annual report to parliament 2012-2013
[foreword by the interim chair and chair]
In 2012-2013, the Board continued to provide important oversight in the Agency's long term strategic direction - Vision 2020. The Board's guidance helped shape Agency strategies aimed at strengthening and modernizing the administration of tax benefits, while maintaining service excellence and supporting Government of Canada priorities. The Board also monitored the implementation of transformation initiatives and associated cost savings, impacts on human resources, and changes to services. Finally, the Board continued to encourage management to develop key performance measures aimed at strengthening the Agency's ability to determine outcomes and predict trends.
To ensure the ongoing sustainability of the Agency's workforce, the Board was engaged with management on strategic workforce planning, recruitment strategies, talent management and succession planning. Given the importance of Information Technology to the implementation of transformation initiatives, and to the efficient and effective delivery of CRA programs, the Board continued to monitor CRA's strategic investment decisions and major project investments. In support of an effective and productive working relationship with Shared Services Canada, the Board provided strategic insight and direction to further strengthen key operating and governance frameworks and agreements. This ensured that the CRA would have a strong foundation for the future, and that Canadian citizens would continue to be well served by both organizations.
The Board continued to examine and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of its governance processes. It monitored the evolution of a risk based approach to the Board of Management Oversight Framework (BoMOF) assessment.

The 2012-2013 Board achievements were realized under the leadership of Susan McArthur, whose term as Chair ended in August 2013. During her tenure, Ms. McArthur brought great rigour to the execution of the Board's mandate. Given the maturity of the Board's governance and processes, she focussed on the big picture. Regarding the strategic direction of the Agency, she emphasized the streamlining of processes and encouraged timely engagement of the Board on important strategic issues under its purview. She fostered a collaborative working relationship with the Commissioner and the senior management team, as well as direct and open dialogue. The Board is honoured to have worked with Ms. McArthur.
"Finally, members are pleased to welcome Mr. Richard Thorpe as the new Chair of the Board of Management, and look forward to working with him in advancing the strategic goals of the Agency.
In my role as interim Chair, on behalf of the CRA Board of Management, I am pleased to recommend this report to the Minister of National Revenue, the Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, for tabling in Parliament."
Fauzia Lalani, P.Eng.
Director and Interim Chair, Board of Management
"As the new Chair of the Board of Management and Director, I am looking forward to working with the Board, the Commissioner, and the management and staff of the Agency. Under my leadership our Board will continue to fulfil its important oversight responsibilities. Together we will ensure that the CRA continues to support economic growth through red tape reduction, provide excellent service to Canadians and exhibit the highest standards of personal and corporate integrity."
Richard (Rick) Thorpe, CPA, CMA, FCMA
Chair, Board of Management
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