Preparing for the assessment

This section provides information on preparing for the assessment, including accommodation measures, a checklist for the assessment day and information about privacy and cheating.

Accommodation measures

We want to make sure you have the support you need to fully demonstrate your abilities.

Accommodation measures during assessment can be tailored to each situation. They can include working with sign language interpreters or reader services, and using alternative formats, technical support or attendant services.

If you think that accommodation measures could make this assessment more accessible to you, please notify the person in charge of the hiring process as soon as possible. Look for their contact information at the bottom of the job poster or in the email inviting you to the assessment.

Learn more about testing accommodation measures.

How to prepare

The Team Leader/Supervisor Remote Assessment requires no specialized or technical training, knowledge or experience, so you cannot study for it directly. The best way to prepare is to familiarize yourself with the competencies and reflect on how you have demonstrated these competencies in the past, as well as how you would demonstrate them on the job as a team leader/supervisor.

You’ll need access to a reliable internet connection and an electronic device (desktop computer, laptop, or tablet) with a functional webcam. You’ll also need a space for the assessment. If these are not available, other options are possible. For example, you could use a phone, and work out of a government office or a library.

Assessment day checklist

  • Have one piece of identification that includes your signature and photo, and if you are a public servant, also have your Personal Record Identifier (PRI)
  • Ensure you will be alone in a closed room for approximately 3 hours without interruption
  • Ensure your connection to the network is reliable
  • Ensure you have direct access to your email on the day of the assessment to receive the test material
  • During the assessment, use headphones to eliminate background noise
  • You are not permitted to access any additional files on your computer or information on the internet

Privacy and cheating

The following policies apply to you. Please read them carefully and be sure that you understand them before you take the test:

Privacy notice statement

Personal information is used to provide assessment services to clients of the Personnel Psychology Centre. It is collected for staffing-related purposes, in accordance with sections 11, 30 and 36 of the Public Service Employment Act. For organizations not subject to this act, personal information is collected under the authority of that organization’s enabling statute and section 35 of the act. Second language evaluation results will be disclosed to authorized organizational officials. Results of all other tests will be disclosed only to the requesting organization. Test results may be disclosed to the Investigations Directorate of the Public Service Commission if an investigation is conducted pursuant to section 66 or 69 of the act. Your information may also be used for statistical and analytical research purposes. In some cases, information may be disclosed without your consent, pursuant to section 8(2) of the Privacy Act. Providing your personal information is voluntary, but if you choose not to provide it, you may not be able to receive Personnel Psychology Centre services.

The information is collected and used as described in the Personnel Psychology Centre’s (PSC PCU 025) Personal Information Bank, found in the Public Service Commission’s Info Source.

You have the right to access and correct your personal information, and to request corrections where you believe there is an error or omission. You also have the right to file a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada about the handling of your personal information.


Cheating and failure to follow test instructions

All cases of suspected cheating will be referred to the hiring manager and the Personnel Psychology Centre, who may take required action, if necessary. Suspected cheating or failure to follow test instructions may result in your test being invalidated and may be investigated under the Public Service Employment Act. A finding of fraud may be punishable on summary conviction, or may be referred to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of test content

All test material is designated Protected B. Reproduction or recording in any form of the content of this test is forbidden. When the test is over, all related material, including rough notes and printed copies, must be destroyed permanently. Unauthorized reproduction, recording, disclosure or use of test content is in contravention of the Policy on Government Security and may be subject to investigation for fraud under the Public Service Employment Act.

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