Process temporary separation

Seasonal layoff

This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in seasonal layoffs.

In this section

Process description

A seasonal employee is an individual who is scheduled to work a portion of a year. The on and off seasons are determined by the employer.

An employee will be placed on seasonal layoff during the off-season and will be recalled during the on-season.

Employee responsibilities

An employee is responsible to inform the Pay Center if they chose to opt-out of the Public Service Health Care plan coverage during seasonal layoff. If not, coverage must be paid in advance in order to maintain coverage during layoff.

Manager responsibilities

The delegated authority is responsible to provide information on the seasonal layoff periods to human resources and to the Pay Centre if there are changes to the temporary separation.

Human resources responsibilities

Human resources are responsible for certain actions related to seasonal layoffs.

Temporary (seasonal) layoff

Human resources are responsible for:

  • processing the seasonal layoff in the Human Resources Management System as specified in the letter of offer
  • ensuring accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in the Human Resources Management System
  • ensuring that the information was successfully received in Phoenix

Recall from temporary layoff

Human resources are responsible for:

  • processing the recall in the Human Resources Management System
  • issue a recall letter identifying the exact dates of work for the season for each subsequent year
  • ensuring accurate and timely completion of job and personal information rows in the Human Resources Management System
  • ensuring that information was received successfully in Phoenix

Finance responsibilities

Finance is responsible for completing the section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.


If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance with procedures.

Pay Centre responsibilities

Upon notification of data entry in the Human Resources Management System:

  • View the Insurance Administration Manual (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) to determine the effective date of any changes to each insurance plan for a seasonal employee
  • The Disability Insurance coverage will cease upon layoff and will start again on recall from layoff
  • Employer-paid dental coverage continues during the off-season; no change to do in Phoenix
  • Public Service Health Care Plan will continue automatically unless the employee submitted a request to opt-out of the coverage. If not, coverage must be paid in advance in order to maintain coverage during layoff.

Upon receipt of the worklist:

  • Provide the compensation benefits letter and any related forms to the employee
  • Ensure all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Illness and disability

This section describes the responsibilities of the various parties in addressing leave without pay (greater than 5 days) relating to illness and disability.

In this section

Process description

Disability insurance and long-term disability insurance are compulsory government insurance plans designed to protect against loss of income due to long term illness.

Disability insurance is applicable to employees subject to collective bargaining and long-term disability insurance for employees excluded or unrepresented by the collective bargaining process. Disability insurance and long-term disability insurance are compulsory plans for all eligible employees.


Insurance Administration Manual (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) to confirm all employees who are eligible for disability insurance or long-term disability insurance.

Employee responsibilities

The employee is responsible for:

  • submitting a formal leave request to their manager leave application and absence report form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) to or equivalent (if the employee is unable to complete the form, the delegated authority can complete on their behalf)
  • providing medical certificate
  • providing payment of Public Service Health Care Plan contributions while on leave without pay (if applicable)
  • sending a completed pay action request form by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre Mail Facility, including:
    • written notification if an employee chooses to cease the Public Service Health Care Plan deduction

Once the employee becomes eligible for either disability insurance or long-term disability insurance they are responsible for completing the relevant form (depending on whether they are claiming disability insurance or long-term disability insurance).

Disability insurance claim (Sun Life)

There are 4 separate forms related to a disability claim:

  1. employee's statement
  2. immediate manager/supervisor's statement
  3. compensation advisor's statement
  4. physician's questionnaire

The employee is responsible for:

  • completing the employee's statement
  • completing part 1 of the physician's questionnaire
  • requesting that part 2 be completed by the attending physician who, in turn, will send it directly to Sun Life

Long-term disability insurance claim (Industrial Alliance)

There are 2 separate forms related to a long-term disability insurance claim:

  1. employee's statement
  2. physician's statement

The employee is responsible for:

  • completing part 1 of the statement
  • requesting that part 2 be completed by the attending physician and sent to Industrial Alliance
  • ensuring that completed forms and supporting documents are sent to the insurer
  • ensuring all sections are completed and sent back to the Pay Centre Mail facility by encrypted email, fax or mail, including a completed pay action request form

Manager responsibilities

The delegated authority is responsible for signing the leave form and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source. The delegated authority is allowed to complete the leave form if the employee is unable to complete.

