Pay Centre processing times
Find out about the prerequisites employees, managers, human resources and staffing must fulfill to allow the Pay Centre to meet its service standards.
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Service standards by work type
Select a work type to identify the timelines the Pay Centre has set to receive and process the supporting documents required in each case.
Documents to submit to the Pay Centre:
- letter of offer
- direct deposit form
- employee questionnaire
Responsibility: human resources, staffing, manager, trusted source, employee
Date of receipt: first day of work if oath is required / earlier if no oath is required
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee for work completed during the initial pay period at the end of the following pay period
Termination of employment: Indeterminate positions
Documents to submit to the Pay Centre:
- resignation or retirement letter, signed by the employee
- letter of acceptance, signed by the manager
Responsibility: human resources and staffing, manager, employee, trusted source
Date of receipt: at least 20 business days before the termination date
Pay Centre service standards:
- avoid overpayment
- issue the record of employment within 5 calendar days of the end of the pay period during which the employment was terminated
- issue the final cheque or payment within 25 business days of the termination date
Termination of employment: Final entitlements
Document to submit to the Pay Centre: severance pay annex (if applicable)
Responsibility: employee
Date of receipt: as soon as possible
Pay Centre service standard: pay severance within 30 days of receipt of severance pay annex
Termination of employment: Casual and term positions
Document to submit to the Pay Centre: N/A
Responsibility: N/A
Date of receipt: N/A
Pay Centre service standards:
- avoid overpayment
- issue the record of employment within 5 calendar days of the end of the pay period during which the employment was struck off strength
- issue final salary payment within 25 days of the struck-off-strength date
Extensions: Casual, term, student and acting positions
Document to submit to the Pay Centre: none (internal human resources is responsible for implementing extensions), unless an exception applies
(in case of exception: pay action request form via trusted source [Worktype: Change in employment, Subtype: Extension of term (Exception)] and updated letter of offer)
Responsibility: human resources and staffing, manager, employee and trusted source
Date of receipt: 2 weeks before the contract end date (in case of exceptions)
Pay Centre service standards: take steps to prevent a break in pay between consecutive contract periods
Conditional upon employee continuing in same position, same department, with no break in service
Leave without pay, leave with income averaging, pre-retirement transition and self-funded leave
Documents to submit to the Pay Centre:
- application for leave with income averaging (TBS 325-10)
- application for pre-retirement transition leave (TBS 325-9E)
- application for self-funded leave (TBS 330-109) (accessible only on the Government of Canada network)
- leave application and absence report (GC-178) (accessible only on the Government of Canada network)
Responsibility: human resources and staffing/completed by employee and approved by manager and trusted source
Date of receipt: at least 20 business days before the salary reduction date
Pay Centre service standard: avoid overpayment
Return from leave
Document to submit to the Pay Centre: message sent through the trusted source confirming that the employee has been re-taken on strength on the day the employee returns to work
Responsibility: manager/trusted source
Date of receipt: re-taken-on-strength date
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee for work completed during the initial pay period at the end of the following pay period
All other changes to pay
Document to submit to the Pay Centre: refer to Pay process roles and responsibilities
Responsibility: human resources and staffing, manager, employee and trusted source
Date of receipt: as soon as possible
Pay Centre service standards:
- change in pay rate takes effect in the second pay period following the period during which the Pay Centre receives the approved documents
- make changes requested via the client contact Centre within 15 business days of receipt
- within 25 business days if the request requires a search to review the pay file
Service standards for overtime
Overtime is processed through employee and manager self-service in Phoenix.
The Pay Centre will process late submissions, that is, submissions made more than 6 months after the time the employee worked the overtime.
To request overtime as compensatory leave, the employee must enter the request in the Human Resources Management System, and the manager must approve the request.
Late submission (after 6 months)
If the employee does not make an overtime entry within 6 months of working it, the employee must complete an extra duty pay form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network).
The section 34 manager must sign the form and is responsible for requesting authentication by the departmental trusted source. The form may then be submitted by encrypted email, fax or mail to the Pay Centre’s Mail facility, accompanied by a pay action request form.
The Pay Centre sets its service standards according to the relevant collective agreement. Select your pay group to know the timelines the Pay Centre has set to receive and process overtime payment requests.
AC: Actuarial science
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
AG: Agriculture
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
AI: Air traffic control
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees in the month following the month during which the employee worked the overtime
AO: Aircraft operations
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
AR: Architecture and town planning
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
AS: Administrative services
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
AU: Auditing
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
BI: Biological sciences
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
CH: Chemistry
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
CM: Communications
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
CO: Commerce
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
CR: Clerical and regulatory
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
CS: Computer systems administration
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees in the month following the month during which the employee worked the overtime
CX: Correctional services
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
DA: Data processing
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
DE: Dentistry
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
DS: Defence scientific service
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
EC: Economics and social science services
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
ED: Education
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees in the month following the month during which the employee worked the overtime
EL: Electronics
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
EN: Engineering and land survey
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
EU: Educational support
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, in the month following the month during which the employee worked the overtime
FI: Financial administration
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee no more than 2 months following the end of the period in which the employee worked overtime
FO: Forestry
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
FR: Firefighters
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
FS: Foreign services
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee within 8 weeks of receiving the forms
GL: General labour and trades
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
GS: General services
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
HE: Home economics
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SV (including HP) Operational services
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
IS: Information services
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
LA: Law
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
LI: Lightkeepers
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
LS: Library science
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees in the month following the month during which the employee worked the overtime
MA: Mathematics
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
MD: Medicine
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
MT: Meteorology
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
ND: Nutrition and dietetics
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
NU: Nursing
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
OE: Office equipment
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
PC: Physical sciences
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
PG: Purchasing and supply
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
PH: Pharmacy
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
PM: Program administration
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the overtime report
PR or PR (NS): Printing operations (non-supervisory)
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
PR: Printing operations (supervisory)
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
PS: Psychology
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
HR: Historical Research
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SE: Scientific Research
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
RO: Radio operations
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees in the month following the month during which the employee worked the overtime
SG: Scientific regulation
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SG-PAT: Patent Examination
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SC: Ships crew
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SP: Service and program group
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SR(C): Ship Repair (All Charge hand and Production Supervisor Employees Located on the East Coast)
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SR(E): Ship Repair (East)
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SR(W): Ship Repair (West)
Pay Centre service standard: pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
ST: Secretarial, stenographic, typing
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
SW: Social work
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
TR: Translation
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees in the month following the month during which the employee worked the overtime
UT: University teaching
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employee 2 pay periods after the one during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
VM: Veterinary medicine
Pay Centre service standard: pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the period for which the employee requests overtime payment
WP: Welfare programs
Pay Centre service standard: with timely submission, pay employees no more than 6 weeks following the end of the pay period during which the Pay Centre receives the forms
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