Middle Manager Simulation Exercise (757)

As of June 30, 2023, this test is no longer available.

Appointment processes requiring an assessment of key managerial competencies required for middle-management level positions can make use of the Manager Remote Assessment (557).

Note: Results from this test (757) are not transferable to new appointment processes using the Manager Remote Assessment (557).


Provide the candidate with an evaluation of their program/project management abilities, based on the Key Leadership Competency profile


Competencies assessed

The simulation assesses six key managerial competencies:

Assessment process

Before the assessment, the candidate receives:

The candidate should review the information carefully and bring it to the next phase of the assessment.

At the time of the assessment, the candidate receives:

The candidate is given three hours to:

The oral presentation is followed by a question period by Selection Board members.


The candidate’s actions and decisions in handling the problems presented in the simulation are evaluated for their effectiveness within the organization presented in the simulation material.

The board assesses the candidate on six managerial competencies and some personal suitability characteristics, in combination with other information sources concerning personal suitability.

Overall, the rating is based on the candidate’s behaviour, decisions and approaches.

Ratings are on a scale from one to seven, with seven being “greatly exceeds expectations.”

Definitions of the competencies evaluated

Create vision and strategy

Leaders define the future and chart a path forward. They are adept at understanding and communicating context, factoring in the economic, social and political environment. Intellectually agile, they leverage their deep and broad knowledge, build on diverse ideas and perspectives and create consensus around compelling visions. Leaders balance organizational and government-wide priorities and improve outcomes for Canada and Canadians.

Mobilize people

Leaders inspire and motivate the people they lead. They manage performance, provide constructive and respectful feedback to encourage and enable performance excellence. They lead by example, setting goals for themselves that are more demanding than those that they set for others.

Collaborate with partners and stakeholders

Leaders are deliberate and resourceful about seeking the widest possible spectrum of perspectives. They demonstrate openness and flexibility to forge consensus and improve outcomes. They bring a whole-of-government perspective to their interactions. In negotiating solutions, they are open to alternatives and skillful at managing expectations. Leaders share recognition with their teams and partners.


Presents and discusses concepts and issues in a clear, concise and effective manner, both orally and in writing.


Attracts and mobilizes energies and talents to work toward a shared purpose in the best interests of the organization, its employees and the people it serves.


Develops and maintains a cohesive team that works to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.

Service orientation

Demonstrates a commitment to the provision of quality service to clients and provides them with opportunities for active participation in, and consultation on, decisions that are relevant to their needs and concerns.

Tips for candidates

Page details

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