If the employee is on secondment, the delegated authority is responsible:

  • seeking signature(s) from home organization delegated authority
  • completing the leave form if the employee is unable to complete the form
  • providing a copy of the employee's job description upon request)
  • submitting leave form, once authenticated by a trusted source, by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre Mail Facility, including a completed pay action request form

Disability insurance claim (Sun Life)

The delegated authority is responsible for completing the employer’s statement and returning to the employee.


For more information, consult the Manager's Disability Insurance plan guide.

Long-term disability insurance claim (Industrial Alliance)

The delegated authority is responsible for completing their portion of the long-term disability insurance claim form and returning it to the employee.

Finance responsibilities

Finance is responsible for completing the section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.


If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre in accordance.

Trusted source responsibilities

Upon receipt of leave form, the trusted source is responsible for ensuring that signatures on paper requests transmitted from a departments to Pay Centre are authenticated. For example:

  • the section 34 signature is authenticated for all requests affecting financial results and/or manager’s budget before the form is sent to the Pay Centre
  • the human resources delegated signature is authenticated for all requests being submitted by departments (excluding direct from employees)

Pay Centre responsibilities

The Pay Centre is responsible to validate the trusted source.

Upon receipt of leave form, the Pay Centre is responsible for:

  • providing the compensation benefits letter and any related forms to the employee
  • sending the required disability insurance or long-term disability insurance form for completion
  • entering the leave without pay into the Human Resources Management System (job data including expected return date and leave balances)
  • ensuring all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix

Disability insurance claim (Sun Life)

The Pay Centre is responsible for:

  • completing their relevant sections of the employer’s statement
  • ensuring the form is signed by the manager or direct supervisor
  • sending the following to Sun Life:
    • the completed employee’s statement
    • the completed employer’s statement and a copy of the employee job description

Long-term disability insurance claim (Industrial Alliance)

The Pay Centre is responsible for:

  • completing their relevant sections of the long-term disability insurance form
  • ensuring that signatures are authenticated and signed by the manager or direct supervisor
  • sending the form to Industrial Alliance
  • advising the relevant insurer if the employee becomes entitled to a retroactive salary revision, reclassification, and etcetera.

Pension Centre responsibilities

The Pension Centre is responsible for:

  • counseling the employee when the employee goes on leave without pay
  • sending the ADM 466 information on leave without pay to the employee which will provide information regarding leave and impacts to service
  • calculating the deficiencies

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Maternity and parental

This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in processing leave without pay (greater than 5 days) related to maternity and parental leave.

In this section

Process description

Maternity and parental leave is unpaid leave granted to an employee for the purpose of caring for their new-born or adopted child.

Employee responsibilities

The employee is responsible for:

If there is a change to original leave dates, the employee is responsible for:

  • notifying the manager if the original agreed upon leave dates have changed
  • amending the leave application and absence report form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) as required and providing to delegated authority for signature

If there is a change to original leave dates, the employee is responsible for:

  • notifying the manager if the original agreed upon leave dates have changed
  • amending the leave application and absence report form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) as required and providing to delegated authority for signature

Manager responsibilities

The delegated authority is responsible for signing the PWGSC-TPSGC-925 Maternity or Parental Leave Application form (accessible on the GC network) and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source (if the employee is on secondment, seek signature from the home organization’s delegated authority)

Once authenticated, the leave form can be submitted, under the cover of a pay action request, to the Pay Centre.

Finance responsibilities

Finance is responsible for the section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.


If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring section 33 authorization, Finance will contact the Pay Centre.

Trusted source responsibilities

Upon receipt of leave form, the trusted sources is responsible for ensuring that signatures on paper requests transmitted from departments to the Pay Centre are authenticated. For example:

  • the section 34 signature is authenticated for all requests affecting financial results or manager’s budget before it is sent to the Pay Centre
  • the human resources delegated signature is authenticated for all requests being submitted by departments (excluding direct from employees)

Pay Centre responsibilities

The Pay Centre is responsible for validating the trusted source for all leave without pay greater than 5 days.

