ARCHIVED - Information for residents of British Columbia

5010-PC(E) Rev.18

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Table of contents

What's new for British Columbia for 2018?

The personal income levels and most of the non-refundable tax credits used to calculate your British Columbia income tax have changed.

The former amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older and caregiver amount have been replaced by the new British Columbia caregiver amount.

The British Columbia mining flow-through share tax credit has been extended until the end of 2018 and the farmers’ food donation tax credit has been extended until 2019.

The children’s fitness amount, children’s fitness equipment amount, children’s art amount and the education coaching amount have been discontinued.

British Columbia benefits for individuals and families

BC early childhood tax benefit

This benefit is a non-taxable amount paid to most families with children under the age of six. This amount is combined with the Canada child benefit into a single monthly payment.

You do not need to apply for the BC early childhood tax benefit. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will use the information from your Canada child benefits application to determine your eligibility and tell you if you are entitled to the credit.

BC climate action tax credit

This credit is a non-taxable amount paid to help low-income individuals and families with the carbon taxes they pay. This amount is combined with the quarterly payment of the federal GST/HST credit.

You do not need to apply for the GST/HST credit or the BC climate action tax credit. The CRA will use the information from your return to determine your eligibility and tell you if you are entitled to the credit.

File your return

To make sure you get your payments on time, you (and your spouse or common-law partner) need to file your 2018 income tax and benefit return(s) by April 30, 2019. The CRA will use the information from your return(s) to calculate the payments you are entitled to get from these programs.

The BC early childhood tax benefit and the BC climate action tax credit are fully funded by the Province of British Columbia. For more information, go to Province of British Columbia or call the CRA at 1-800-387-1193

Completing your British Columbia forms

All the information you need to complete  Form BC428, British Columbia Tax, and Form BC479, British Columbia Credits, is in this package. Complete the forms that apply to you and attach a copy to your return.


Spouse refers to a person to whom you are legally married.

Common-law partner refers to a person who is not your spouse but with whom you are in a conjugal relationship, and at least one of the following conditions applies:

End of the year means any of the three following dates:

Form BC428, British Columbia Tax

Complete Form BC428 if you were a resident of British Columbia at the end of the year.

If you were a non-resident of Canada in 2018, complete Form BC428 if one of the following applies:

Complete Form T2203, Provincial and Territorial Taxes for 2018 – Multiple Jurisdictions, instead of Form BC428 if each of the following applies:

Part A – British Columbia non-refundable tax credits

The eligibility criteria and rules for claiming most of the British Columbia non-refundable tax credits are the same as those for the federal non-refundable tax credits. However, the value and calculation of most British Columbia non-refundable tax credits are different from the corresponding federal credits.

Newcomers to Canada and emigrants

If you reduced your claim for the amounts on lines 300 to 307, 316, 318, 324, and 326 of your federal Schedule 1, you also need to reduce the corresponding provincial amounts on lines 5804 to 5817, 5844, 5848, 5860, and 5864 in the same manner.

Line 5812 – Spouse or common-law partner amount

You can claim this amount if the rules are met for claiming the amount on line 303 of federal Schedule 1 and your spouse's or common-law partner's net income (line 236 of their return, or the amount that it would be if they filed a return) is less than $9,807.


Enter your marital status and your spouse's or common-law partner's information (including their net income, even if it is zero) in the "Identification and other information" section on page 1 of your return.

Line 5816 – Amount for an eligible dependant

You can claim this amount if the rules are met for claiming the amount on line 305 of federal Schedule 1 and your dependant's net income (line 236 of their return, or the amount that it would be if they filed a return) is less than $9,807.


If you were a single parent on December 31, 2018, and you choose to include all the universal child care benefit (UCCB) lump-sum payment you received in 2018 in your dependant's income, include this amount when calculating their net income.

Line 5817 – British Columbia caregiver amount

You may be able to claim up to $4,556 for your spouse or common-law partner or an eligible relative who was dependent on you because of an impairment in physical or mental functions at any time in the year.

An eligible relative is one of the following:


You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.

