Contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Help with common topics
Answers to top questions
Access a CRA account
What problem are you having?
I have a problem with my CRA security code
If you lost your CRA security code or it has not arrived after 10 business days, you can instead use the document verification service to verify your identity.
To use the document verification service:
- Go to the Sign in to your CRA account page and start signing in
- Complete the security steps and multifactor authentication
- When you are asked to enter your security code, select the document verification service
For more details, go to Verify your identity.
If your CRA security code is expired
If your CRA security code is expired, using the document verification service is the quickest way to verify your identity. Another method is to request that a new CRA security code be sent to you by mail.
- Go to the Sign in to your CRA account page and start signing in
- Complete the security steps and multifactor authentication
- When you get the error message that your security code has expired, select CRA security code online or the document verification service
For more details, go to Verify your identity.
If you lost your code and can't use the document verification service
You will need to call the CRA to receive another CRA security code by mail.
Before you call:
- Have your tax documents ready to validate your identity
- Call 1-800-959-8281
- Select option 1 for online services
I did not get my one-time passcode for multi-factor authentication (MFA)
If you did not receive your one-time passcode, you can:
- Use the third-party authenticator app if it is already set up
- Ask for it to be resent or sent to a different phone number that you have already enrolled
- Try the Call me option instead of Text me if you are using a VoIP service
- Use the passcode grid if you are already enrolled with that option
For more information: Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
If your phone number has recently changed
If your phone number has changed and you can no longer receive your one-time passcode at that number, you can use another MFA option if you are already enrolled with that option.
If you still cannot receive your one-time passcode, you will have to contact us.
Before you call:
- Have your tax documents ready to validate your identity
- Call 1-800-959-8281
- Select option 1 for online services
I can’t remember my CRA user ID or password
You can recover your CRA user ID or password online.
Recovering your user ID
To recover your CRA user ID:
- Go to the Sign in to your CRA account page
- Select CRA user ID and password from the sign-in options
- Select Forgot your user ID?
- Provide the following information:
- Your social insurance number (SIN)
- Your date of birth
- Amounts from your filed and assessed income tax and benefit return from the current or previous tax year
- Answer the security questions you set up during registration
Recovering your password
If you have forgotten your CRA password:
- Go to the Sign in to your CRA account page
- Select CRA user ID and password from the sign-in options
- Select Forgot your password?
- Enter your CRA user ID
- Answer the security questions you set up during registration
If you still can't recover your CRA user ID or password
- Have your tax documents ready to validate your identity
- Call 1-800-959-8281
- Select option 1 for online services
I’m having trouble with my Sign-In Partner
Contact your financial institution if you have issues with your sign-in information.
To change your Sign-In Partner
You can switch to another Sign-In Partner as long as you still have access to the one you previously used.
- Go to the Sign in to your CRA account page
- Select Sign-In Partner
- Select Switch My Sign-In Partner at the top of the page
- Follow the instructions
If you can't access your previous Sign-In Partner
You will have to call us to switch to a new Sign-In Partner:
- Have your tax documents ready to validate your identity
- Call 1-800-959-8281
- Select option 1 for online services
I’m having trouble accessing my provincial partner
For help accessing your provincial partner, refer to:
I am locked out
If you got an error message saying you are locked out, follow the instructions in the message.
If you cannot unlock your account, you must validate your identity with the CRA by phone.
- Have the error code available
- Have your tax documents ready to validate your identity
- Call 1-800-959-8281
- Select option 1 for online services
I need to register for a CRA account
If you don't have a CRA account, you may register for one. This will give you access to My Account and give you the option to add My Business Account or Represent a Client.
- Register for a CRA account and access your Individual account
- Add a Business account (optional)
- Add a Representative account (optional)
If you have limited access, you will need to validate your security code. This will give you full access and you will be able to add another account.
If you can’t get through to us by phone
We are directing some calls to the automated phone line
Due to the volume of calls, we may direct your call to the automated service line. We’re trying to keep our average wait times to about 30 minutes.
What you can do using the automated line
The automated service line can help you:
- Check the status of your tax return
- Get an estimate on your refund amount
- Find out your CRA account balance
The automated service line is available all day except from 3 am to 6 am eastern (ET).
Try calling at another time
If you’re not able to address your concerns using the automated line, try calling again:
- At a different time of day
- On a different day of the week
Check if a representative is available
- If a wait time is provided, service representatives are available
- If a wait time is “Not available”, your call will be directed to the automated line
Find a phone number and call again
CRA service hours are listed in ET.
Try other CRA online resources
You may also find the information you need online.