Upon receipt of the leave form from the trusted source, the Pay Centre is responsible for:

  • providing the acknowledgment letter to the employee
  • entering the leave without pay into the Human Resources Management System (job data including expected return date and leave balances)
  • ensuring all entitlements are updated, as required in Phoenix
  • determining and updating benefits, as required in Phoenix (for example, some benefits must be changed to Pay Direct, such as PSMIP life insurance while others such as Dental, DI or LTD require no change)
  • calculating and starting top ups
  • sending required forms to unions

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Other

This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in processing other types of leave without pay (greater than 5 days).

In this section

Process description

Other types of leave without pay include the following:

  • authorized leave without pay
  • care of immediate family
  • education leave
  • personal needs less than 3 months
  • personal needs more than 3 months
  • relocation of spouse
  • suspension

Special working arrangement:

  • leave with income averaging
  • pre-retirement transition leave
  • self-funded leave

Employee responsibilities

The employee is responsible for completing the appropriate form and submitting it to their manager:

Upon receipt of the benefit letter and related forms, the employee is responsible for collecting and sending the following documentation if applicable, under cover of a pay action request, to the Pay Centre:

  • agreement for the payment of Public Service Health Care Plan contributions while on leave without pay
  • cheques for cash payment of Public Service Health Care Plan
  • written notification if an employee chooses to stop Public Service Health Care Plan deductions
  • cheques for payment of Public Service Dental Care Plan

If there is an amendment to original leave dates:

  • notifying their manager if the original agreed upon leave dates have changed
  • amending the leave application and absence report form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) as required and providing it to the delegated authority for signature

Manager responsibilities

The manager is responsible for validating that the employee is eligible for entitlement (for example, pre-retirement transition leave).

The delegated authority is responsible for signing the leave application and absence report form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) and requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source. If the employee is on secondment, seek signature from home organization delegated authority.

Once authenticated, the leave application and absence report form can be submitted to the Pay Centre via the trusted source, under cover of a pay action request form.

Contact the Client Contact Centre, if under exceptional circumstances, there are changes to the leave arrangements (only applies to special working arrangements).

Finance responsibilities

Finance is responsible for the section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.


If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre.

Trusted source responsibilities

Upon receipt of leave form, the trusted source is responsible for ensuring that signatures on paper requests transmitted from a departments to Pay Centre are authenticated. For example:

  • The section 34 signature is authenticated for all requests affecting financial results and/or manager’s budget before it is sent to the Public Service Pay Centre
  • The human resources delegated signature is authenticated for all requests being submitted by departments (excluding direct from employees)

Pay Centre responsibilities

The Pay Centre is responsible for checking the trusted source list.

Upon receipt of the leave form:

  • providing the compensation benefits letter and any related forms to the employee
  • entering the leave without pay into the Human Resources Management System (job data including expected return date and leave balances)
  • ensuring all entitlements (for example, adjustment to pensionable earnings) are updated as required in Phoenix
  • determining and updating benefits as required in Phoenix, for example:
    • some benefits must be changed to Pay Direct, such as Public Service Management Insurance Plan life insurance
    • some benefits, such as the Dental Care Plan, may require change to 100% employee paid, depending on the reason and length of leave
  • sending a copy of the application for pre-retirement transition leave form to the Pension Centre
  • if applicable, emailing the Garnishment Team

Pension Centre responsibilities

Upon receipt of a copy of the application for pre-retirement transition leave form, the Pension Centre is responsible for:

  • counseling the employee when they go on leave without pay
  • providing the employee the leave without pay information package
  • providing the employee with information regarding leave and impacts to service

Leave without pay (greater than 5 days): Workers' compensation

This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in processing other types of leave without pay (greater than 5 days).

In this section

Process description

The Government Employees Compensation Act provides for employment injury benefits (workers' compensation) to all federal government employees. This Act covers employees posted outside Canada, and employees locally engaged outside Canada who are injured in the course of their duties and are not covered under any local legislation. Industrial and occupational diseases are treated in the same way as work-related injuries.

