CRA Office and drop box locations

To protect your sensitive information and make sure your income tax and benefit return gets to the CRA quickly and securely, you're strongly encouraged to either:

You're also strongly encouraged to make your payment to the CRA electronically using:

How to pay in person

For more information on all payment options, go to

If you need help filing your income tax and benefit return, our Get ready to do your taxes page has everything you need.

CRA offices: drop box status and mailing addresses

Note: There is no walk-in counter service at these locations.

Locations, mailing addresses, and drop box status of CRA offices

Locations, mailing addresses, and drop box status of CRA offices table
City Office Location Mailing address Drop box status
Barrie Northern Ontario TSO 81 Mulcaster Street
Barrie ON  L4M 6T7
81 Mulcaster Street
Barrie ON  L4M 6T7

Fax: 705-721-0056
Bathurst New Brunswick TSO 955 Murray Avenue
Bathurst NB  E2A 0C8
955 Murray Avenue
Bathurst NB  E2A 0C8

Fax: 506-548-7176
Belleville Eastern Ontario TSO 11 Station Street
Belleville ON  K8N 2S3
11 Station Street
Belleville ON  K8N 2S3

Fax: 613-969-7845
Calgary Alberta TSO 220 4th Avenue South East
Calgary AB  T2G 0L1
220 4th Avenue South East
Calgary AB  T2G 0L1

Fax: 403-264-5843
Charlottetown Prince Edward Island TSO 1-30 Brackley Point Road
Charlottetown PE  C1A 6X9
Post Office Box 8500, Station Central
Charlottetown PE  C1A 8L3

Fax: 902-566-7197
Chicoutimi Eastern Quebec TSO 100 La Fontaine Street
Chicoutimi QC  G7H 6X2
Post Office Box 1660, Station Bureau-chef
Jonquière QC  G7S 4L3

Fax: 418-698-6387
Edmonton Alberta TSO Canada Place, Floor Main
9700 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton AB  T5J 4C8
Suite 10
9700 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton AB  T5J 4C8

Fax: 780-495-3533
Gatineau Western Quebec TSO 300-85 Chemin de La Savane
Gatineau QC  J8T 8L5
875 Heron Road
Ottawa, ON  K1A 1A2

Fax: 819-994-1103
Halifax Nova Scotia TSO 100-145 Hobsons Lake Drive
Halifax NS  B3S 0J1
Post Office Box 638, Station Central
Halifax NS  B3J 2T5

Fax: 902-450-8561
Hamilton Southern Ontario TSO 55 Bay Street North
Hamilton ON  L8R 3P7
55 Bay Street North
Hamilton ON  L8R 3P7

Fax: 905-546-1615
Jonquière Jonquière Tax Centre 2251 René-Lévesque Boulevard
Jonquière QC  G7S 5J2
- Open
Kingston Eastern Ontario TSO 1475 John Counter Boulevard
Kingston ON  K7M 0E6
102-1475 John Counter Boulevard
Kingston ON  K7M 0E6

Fax: 613-541-7158
Kitchener Western Ontario TSO 166 Frederick Street
Kitchener ON  N2H 0A9
166 Frederick Street
Kitchener ON  N2H 0A9

Fax: 519-579-4532
Laval Western Quebec TSO 3400 Jean-Béraud Avenue
Laval QC  H7T 2Z2
3400 Jean-Béraud Avenue
Laval QC  H7T 2Z2

Fax: 514-496-1309
London Western Ontario TSO 451 Talbot Street
London ON  N6A 5E5
451 Talbot Street
London ON  N6A 5E5

Fax: 519-645-4029
Mississauga Greater Toronto Area West TSO 5800 Hurontario Street
Mississauga ON  L5R 4B4
5800 Hurontario Street
Mississauga ON L5R 4B4

Fax: 905-566-6182
Moncton New Brunswick TSO Assumption Place
217-770 Main St
Moncton NB  E1C 1E7
Assumption Place
217-770 Main St
Moncton NB  E1C 1E7