Also, each dependant must meet all of the following conditions:

How to claim this amount

Complete the calculation for line 5817 using Worksheet BC428. If you are claiming this amount for more than one dependant, enter the total amount on line 5817.

Line 5830 – Volunteer firefighters’ amount and
Line 5845 – Search and rescue volunteers’ amount

You can claim either the volunteer firefighters’ amount (VFA) or the search and rescue volunteers’ amount (SRVA) if the rules are met for claiming the amount on line 362 or 395 of federal Schedule 1.

Enter on line 5830 the VFA you claimed on line 362 of your federal Schedule 1, or enter on line 5845 the SRVA you claimed on line 395 of your federal Schedule 1.


Only residents of British Columbia at the end of the year are eligible for this amount. If you are not a resident of British Columbia, you cannot claim these non-refundable tax credits when calculating your British Columbia tax even if you may have received income from a source in British Columbia in 2018.

Line 5833 – Adoption expenses

You can claim this amount if the rules are met for claiming the amount on line 313 of federal Schedule 1. Enter on line 5833 the amount you claimed on line 313 of your federal Schedule 1.


Only residents of British Columbia at the end of the year are eligible for this amount. If you are not a resident of British Columbia, you cannot claim this non-refundable tax credit when calculating your British Columbia tax even if you may have received income from a source in British Columbia in 2018.

Line 5836 – Pension income amount

The amount you can claim on line 5836 is the amount on line 314 of your federal Schedule 1 or $1,000, whichever is less.


Only residents of British Columbia at the end of the year are eligible for this amount. If you are not a resident of British Columbia, you cannot claim this non-refundable tax credit when calculating your British Columbia tax even if you may have received income from a source in British Columbia in 2018.

Line 5844 – Disability amount (for self)

You can claim this amount if you met the rules for claiming the amount on line 316 of federal Schedule 1.

If you were 18 years of age or over at the end of the year, enter $7,809 on line 5844.

If you were under 18 years of age at the end of the year, complete the calculation for line 5844 using Worksheet BC428.

Line 5848 – Disability amount transferred from a dependant

You can claim this amount if the rules are met for claiming the amount on line 318 of federal Schedule 1.

Line 5856 – Your tuition and education amounts

Complete Schedule BC(S11), Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts.

Transferring amounts

If you do not use all of your 2018 tuition and education amounts to reduce your provincial income tax to zero, you can transfer all or some of the unused part to your spouse or common-law partner (who would claim it on line 5864), or your parent or grandparent, or your spouse’s or common‑law partner’s parent or grandparent (who would claim it on line 5860).


You can only transfer an amount to your parent or grandparent (or your spouse's or common-law partner's parent or grandparent) if your spouse or common-law partner does not claim an amount for you on line 5812 or 5864.

The student must complete the "Transfer or carryforward of unused amount" section of Schedule BC(S11) to transfer an amount. The student must also complete any of the following applicable forms to designate  who can claim the transferred amount and to specify the provincial amount this person can claim:

The transferred amount may be different than the amount calculated for the same person on your federal Schedule 11. Enter the provincial amount you are transferring on line 20 of your Schedule BC(S11).

Carrying forward amounts

Complete the "Transfer or carryforward of unused amount" section of Schedule BC(S11) to calculate the amount you can carry forward to a future year. This amount is the part of your tuition and education amount that you do not use for the year and are not transferring to your spouse or common-law partner, your parent or grandparent or your spouse’s or common-law partner’s parent or grandparent.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your completed Schedule BC(S11), but do not send your other documents. Keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later.

Line 5860 – Tuition and education amounts transferred from a child

The student may be able to transfer all or part of their unused tuition and education amounts for 2018 to their parent or grandparent or their spouse’s or common-law partner’s parent or grandparent.

The maximum amount each student can transfer is $5,000 minus the amount they use, even if there is an unclaimed part.

How to claim this amount

Enter on line 5860 the total of all provincial amounts that each student has transferred to you as shown on their Form T2202A, TL11A, TL11B, or TL11C.


The student must have entered this amount on line 20 of their Schedule BC(S11). They may have chosen to transfer an amount that is less than the available provincial amount. The student cannot transfer to you any unused tuition and education amounts carried forward from a previous year.

