Royal Assent of Bill C-66, Expungement of Historically Unjust Convictions Act


OTTAWA, June 21, 2018 – Today, the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and Randy Boissonnault, Member of Parliament for Edmonton Centre and Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2 Issues, issued the following joint statement:

“Discrimination and harassment are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. All Canadians, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression must be able to live their lives free from stigma, violence, discrimination and prejudice.

It is gravely unjust that there was a time in this country when you could be charged, prosecuted and criminally convicted simply because of your sexual orientation.  But many LGBTQ2 Canadians suffered these injustices and for them, the pain, trauma and fear have been all too real for a very long time.  Such discrimination has no place in Canada and we have a responsibility to recognize and to rectify this historic injustice. 

The passage of Bill C-66 marks another important and necessary step towards righting this historical discrimination faced by LGBTQ2 Canadians for so many years. Today, we are one step further on our shared path toward equality and inclusion and recognizing the rights of those who have suffered from unjust laws. It is particularly significant that C-66 passed unanimously in the House of Commons and in the Senate.

Records of convictions involving consensual sexual activity between same-sex partners of legal age can now be destroyed. For the thousands of Canadians impacted, the application process is straightforward and no fees will be required. For those who are deceased, appropriate representatives, such as a close relative or trustee, can apply on their behalf.

 The Government of Canada continues to work hard to build and preserve the Canada we aspire to be: compassionate, open-minded, respectful, inclusive, and proud of the vast diversity that makes our country strong.”

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Scott Bardsley
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Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

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