- Check the other “Common topics” on this page
- Sign in to your CRA account to check your Individual, Business or Representative account
- Find forms you need at Ordering forms and publications
- Chat with a live representative using the online chat in your CRA account (Individual)
- Review the topics on the CRA web pages
Find out why your benefit payment is missing
Why benefit payments stop
Your payments may stop if you did not:
- File your tax return
- Respond to a letter from the CRA about your situation
- Inform the CRA of a change in:
- Your address
- Your banking information
- Marital status
- Child custody
Your payments may stop if your spouse or common-law partner did not:
- File their tax return
- Inform the CRA of a change in:
- Marital status
- Child custody
Check your benefit information
Check your CRA account to ensure that all your information is up to date.
- Sign in to your CRA account
- Select your Individual account
- Open your Mail to see if you have any pending communications
- Review your Profile to make sure it is up to date
- Check Benefit and credits to review the status of your benefits
Review dates for CRA benefits: Benefit payment dates
For details about what can affect specific payments:
Change your contact or banking details
You can change your information online using your CRA account.
Change your personal information
Edit your personal information in your CRA account.
- Sign in to your CRA account
- Select your Individual account
- Go to Profile to change the following items:
- Address
- Direct deposit and banking
- Marital status
- Phone number
- To change your number for MFA: Multi-factor authentication settings
- Email and correspondence options
If you cannot access your CRA account, check above if you can resolve your issue in Access a CRA account.
Change your business information
Edit your business information in your CRA account.
- Sign in to your CRA account
- Select your Business account
- Go to Profile to change the following items:
For more information, refer to Changes to your business and CRA program accounts.
If you cannot access your CRA account, check above if you can resolve your issue in Access a CRA account.
Check the status of your tax refund
How you file your personal income tax return can affect when you get your refund.
Standard processing times
The CRA aims to send you a notice of assessment, as well as any refund, within the following timelines:
- Online filing: 2 weeks
- Mailed paper return: 8 weeks
- Non-resident return: 16 weeks
These timelines apply only to returns we receive on or before the due date.
Check the status of your return
You may check the status of your return online using your CRA My Account.
- Sign in to your CRA account
- Select your Individual account
For other options: Check the status of your return
Why you may not have received your refund
If you have another government debt, the CRA may have kept all or part of your refund.
Quick links
Check standard processing times
Check how long it will take to process tax-related requests
Assistance by phone
Step 1. If you’re calling about your account, have the following information ready
You need all of the above to call about an account
Step 2. Find the phone number you need to call
Wait times are provided for certain call topics. If average wait times are over 30 minutes, calls will be redirected to our automated services.
Select the topic of your call to find a phone number:
Personal taxes, benefits and trusts
Reason for your call | Phone number | Hours of service (in local time unless noted) |
Get help to unlock My Account or make payments:
Update personal information or discuss your tax situation:
Ask about the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) |
Use an automated service to apply for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) |
Security issues:
Use an automated service to order forms:
Use an automated service to check your tax account balance |
Use an automated service to check contribution amounts:
Use an automated service to check benefit and credit eligibility, payment dates and amounts:
Use an automated service to get remittance vouchers or proof of income:
Use an automated service to check status of your tax return or refund:
Use an automated service to set up a payment arrangement for personal income taxes |
Get help with your CRA benefits and credits:
Get a security code, help with your CRA accounts and NETFILE:
Get a tax form, publication, or Notice of Assessment:
Change your address |
Get help with your registered savings plans:
Get help with a trust account, or the account of someone who has died:
Get help with Ontario benefits and credit payments:
Get help with Alberta benefits and credits:
Use an automated service to report suspected fraud, identity theft or suspicious account activity on your CRA online account Note: Some interactions with the CRA may be limited to protect your account until the concern is reviewed by a specialized CRA agent. |
Report suspected fraud, identity theft or suspicious account activity if:
Note: This phone line is for use if any of the above three criteria are met or if you have received a letter from the CRA requesting that you reach out to us. Some interactions with the CRA may be limited to protect your account until the concern is reviewed by a specialized CRA agent. |
Individual accounts – Hours of service
Trust accounts – Hours of service
Arrange to pay your personal tax debt over time |
Arrange to pay child and family benefit overpayments |
Arrange to pay your CPP overpayments |
Arrange to pay your EI overpayments |
Arrange to pay your Canada student loans (CSL) overpayments |
Respond to contact or a letter received from the CRA’s Government programs collection. |
Get help with a Phoenix tax issue |
Follow up on a Requirements to pay (RTP) document |
Check the status of your income tax objection |
Discuss a letter received:
Arrange to pay your Service Canada Issued CERB debt over time |
Reason for your call | Phone number | Hours of service (in local time unless noted) |