Employee responsibilities

An employee is responsible for:


If the employee is unable to work, they must use their sick leave while waiting for a Workers’ Compensation Board decision.

If the employee doesn’t have enough sick leave available, as per the relevant collective agreement, they can request an advancement of additional paid sick leave.

If taking sick leave is not an option, the employee can request leave without pay.

If the employee is unable to complete the leave application and absence report form, the delegated authority can complete on their behalf.


The employee will receive a notice of decision from the Workers’ Compensation Board or Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST).

Manager responsibilities

The delegated authority is responsible for:

  • completing the Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST forms on behalf of the employee (for example hospitalized)
  • completing the supervisor portion of the Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST forms and sending the forms via the trusted source, under cover of a pay action request, to the Pay Centre


Once the Pay Centre completes the forms and sends back to the delegated authority, the delegated authority must send to the departmental point of contact for Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST.

If the employee exhausts their sick leave, the delegated authority is responsible for:

  • advising the employee on leave available
  • approving, as per the relevant collective agreement, advanced sick leave, or
  • approving leave without pay

If approving leave without pay, once authenticated by a trusted source, the delegated authority is responsible for submitting the leave form, under cover of a pay action request form, to the Pay Centre.

If the Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST is approved, the delegated authority is responsible for ensuring proper leave codes are used.


Employees must use their available sick leave credits pending the granting of this approval by the Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST.

Upon receipt of an approved employee claim, the delegated authority is responsible for:

  • providing the required approvals to human resources
  • submitting the approved Workers’ Compensation Board form, under cover of a pay action request form, via a trusted source to the Pay Centre

Workers' compensation injury-on-duty leave: 130 working days

If the total period of injury-on-duty leave granted to an employee, with respect to an injury or illness, reach 130 working days, a special departmental review will take place. A decision will be made as to whether or not the leave will be continued beyond this period.


If an extension is not granted, the appropriate regional office of Employment and Social Development Canada should be immediately notified of the date that injury-on-duty leave will terminate.

Upon receipt of such notification, Employment and Social Development Canada will make the required arrangements for the disabled employee to receive provincial Workers’ Compensation payments from the date injury-on-duty leave ceases until the claim is settled.

Human resources responsibilities

Human resources are responsible for:

  • submitting Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST forms to Employment and Social Development Canada, who will receive and process claims and provide to the appropriate provincial authority
  • if applicable, coordinating the return to work with the manager and the Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST caseworker assigned to the employee

Finance responsibilities

Finance is responsible for the section 33 authorization of the transaction in Phoenix.


If there are questions or concerns on a transaction requiring section 33 authorization, finance will contact the Pay Centre.

Trusted source responsibilities

Upon receipt of approved claim, the trusted source is responsible for ensuring that signatures on paper requests transmitted from a department to Pay Centre are authenticated. For example:

  • the section 34 signature is authenticated for all requests affecting financial results or manager’s budget before it is sent to the Pay Centre
  • the human resources delegated signature is authenticated for all requests being submitted by departments (excluding direct from employees)

Pay Centre responsibilities

The Pay Centre is responsible for:

  • validating the trusted source
  • providing salary information for related Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST forms, upon request
  • advising the employee on leave options available as per collective agreement

Upon receipt of a leave request form:

  • entering the leave without pay into the Human Resources Management System (job data including expected return date and leave balances)
  • ensuring all entitlements and benefits are updated as required in Phoenix
  • providing the compensation benefits letter and any related forms to the employee

If the Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST is approved and the Pay Centre receives authorization, the Pay Centre is responsible for :

  • reinstating pay for the employee on leave without pay
  • entering leave without pay injury on duty into Human Resources Management System
  • updating leave balances, convert sick leave (paid or without pay) to injury on duty leave
  • advising Workers’ Compensation Board or CNESST provincial boards if employee becomes entitled to a retroactive salary revision, reclassification, etc.
  • ensuring all entitlements and benefits are updated, as required in Phoenix
  • providing the compensation benefits letter and any related forms to the employee
  • completing any required adjustments on the employee’s T5 tax slip (manually report the annual amount of the workers compensation benefit by using one-time payment files)

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