If you and the student were residents of different provinces or territories on December 31, 2018, special rules may apply. Contact the Canada Revenue Agency to find out how much you can claim on line 5860.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically or filing a paper return, do not send any documents. Keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later.

The student must attach Schedule BC(S11) to their paper return.

Line 5868 – Medical expenses for self, spouse or common-law partner, and your dependent children born in 2001 or later

The medical expenses you can claim on line 5868 are the same as those you can claim on line 330 of your federal Schedule 1. They have to cover the same 12-month period ending in 2018, and must be expenses that were not claimed for 2017.

The total expenses need to be more than either 3% of your net income (line 236 of your return) or $2,165, whichever is less.


If the total medical expenses claimed are more than $2,165 but less than $2,302, enter the amount on line 5868 and line 330 of your federal Schedule 1.

Line 5872 – Allowable amount of medical expenses for other dependants

You can claim medical expenses for other dependants in addition to the medical expenses claimed on line 5868.

The medical expenses you can claim on line 5872 are the same as those you can claim on line 331 of your federal Schedule 1. They have to cover the same 12-month period ending in 2018, and must be expenses that were not claimed for 2017.

The total expenses for each dependant need to be more than either 3% of that dependant's net income (line 236 of their return) or $2,165, whichever is less.

Line 5898 – Farmers’ food donation tax credit

You can claim this credit if you meet all of the following conditions:

You can claim 25% of the eligible amount of the total qualifying gifts made to an eligible donee.

A qualifying gift is a gift of one or more agricultural products you produced in British Columbia, and donated to an eligible charity in British Columbia after February 16, 2016.

An agricultural product is any of the following:

An item of any of these types that has been processed is an agricultural product if it was processed only to the extent necessary to be legally sold off the producer’s premises as food or drink intended for human consumption. Items that have been processed beyond this point, such as pies, sausages, beef jerky, pickles, and preserves, are not agricultural products.

An eligible charity is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act that meets at least one of the following conditions:

The amount of qualifying donations can be split between spouses or common-law partners. However, the total amount of qualifying donations that can be claimed by spouses or common-law partners cannot be more than the total of the qualifying donations made in the tax year.

Any unused amounts can be carried forward for five years as long as you (or your spouse or common-law partner) earned farming income in British Columbia in the year the gift was made.

If you are preparing a return for a person who died in 2018, you can claim this credit on their final return.

If you were bankrupt in 2018, claim your farmers’ food donation tax credit on either the pre- or post‑bankruptcy return you file for the tax year ending December 31, 2018, depending on when the qualifying donations were made.

If qualifying donations are claimed on more than one return, the total amount of donations that can be claimed on all returns filed for the year cannot be more than the total qualifying donations made.

How to claim this credit

Enter the amount of donations you have included on line 340 of your federal Schedule 9 that are qualifying gifts for the farmers’ food donation tax credit. Then enter 25% of this amount on line 32 of Form BC428.

Part C – British Columbia tax

Line 43 – British Columbia tax on split income

If you need to pay federal tax on split income on line 424 of your federal Schedule 1, complete Part 3 of Form T1206, Tax on Split Income, to calculate the British Columbia tax that applies to this income and enter the amount on line 428 of your return.

For more information on tax on split income, see the Federal income tax and benefit guide.

Line 50 – British Columbia additional tax for minimum tax purposes

If you need to pay federal minimum tax as calculated on Form T691, Alternative Minimum Tax, complete the calculation on line 50 of Form BC428 to determine your British Columbia additional tax for minimum tax purposes.  

For more information about minimum tax, see the Federal income tax and benefit guide.

Line 52 – Provincial foreign tax credit

If your federal foreign tax credit on non-business income is less than the related tax you paid to a foreign country, you may be able to claim a provincial foreign tax credit.

To claim this credit, complete Form T2036, Provincial or Territorial Foreign Tax Credit.

Enter, on line 52 of Form BC428, the tax credit calculated on line 5 of Form T2036.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Form T2036.

Lines 54 to 60 – BC tax reduction

If your net income for the year is less than $32,869, you may be able to reduce or eliminate your British Columbia tax by claiming a BC tax reduction.

