Technical services for events: Audiovisual and multimedia

Do you need technical services for your event or conference? We provide technical advice, products and services to enhance your presentations and maximize your event’s impact.

Description of services

Use our technology to host effective interactive events with participants in any location, without the travel costs.

We provide:

Description of services

Use our technology to host effective interactive events with participants in any location, without the travel costs.

We provide:

Technical event space setup

For technical event space setup, our services include:

Videoconferencing and webcasting

For videoconferencing and webcasting, our services include:

Technical and contracting support

We also offer technical and contracting support services, including:

What to know before requesting our services

Outside technical equipment

You are not permitted to use your own technical equipment in any government conference space with the notable exception of departmental laptop computers that contain proprietary/specialized software.

Viewing your slides or videos on multiple screens

Viewing your slides or videos on multiple screens could result in additional fees, depending on the demand.

Simultaneous bilingual computer slides

We use a remote-controlled presentation system with a single, compact, handheld transmitter to allow presenters to advance or reverse bilingual computer slides simultaneously, as required.

Technical difficulties

A technician is always on-site during your event to provide assistance.


Prices vary per client requirements. We provide our clients with a detailed cost estimate before the event and a complete cost breakdown at the end so that you know precisely what costs were incurred and why. Federal departments are tax exempt.

Requesting these services

Want to learn more or request these services? Complete the Service request form or Contact Events and Conference Management for more information.

Related links

More information

Contact Events and Conference Management

From: Public Services and Procurement Canada

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