ARCHIVED - T.I.P.S. (Tax Information Phone Service)

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For personal and general tax information, use our automated T.I.P.S. by calling 1-800-267-6999.


Available dates


Telerefund - find out the status of your refund for 2005

all year

press "1"

Goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit - find out if you are eligible for the credit and the date you can expect to receive the next payment.

three weeks before through two and a half weeks after each payment is issued

press "2"

Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) - find out if you are eligible for the CCTB and the date you can expect to receive the next payment.

one week before through one week after each payment is issued

press "3"

RRSP deduction limit - find out the maximum amount you can deduct on your return for 2005 for your RRSP contributions, as well as any of your unused contributions.

mid-September to the end of April

press "4" and then "1"

Info-Tax - get tax information for residents and non-residents of Canada.

seven days a week, mid-January to the end of December

press "4" and then "2"

Bulletin Board - get recent tax and benefit information that may be of interest to you.

seven days a week, year-round

press "4" and then "3"

Business Information - get tax information relating to operating a business.

seven days a week, year-round

press "5"

To get information from Telerefund, GST/HST credit, CCTB, or RRSP deduction limit, you will have to give us your social insurance number, your month and year of birth, and:

List of Info-Tax message numbers and topics

Your opinion counts!

Faites-nous part de vos suggestions

We review our publications every year. If you have any comments or suggestions that would help us improve them, we would like to hear from you. Please send your comments on our publications to:

Client Services Directorate
Canada Revenue Agency
750 Heron Road
Ottawa ON K1A 0L5

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