Office Skills Test - (Filing-201)
As of June 30, 2023, this test is no longer available.
Note: Results from this test (Filing-201) are not transferable to new appointment processes.
The purpose of the Office Skills Test - (Filing-201) is to assess an individual's accuracy and speed in arranging items in alphabetical, numerical, and chronological order. It can be used to assist managers in making selection decisions, identifying training and development needs, and counselling for career transitions.
The Office Skills Test - (Filing-201) consists of 25 multiple-choice questions.
The test takes about 25 minutes to write, including time for administrative purposes. The minimum acceptable pass mark is 9/25. Managers can use a higher cut-off score depending on the level of skill required by the position.
The Personnel Psychology Centre's 48-hour scoring service sends results to the test centre, which in turn informs the candidates of their scores.
There is a 30 day waiting period before you can rewrite the test. You may not retake it until the retest period has elapsed. If you rewrite the test before the retest period has elapsed, your result will not be valid and a new retest period will be imposed from the most recent test date.
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