Changes to your hours of work

This page provides information on changes to hours of work.

Disclaimer: Changes in your work or life situation

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Part-time employment defined

Part-time employment is defined when your assigned hours are more than one-third of but less than a normal full-time work week or one-third or less of a normal full-time workweek.

You will need your manager’s approval to reduce full-time employment to part-time employment. When your request has been approved, your manager will advise the departmental human resources, who will then provide the necessary information to the Pay Centre.

Part-time salary calculations

Your salary will be calculated by prorating full-time pay rate with the number of hours in the part-time workweek.

The formula is as follows:

full-time rate of pay x part-time hours/full-time hours = prorated salary

You will be paid your straight rate of pay, up to the normal daily or weekly hours in a normal workweek, for any hours worked above your part-time hours, as set out in the relevant authorities. Additional hours over your normal daily or weekly hours will be paid at the applicable overtime rate.

Both overtime and additional hours are paid by using Phoenix self-service.

If additional hours and /or overtime are more than 6 months old, complete an extra duty pay form (accessible only on the Government of Canada network) and ensure that your manager has entered your schedule into Phoenix.  Send the extra duty form along with a completed pay action request with a trusted source authentication to the Pay Centre.

Bilingualism bonus requirements

You are eligible for the bilingualism bonus at a prorated amount if you meet the requirements as set out in the Bilingualism Bonus Directive. You can estimate the amount by using the following formula:

$800 x part-time hours/full-time hours = prorated entitlement


If you are a part-time employee working one-third or less of the hours of a full-time employee, you are not eligible to receive the bilingualism bonus.

Paid holidays

If you are a part-time employee, you are not paid for designated paid holidays, but is instead paid a premium. Refer to the relevant authorities such as your collective agreement or the various terms and conditions of employment specific to your classification for the applicable premium rate.

It is important to note that if a designated holiday falls on your scheduled work day, that day will be recovered from your regular salary.

Vacation and sick leave for indeterminate and term (over 3 months) employees

You will earn your vacation and sick leave credits for each month that you receive pay for at least twice the number of hours in your part-time workweek.

If you are a part-time employee working additional hours, you need to have a new assigned workweek established so that your vacation and sick credits for the applicable month can be calculated properly.

Refer to the relevant authorities such as your collective agreement or the various terms and conditions of employment specific to your classification.

As and when employees

As there is no assigned workweek for as and when employees, leave cannot be scheduled or approved. At the end to the period of employment, a schedule will be established in order to adjust the entitlement to vacation and sick credits for the applicable month, as established with the relevant authorities. At termination of employment, vacation credits will be paid out.


Once the Pay Centre has received notification of part-time employment, they will provide a letter detailing the effects that the reduced hours will have on your pay, leave, insurances and other benefits.

If you work one-third or less than the normal full-time workweek as set out in the relevant authorities, your eligibility for various benefits changes. Your part-time status will affect your eligibility for disability insurance, Public Service Dental Care Plan and Public Service Superannuation Plan. The Pay Centre will provide you a detailed benefit letter outlining eligibility to participate in the various plans.

Union dues

If you are a part-time employee working one-third or less of a normal workweek, you are not required to pay union dues.

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