If you are preparing a return for a person who died in 2018, you can claim the tax reduction on their final return.

Line 62 – British Columbia logging tax credit

You can claim this credit if you have logging operations in British Columbia on which British Columbia logging tax is payable for 2018 under the Logging Tax Act.

Enter your credit (shown on Form FIN 542S, Logging Tax Return of Income, or on Form FIN 542P, Logging Tax Return of Income for Processors) on line 62 of Form BC428.

Line 68 – British Columbia employee share ownership plan tax credit

You can claim this credit if you acquired shares from a registered British Columbia employee share ownership plan (ESOP) at any time in 2018 (and did not claim them on your 2017 return) or in the first 60 days of 2019.

Your Certificate ESOP 20 confirms the amount of your investment and the credit you are entitled to. The date you bought your shares is shown in the "Investment date" box.

If you bought shares under an employee share ownership plan and you want to know if the plan is registered under the Employee Investment Act, ask your employer.

Enter, on line 68 of Form BC428, the "Tax credit amount" shown on Certificate ESOP 20.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Certificate(s) ESOP 20.

Line 69 – British Columbia employee venture capital tax credit

You can claim this credit if you acquired shares from a registered British Columbia employee venture capital corporation (EVCC) at any time in 2018 (and did not claim them on your 2017 return) or in the first 60 days of 2019.

Your Certificate EVCC 30 confirms the amount of your shares and the credit you are entitled to. The date you bought your shares is shown in the "Investment date" box.

Enter, on line 69 of Form BC428, the "Tax credit amount" shown on Certificate EVCC 30.

If you have questions about the employee venture capital tax credit, contact the employee venture capital corporation that issued your shares, your stockbroker, or your investment advisor.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Certificate(s) EVCC 30.

Line 70 – Total ESOP and EVCC tax credits

The maximum total ESOP and EVCC tax credits you can claim on your 2018 return is $2,000. The ESOP and EVCC tax credits that you do not claim in a year are not refundable, and you cannot carry them forward to a future year.

If you bought ESOP or EVCC shares in the first 60 days of 2019, you can claim the tax credit on your 2018 or 2019 return or you can divide the credit between the two returns.

On the certificate, enter the credit amount you are claiming on your 2018 return and the credit amount you will claim on your 2019 return.

Supporting documents
If you file a 2019 paper return, attach a photocopy of the original 2018 certificate that shows the breakdown of your credit between your 2018 and 2019 returns. If you are filing electronically, keep your certificate in case we ask to see it later.

Line 72 – British Columbia mining flow-through share tax credit

You can claim this credit if you invested in flow-through shares and BC flow-through mining expenditures (BC qualifying expenses) have been renounced to you.

Your BC qualifying expenses are shown in box 141 on Information Slip T101, Statement of Resource Expenses, that you received from a mining exploration corporation or in box 197 of Information Slip T5013, Statement of Partnership Income, that you received as a member of a partnership.

To claim this credit, complete Form T1231, British Columbia Mining Flow-Through Share Tax Credit.

Enter, on line 72 of Form BC428, the amount from line 9 of Form T1231.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Form T1231 and your T101 or T5013 slips.

Form BC479, British Columbia Credits

You may be entitled to the credits listed in this section even if you do not have to pay tax. To claim these credits, attach a completed Form BC479, British Columbia Credits, to your return.

Lines 1 to 13 – Sales tax credit

You can claim this credit if, on December 31, 2018, you were a resident of British Columbia and you met any of the following conditions:

If you had a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2018, you and your spouse or common-law partner need to decide who will claim the sales tax credit for the both of you.

If you are claiming the additional credit for your spouse or common-law partner (line 9), your spouse or common-law partner must have been a resident of British Columbia on December 31, 2018. 

You cannot claim this credit if, on December 31, 2018, you were confined to a prison or a similar institution for more than six months during 2018.

Do not claim this credit on a return for a person who died in 2018.

The sales tax credit is for low-income families and individuals only. If you had a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2018, and your combined income for the sales tax credit (lines 1 to 8 from your and your spouse’s or common-law partner’s return for the year) was $25,500 or more, your sales tax credit for the year is zero.