Get help with payroll deductions:
Get help with your CRA accounts:
Get help to file information returns or make payments for your business:
Get a business number and register for CRA program accounts:
Notify the CRA about changes to your business:
Get corporate income tax forms or publications |
Get help with your Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) for Small Businesses |
Get GST/HST help for your business:
Get help with your business taxes:
Get help with your locked business account |
Get help with filing your corporation tax return:
Arrange to pay your GST/HST debt over time |
Arrange to pay your payroll tax debt over time |
Arrange to pay your corporate income tax debt over time |
Ask about excise duties, excise taxes, fuel charge, other levies and charges:
Discuss details of a GST/HST registration letter or phone call
Discuss details of a GST/HST and other levies filing letter or phone call
Discuss details of a T2 corporation post-assessing limit review letter
Discuss details of a phone call for your GST/HST or corporate program account registration
Discuss details of a GST/HST post-assessing review letter
Ask about the Canadian film or video production tax credit |
Ask about Scientific Research and Experimental Development expenditure claims |
Get help with EFILE:
Report a nil remittance for payroll |
Report a nil remittance for non-resident withholding tax |
Use an automated service to file a GST/HST return
Check the status of an objection:
Discuss a letter you received:
Report suspected fraud, identity theft or suspicious account activity if:
Use an automated service to report suspected fraud, identity theft or suspicious account activity on your CRA online account |
Arrange to pay your Covid-19 business subsidy overpayments
Arrange to pay your Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) |
International tax and non-resident
Reason for your call | Phone number | Hours of service (in local time unless noted) |
Get help with individual and non-resident trusts |
Get help with non-resident corporation and corporation accounts:
Get help with your Part XIII and non-resident withholding accounts |
Discuss a letter you received:
Get help with your departure tax or election to defer capital gains upon emigration (T1244).
- What do you want to call about?
- get general information about registered charities
- get help with applying to become a registered charity
- get help with donation receipts
- get help on filling out the annual information return
- change your charity’s name, purpose(s), activities or other details
- Telephone number
- 1-800-267-2384
- Hours
table 2 Day Hours Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 pm (Eastern time) Sat and Sun Closed Closed on public holidays
Savings and registered plan administrators
Agents do not have access to taxpayer information.
Agents cannot answer questions relating to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or Old Age Security (OAS).
- Reason for your call
Get general information about:
- savings and registered plans
- pension adjustments for registered pension plans (including past service, reversals, corrections, and permitted corrective contributions)
- administrative relief for registered pension plans
Get help to:
- register a plan or approve a specimen
- register individual contracts
- Telephone number
- Outside Canada/U.S. call collectFootnote 3
- Hours
Service hours for savings and pension plan administrators Day Hours Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 pm (ET) Sat and Sun Closed Closed on public holidays
Telephone number for TTY (Teletypewriter) and Canada VRS (Video Relay Service)
Call this number if you use TTY services.
- Telephone number
- 1-800-665-0354
- Hours
Teletypewriter hours of service Day Hours Mon to Fri 6:30 am to 11:00 pm ET Sat 7:30 am to 8:00 pm ET Sun Closed Closed on public holidays
Register with Canada VRS to download the app and call the VRS line.
- Hours
table 4 Day Hours Mon to Fri 6:30 am to 11:00 pm ET Sat 7:30 am to 8:00 pm ET Sun Closed Closed on public holidays
If you use any other operator-assisted relay service, call our regular telephone numbers on this page instead of the TTY or Canada VRS numbers.
Special circumstances
- Contacting us on someone else's behalf
- Send service feedback
- Media enquiries
- Make a voluntary disclosure
- Report leads on suspected tax cheating
- Objections, appeals, disputes, and relief measures
- Check CRA processing times
- CRA Online chat
- CRA Chatbot
Privacy notice
Privacy notice
The Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) call centres record some calls. These call recordings are used to evaluate the quality and accuracy of agents’ responses, identify call trends, and provide insight into potential areas in which training would be beneficial. Recording begins from the moment an agent answers the call and continues until the line is disconnected, including any time spent on hold.
If you do not wish for your call to be recorded, please inform the agent at the beginning of the call.
During your conversation with an agent and when using the automated self-serve options, you may be asked to provide personal information in order to validate your identity. The questions asked are in place to ensure the safety and security of your account. Without this verification step, the CRA is unable to access your account information or make changes.
Personal information is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act and Excise Tax Act. Personal information is described in program-specific Personal Information Banks which can be found on the CRA’s Information about Programs and Information Holdings (formerly Info Source) page.
Under the Privacy Act individuals have a right of protection, access to, and correction or notation of their personal information. Individuals also have a right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding our handling of their information.
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