Transfer-in to an integrated organization

This section describes the roles and responsibilities of various parties involved in the transfer-in process of an employee to an integrated organization (using MyGCHR or GCHRMS) served by the Pay Centre.

On this page

Process description

A transfer-in is a permanent move by an employee from one organization to another.

Employee responsibilities

Employees are responsible for:

Manager responsibilities

Section 34 managers and staffing authorities are responsible for:

Human resources responsibilities

Human resources are responsible for:

Once confirmed, human resources are responsible for:

Trusted source responsibilities

Upon receipt of documentation, the trusted source is responsible for:


Paper requests submitted directly by employees to the Pay Centre, without any departmental signatory requirements, are excluded from the trusted source responsibilities.

Pay Centre responsibilities

Pay Centre personnel are responsible for:

Upon notification of data entry in the Human Resources Management System:

Upon receipt of pay action request and required documents:

Page details

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