If you were single, separated, widowed, or divorced on December 31, 2018, and your income for the sales tax credit (lines 1 to 5 in column 1 only, and lines 6 to 8) was $18,750 or more, your sales tax credit for the year is zero.


Enter your marital status and your spouse's or common-law partner's information (including their net income, even if it is zero) in the "Identification and other information" section on page 1 of your return.

Line 14 – British Columbia home renovation tax credit for seniors and persons with disabilities

You may be eligible for this credit if, at the end of 2018, you were a resident of British Columbia and you met parts a) and b) for condition 1 or condition 2.

Condition 1

a) You were a senior (65 years of age or older) or a family member living with a senior.

b) You, or someone on your behalf, paid or incurred eligible expenses in 2018 for improvements to your principal residence or the land on which your principal residence is situated.

Condition 2

a) You were a person with a disability eligible for the federal disability tax credit or a family member living with a person with a disability eligible for the federal disability tax credit.

b) You, or someone on your behalf, paid or incurred eligible expenses in 2018 for improvements to your principal residence or the land on which your principal residence is situated.


If you are not claiming the disability amount because you’re claiming fees you paid for an attendant or care in a nursing home, you may still be eligible.

A family member includes a parent, step-parent, grandparent, in-law, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, aunt, uncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, child, step-child, grandchild, niece, or nephew.

If you are a senior or a person with a disability, a principal residence is a residence in British Columbia that you occupy or expect to occupy by the end of 2020.

If you are not a senior or a person with a disability, a principal residence is a residence in British Columbia that you occupy or expect to occupy by the end of 2020 with a family member who is a senior or a person with a disability.

Eligible expenses are expenditures for improvements to the principal residence or to the land on which the principal residence is situated that either:

The improvements must be of an enduring nature and be integral to the home or land. See the list of eligible expenses.

You can claim the lesser of $10,000 and the amount of eligible expenses that you, or someone on your behalf, paid or incurred relating to your principal residence.

If you occupied more than one principal residence at different times in 2018, eligible expenses that you paid or incurred for one or more of those residences would qualify for the credit.

The combined amount that you (or your spouse or common-law partner) can claim cannot be more than $10,000. However, if, on December 31, 2018, you and your spouse or common-law partner occupied separate principal residences for medical reasons or because of a breakdown in your marriage or common-law relationship for a period of 90 days or more, each spouse or common-law partner can claim up to $10,000 of eligible expenses.

If you occupied separate principal residences for medical reasons, use Form BC479 and tick box 6089.

If you shared a principal residence with one or more family members, one of you may claim the entire amount of eligible expenses, or each member may claim a part of the eligible expenses.

The combined amount that can be claimed by all family members is either $10,000 or the amount of eligible expenses paid, whichever is less.

If someone not living with you or not related to you paid for the qualifying home renovation to your principal residence, you can still claim the credit. You will need to get the supporting documents and keep them in case we ask to see them later.


If an eligible expense also qualifies as medical expenses, you can claim both the medical expenses and the British Columbia home renovation tax credit for seniors and persons with disabilities for that expense.

You must reduce your eligible expenses by the amount of any government assistance you received, or expect to receive, that is related to the eligible expenses.

Are you filing in relation to a deceased person?

You can claim the British Columbia home renovation tax credit for seniors and persons with disabilities on a deceased person's final return if they were:

If you lived with, or expected by the end of 2020 to live with, a family member who, just before death, was a senior (or who would have turned 65 years of age by December 31, 2018) or was a person with a disability, and you are otherwise eligible, you can claim this credit on your return.

Were you bankrupt in 2018?

The British Columbia home renovation tax credit for seniors and persons with disabilities can be claimed on your pre- or post-bankruptcy return depending on when the eligible expenses were paid or became payable.
If eligible expenses are claimed on more than one return, the total amount of expenses that can be claimed on all returns for the year is either $10,000 or the amount of eligible expenses paid, whichever is less.