Fax: 506-851-7018
Montréal Montreal Montréal TSO 305 René-Lévesque Boulevard West
Montréal QC  H2Z 1X1
305 René-Lévesque Boulevard West
Montréal QC  H2Z 1A6

Fax: 514-496-1309
North York Northern Ontario TSO 5001 Yonge Street
North York ON  M2N 6R9
5001 Yonge Street
North York ON  M2N 6R9

Fax: 416-512-2558
Ottawa Ottawa Technology Centre 2215 Gladwin Crescent
Ottawa ON K1B 4K9
875 Heron Road,
Ottawa ON K1A 1A2

Fax: 613-739-1147
Ottawa Northern Ontario TSO 2204 Walkley Road 2204 Walkley Road Open
Ottawa Eastern Ontario TSO 333 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON  K1A 0L9
333 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON  K1A 0L9

Fax: 613- 952-1982
Penticton Fraser Valley and Interior TSO 277 Winnipeg Street
Penticton BC  V2A 1N6
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC  V3T 5E1

Fax: 250-492-8346
Peterborough Greater Toronto Area East TSO 1161 Crawford Drive
Peterborough ON  K9J 6X6
1161 Crawford Drive
Peterborough ON  K9J 6X6

Fax: 705-876-6422
Prince George Coastal and Central BC TSO 280 Victoria Street
Prince George BC  V2L 4X3
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC  V3T 5E1
Quebec Eastern Quebec TSO 2575 Ste-Anne Boulevard
Quebec QC  G1J 1Y5
2575 Ste-Anne Boulevard
Quebec QC  G1J 1Y

Fax: 418-649-6478
Regina Eastern Prairie TSO 1955 Smith Street
Regina SK  S4P 2N9
1955 Smith Street
Regina SK  S4P 2N9

Fax: 306-757-1412
Rimouski Eastern Quebec TSO 4C-217 AV Léonidas
Rimouski QC  G5L 2T5
4C-217 AV Léonidas
Rimouski QC  G5L 2T5

Fax: 418-722-3027
Rouyn-Noranda Western Quebec TSO 110-151 ave du Lac
Rouyn-Noranda QC  J9X 6C3
110-151 ave du Lac
Rouyn-Noranda QC  J9X 6C3

Fax: 819-797-8366
Saint John New Brunswick TSO 65 Canterbury Street
Saint John NB  E2L 2C7
Post Office Box 6300
Retail Postal Outlet Brunswick Square
Saint John NB  E2L 4H9

Fax: 506-636-5200
Scarborough Greater Toronto Area East TSO 200 Town Centre Court
Scarborough ON  M1P 4Y3
200 Town Centre Court
Scarborough ON  M1P 4Y3

Fax: 416-973-5126
Shawinigan Shawinigan TSO 4695 Shawinigan Boulevard South
Shawinigan, QC
4695 Shawinigan Boulevard South
Shawinigan, QC G9P 5H9
Sherbrooke Central and Southern Quebec TSO 50 Place de la Cité
Sherbrooke QC  J1H 4G9
Post Office Box 1300
Station Place de la Cité
Sherbrooke QC  J1H 5L8

Fax: 819-564-4226
St. Catharines Southern Ontario TSO 32 Church Street
St. Catharines ON  L2R 3B9
32 Church Street
St. Catharines ON  L2R 3B9

Fax: 905-688-5996
St. John's Newfoundland NVCC 290 Empire Avenue,
St. John's NL
Post Office Box 12071, Station A Open
Sudbury Sudbury Tax Centre 1050 Notre Dame Avenue
Sudbury ON  P3A 5C1
1050 Notre Dame Avenue
Sudbury ON  P3A 5C1

Fax: 705-671-3994
and 1-855-276-1529
Summerside Prince Edward Island Tax Centre 275 Pope Road
Summerside PE  C1N 6A2
- Open
Surrey Fraser Valley and Interior TSO 9737 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC  V3T 5W6
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC  V3T 5E1

