Medical Access to Artesunate or Quinine for Malaria Treatment Streamlined in Canada through the Canadian Malaria Network (CMN)
Canadian Malaria Network
Malaria continues to be a major cause of death worldwide and is the principal life-threatening infection facing Canadian travellers in malaria-endemic areas. Severe P. falciparum malaria infections may have a mortality rate of 20% or higher. Patients require immediate hospitalization and urgent, intensive medical management, including parenteral malaria therapy. Severe malaria is not a common disease in Canada, with an average of 14 cases per year (range 8-20 cases annually from 2001-2008). However, these cases are dispersed across the country, and attest to the need for distribution of these scarce antimalarial drugs for treatment of severe malaria across the country.
Artesunate,the preferred medication for the treatment of severe and cerebral malaria due to P. falciparum, and quinine, a possible alternative when artesunate is contraindicated, are only available in Canada through Health Canada's Special Access Program, a program that allows practitioners to request access to drugs that are unavailable for sale in Canada. Although quinidine is available and is equally efficacious in treating malaria, it has a risk of life-threatening cardiotoxicity and an associated requirement for cardiac monitoring.
The Canadian Malaria Network was created in collaboration with Health Canada's Special Access Program and the Public Health Agency of Canada due to the potential for adverse outcomes associated with delays in acquiring parenteral malaria therapy. The Canadian Malaria Network (CMN) is established in 13 medical centres across Canada and maintains and facilitates rapid access to strategically-located supplies of intravenous artesunate and quinine for the treatment of severe P. falciparum. In addition, each of the participating centers has a designated physician with experience in treating malaria who is willing to assist and provide guidance in the management of malaria infections. These life-saving drugs are available 24 hours per day by contacting the pharmacies listed below. After-hours assistance can be obtained by contacting the infectious disease consultant on call at the respective center. Each Centre provides surveillance data to Health Canada on all malaria cases treated with these drugs.
Once a request is made to any of the designated CMN centres for either parenteral artesunate or quinine, the attending physician will receive the following via courier delivery:
- treatment dose
- information on treatment and chemotherapy for severe falciparum malaria
- forms to be completed for the collection of surveillance data (Forms A & B).
The attending physician will be asked to complete Form A on day 1 at the time of access / request of intravenous artesuate or quinine and Form B on day 7 at discharge/end of malaria therapy. The forms should be sent to the CMN National Coordinating Office by email ( or by fax 613-737-8164). The information collected on these forms is vital to inform policy for distribution of these drugs, and required by the organizations supplying these drugs for notification of any drug related adverse event.
Note: Fever occurring in a traveller within three months of returning from a malaria-endemic area is a medical emergency and should be investigated urgently with thick and thin blood films for malaria.
Table 1: Criteria for Severe Falciparum Malaria
History of recent possible exposure and no other related pathology
Asexual forms of Plasmodium falciparum on blood smear
Any one or more of the following 15 features:
- Hyperparasitemia (>2% in non-immune, >5% in semi-immune)
- Impaired consciousness or coma
- Prostration (unable to walk or sit up without assistance)
- Multiple convulsions (>2 in 24hrs)
- Respiratory distress (acidotic breathing)
- Respiratory failure / Pulmonary edema / ARDS
- Circulatory collapse / shock (SBP< 80mmHg adults and <50mmHg children)
- Acute kidney injury / renal failure (Cr >265µmol/L or >upper limit for age for children)
- Jaundice (Total bilirubin >45µmol/L)
- Abnormal spontaneous bleeding/DIC
- Hypoglycemia ( < 2.2mmol/L)
- Metabolic Acidosis / Acidemia (pH<7.25, HCO3<15mmol/L)
- Severe anemia (Hb <70g/L in adults and <50g/L in children)
- Hemoglobinuria (macroscopic)
- Hyperlactataemia (lactate >5mmol/l)
Adapted from: Management of Severe Malaria – A Practical Handbook, 3rd edition, World Health Organization. 2013, Geneva
CMN Contact Information
The following Hospital Centers across Canada have been identified as participants in the Canadian Malaria Network (CMN). To obtain parenteral artesunate or quinine, please contact the listed pharmacy in your area. The designated physician for each Center can be used as a resource for any questions you may have with regard to the treatment of malaria.