Eligible expenses

Some examples of eligible expenses include:

Expenses that are not eligible

Expenses are not eligible if their main purpose is to increase the value of the home or if they are for annual, recurring, or routine repair, maintenance, or service. Examples of ineligible expenses include:

Devices are not eligible. These include:

Services are not eligible. These include:

How to claim this credit

Complete Schedule BC(S12), British Columbia Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities. Enter beside box 6048 of Form BC479 the amount from line 5 of Schedule BC(S12). Enter 10% of this amount on line 14 of Form BC479.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach Schedule BC(S12) to your return. Keep all your receipts in case we ask to see them later.

Lines 15 to 18 – Venture capital tax credit

You can claim this refundable tax credit if you acquired shares from a venture capital corporation (VCC) or an eligible business corporation (EBC) registered in British Columbia at any time in 2018 (and did not claim them on your 2017 return) or in the first 60 days of 2019.

You can claim up to $60,000 in 2018. Your Certificate SBVC 10 shows the date you bought your shares under "Investment date."

If you purchased VCC or EBC shares in 2018, enter, on line 15 of Form BC479, the "tax credit amount" shown on Certificate SBVC 10.

If you purchased VCC or EBC shares in the first 60 days of 2019, you can elect to claim the tax credit on your 2018 return or you can claim it on your 2019 return. If you are electing to claim the credit in 2018, enter on line 16 of Form BC479, the “tax credit amount” shown on Certificate SBVC 10 for those shares.

For questions about the venture capital tax credit, contact the venture capital corporation or eligible business corporation that issued your shares, your stockbroker, or your investment advisor.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Certificate(s) SBVC 10.

Lines 19 and 20 – Mining exploration tax credit

You can claim this 20% refundable tax credit if you were a resident of British Columbia at the end of the year and you incurred qualified mining exploration expenses in the province in 2018.

Qualified mining exploration expenses incurred after February 20, 2007 in prescribed Mountain Pine Beetle affected areas are eligible for an enhanced tax credit of 10%, in addition to the 20% tax credit.

The expenses must have been incurred for determining the existence, location, extent, or quality of a mineral resource in British Columbia. They also include costs incurred for environmental studies and community consultations.

To claim this credit, complete Form T88, British Columbia Mining Exploration Tax Credit (Individuals).

If you are claiming a mining exploration tax credit allocated from a partnership, you also have to complete Form T1249, British Columbia Mining Exploration Tax Credit Partnership Schedule. Enter your proportionate share on line 22 of Form T88 and on line 20 of Form BC479.

Enter, on line 19 of Form BC479, the amount calculated on line 23 of Form T88.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Form T88 and, if applicable, your Form T1249.

Line 23 – Training tax credit (individuals)

You can claim this refundable tax credit if you were a resident of British Columbia at the end of 2018 and you met certain requirements in an eligible program administered through the British Columbia Industry Training Authority.

To claim this credit, complete Form T1014, British Columbia Training Tax Credit (Individuals).

Enter, on line 23 of Form BC479, the amount calculated on line 16 of Form T1014.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Form T1014.

Line 24 – Training tax credit (employers)

You can claim this refundable tax credit for salaries and wages paid if you met all of the following conditions:


If your principal business was construction, repair or conversion of ships in British Columbia, read line 25.

If you were a member of a partnership other than a specified member, such as a limited partner, you can claim your proportionate share of the partnership's training tax credit.

To claim this credit, complete Form T1014-1, British Columbia Training Tax Credit (Employers).

Enter, on line 24 of Form BC479, the amount from line 4 of Form T1014-1.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Form T1014-1.

Line 25 – Shipbuilding and ship repair industry tax credit (employers)

You can claim this refundable tax credit for salaries and wages paid if you met all of the following conditions:

If you were a member of a partnership other than a specified member, such as a limited partner, you can claim your proportionate share of the partnership's training tax credit.

To claim this credit, complete Form T1014-2, British Columbia Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry Tax Credit (Employers).

Enter, on line 25 of Form BC479, the amount from line 4 of Form T1014-2.

Supporting documents
If you are filing electronically, keep all your documents in case we ask to see them later. If you are filing a paper return, attach your Form T1014-2.

Page details

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