Fax: 604-587-2010
Sydney Nova Scotia TSO 47 Dorchester Street
Sydney NS  B1P 7H5
Post Office Box 1300, Station A
Sydney NS  B1P 6K3

Fax: 902-564-3095
Thunder Bay Northern Ontario TSO 130 Syndicate Avenue South
Thunder Bay ON  P7E 1C7
130 Syndicate Avenue South
Thunder Bay ON  P7E 1C7

Fax: 807-622-8512
Toronto Toronto TSO 25 St.Clair Avenue East
Toronto ON
M4T 1M4
Suite 100 - 25 St. Clair Avenue East
Toronto ON
M4T 0A7

Fax: 416-360-8908
Vancouver Coastal and Central BC TSO 468 Terminal Ave
Vancouver BC  V6A 0C1
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC  V3T 5E1

Fax: 604-689-7536
Various High Complexity Audit TSO Various 9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC V3T 5E1

Fax: 604-951-5664
and 1-888-558-9024
Windsor Western Ontario TSO Suite 101
441 University Avenue West
Windsor ON  N9A 5S8
Suite 101
441 University Avenue West
Windsor ON  N9A 5S8

Fax: 519-257-6558
Winnipeg Winnipeg Tax Centre 66 Stapon Road
Winnipeg MB  R3C 3M2
- Open
Kelowna Fraser Valley and Interior TSO 200-471 Queensway Avenue
Kelowna BC  V1Y 6S5
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC  V3T 5E1

Fax: 250-862-4744
Drop box not available
Saskatoon Eastern Prairie TSO 340 3rd Avenue North
Saskatoon SK  S7K 0A8
340 3rd Avenue North
Saskatoon SK  S7K 0A8

Fax: 306-652-3211
Trois-Rivières Central and Southern Quebec TSO 2250 St-Olivier Street
Trois-Rivières QC  G9A 4E9
2250 St-Olivier Street
Trois-Rivières QC  G9A 4E9

Fax: 819-371-2744
Iqaluit Iqaluit NSC Qilaut Building
933 Mivvik Street
Iqaluit NU  X0A 0H0
- No drop box at this location. See Northern Service Centres.
Whitehorse Whitehorse NSC Elijah-Smith Building
300 Main Street
Whitehorse YT  Y1A 2B5
- No drop box at this location. See Northern Service Centres.
Yellowknife Yellowknife NSC Greenstone Building
5101 Franklin Ave
Yellowknife NT  X1A 3Z4
- No drop box at this location. See Northern Service Centres.
Brandon Eastern Prairie TSO 210-153 11th Street
Brandon MB  R7A 7K6
210-153 11th Street
Brandon MB  R7A 7K6

Fax: 204-726-7836
Drop box not available
Brossard Central and Southern Quebec TSO 3250 Lapinière Boulevard
Brossard QC  J4Z 3T8
3250 Lapinière Boulevard
Brossard QC  J4Z 3T8

Fax: 450-926-7100
Drop box not available
Lethbridge Alberta TSO Suite 300
400 4th Avenue South
Lethbridge AB  T1J 4E1
Suite 300
400 4th Avenue South
Lethbridge AB  T1J 4E1

Fax: 403-382-4765
Drop box not available
Red Deer Alberta TSO 201-4911 51 Street
Red Deer AB  T4N 6V4
201-4911 51 Street
Red Deer AB  T4N 6V4

Fax: 403-309-7878
Drop box not available
St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador TSO Sir Humphrey Gilbert Building
165 Duckworth Street
St. John's NL  A1C 1G4
Post Office Box 12075, Station A
St. John's NL  A1B 4R5

Fax: 709-754-5928
Drop box not available
Victoria Coastal and Central BC TSO 1415 Vancouver Street
Victoria BC  V8V 3W4
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC  V3T 5E1

Fax: 250-363-3042
Drop box not available
Winnipeg Eastern Prairie TSO Suite 500
360 Main Street
Winnipeg MB  R3C 3Z3
Post Office Box 1022, Station Main
Winnipeg MB  R3C 2W2

Fax: 204-984-5164
Drop box not available

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