Awareness of My Account Online Service Quantitative Research

Prepared for the:
Public Affairs Branch
Canada Revenue Agency
May 2007
POR# 477-06
Contract #46558-085877/001/CY

Prepared by:

Ipsos Reid

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Executive Summary

The findings show that half of Canadians (50%) are aware of 'My Account' while half (50%) are not. The following tables detail awareness by region, age, gender, education and income. Awareness of 'My Account' is highest among residents of Alberta and Ontario, younger respondents (18-34 years of age), women, those with a university education and those with a household income of $60,000 or more.

Respondents aware of 'My Account' were asked which of several ways best reflected how they became aware with 'My Account.' Among the ways of becoming aware that were tested, the plurality say they read about 'My Account' in the tax guide or in other correspondence from CRA (32%). One in five say they read about the service in the paper (21%). Fewer than one in five respondents say they became aware of 'My Account' through a calendar received in their T1 package (15%), and one in ten say they became aware by means of a card they received in the mail (10%).

Among those aware of 'My Account' nearly three in ten (29%) say they use the service, either often (5%) or sometimes (24%). An additional thirty-seven percent say they have not used the service yet, but intend to. One in three (33%) who are aware of the service say they do not intend to use it.

Respondents aware of 'My Account' who do not intend to use the service were asked which of several possible reasons best reflect why they do not intend to do so. The plurality of these respondents says it is because they have no need (44%). An additional three in ten say it is because they would prefer to talk to a person (31%). Less than one in five says it is because they are worried about security online (18%) or because they wouldn't use the service enough (17%). Fifteen percent who would not use 'My Account' say it is because they do not have a computer, while seven percent say it is because they have no connection to the Internet. Four percent say it is because they had too much trouble getting an E-pass.

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