

The Government Quebec develops and administers its own tax laws and policies. If you live in the province of Quebec, you may need to file a separate provincial income tax return.

For more information about your tax liability, visit Revenu Québec.

Family allowance

Family allowance is financial assistance paid to all eligible Quebec families with one or more dependent children under 18 years of age.

The payment is calculated based on your family income from the previous year, your conjugal status (with or without a spouse), the number of dependent children under the age of 18 living with you, and the number of children in shared custody.

You must file your application for family allowance with Retraite Québec. You must also inform them of any change in your family situation.

You do not need to file an application for a new birth in Quebec, the Directeur de l'état civil will automatically notify Retraite Québec.

You can apply at Retraite Québec or contact Retraite Québec to get Form LPF-800, Application for Family Allowance Payments.

For more information

For more information on your account at Retraite Québec, visit the online My Account service.

For more information on family allowance payments, visit Retraite Québec or call one of the following telephone numbers:

Quebec region: 418-643-3381
Montreal region: 514-864-3873
Toll-free: 1-800-667-9625

Download a copy of Quebec tax information for 2023

The Quebec tax information for 2023 is available in PDF.

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While all Canada Revenue Agency web content is accessible, we also provide our forms and publications in alternate formats (digital audio, electronic text, Braille, and large print) to allow persons with disabilities to access the information they need.

Forms and publications

Prior years

Previous-year information is also available.

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