All drugs are made available to the CMN through Health Canada's Special Access Program. Prescribing physicians have obligations to report severe and adverse events immediately to and to Health Canada. Physicians must also provide information about the patient and drug usage through the completion of Form A on day 1 of treatment, and Form B on day 7.
- For after-hours assistance: Please contact the Infectious Disease consultant on-call at the respective center for medical advice, or the on-call pharmacist to obtain drug supply.
- For all drug-related inquiries (including re-ordering stock of artesunate or quinine): Please contact the primary drug depot of the Canadian Malaria Network at
National Coordinating Centres
National Program Coordinator | National Pharmacy Coordinator | |
Name: | Dr. Anne E. McCarthy | Rosemary Zvonar |
Title: | Physician, Director of Tropical Medicine and International Health Clinic | Pharmacist, Antimicrobial Pharmacy Specialist |
Institution: | The Ottawa Hospital (General Campus) | The Ottawa Hospital |
Department: | Division of Infectious Diseases | Pharmacy |
Address: | 501 Smyth Road | 1053 Carling Avenue |
City: | Ottawa | Ottawa |
Province: | Ontario | Ontario |
Postal Code: | K1H 8L6 | K1Y 4E9 |
Phone: | 613-737-8899 ext. 19388 | 613-761-5063 |
Fax: | 613-761-5260 | 613-761-5279 |
Pager: | 613-760-7172 | 613-719-4139 |
Email: | | |
Physician & Pharmacy Contacts (by Province)
*Note: Major depot sites in bold carry stock of 2 or more complete treatment courses of IV Artesunate and IV Quinine and provide malaria treatment guidance through a designated infectious disease physician. Satellite sites work with major depot sites to dispense severe malaria medication and stock at least 1 complete treatment course of each drug.
Province | City - Hospital |
British Columbia | |
Alberta & Northwest Territories |
Saskatchewan | |
Manitoba | |
Ontario |
Quebec |
Nova Scotia | |
New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island |
Newfoundland |
British Columbia
Depot Site: Vancouver General Hospital | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Katherine A. Plewes | Judy Yip |
Title: | Physician | Pharmacist |
Institution: | Vancouver General Hospital | Vancouver General Hospital |
Department: | Division of Infectious Diseases | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Address: | 452D-4733 Heather Street | 902 West 10th Avenue |
City: | Vancouver | Vancouver |
Province: | British Columbia | British Columbia |
Postal Code: | V5Z 3J5 | V5Z 1M9 |
Switchboard: | 604-875-4111 | 604-875-4111 |
Phone: | 604-875-4588 | 604-875-4111, ext 68063 |
Fax: | 604-875-4013 | 604-875-5267 |
Pager: | 604-707-1437 | |
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Dr. William Bowie | Dr. Tim Lau |
Title: | Physician | Pharmacy Clinical Supervisor |
Phone: | 604-875-4588 |
604-875-4111, ext. 63361 |
Fax: | 604-875-4013 | 604-875-5267 |
Email: | | |
Satellite of Vancouver: Victoria Royal Jubilee Hospital | ||
Name: | Marie Truong | |
Title: | Supervisor of Pharmacy Purchasing | |
Institution: | Vancouver Island Health Authority | |
Department: | Pharmacy Purchasing | |
Address: | 1952 Bay Street | |
City: | Victoria | |
Province: | British Columbia | |
Postal Code: | V8R 1J8 | |
Switchboard: | 250-370-8000 | |
Phone: | 250-415-8106 | |
Fax: | 250-519-1732 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Vancouver: Kelowna General Hospital | ||
Institution: | Interior Health Authority, Kelowna General Hospital | |
Contact: | Janice Dziadyk, Manager Maria Kozub, Purchasing Clerk Brenda Schwartz, Buyer |
Address: | 104-2355 Acland Road | |
City: | Kelowna | |
Province: | British Columbia | |
Postal Code: | V1X 7X9 | |
Switchboard: | 250-862-4000 or toll free 1-888-877-4442 | |
Phone: | 778-214-0943 or 250-491-6373 or 250-491-6380 | |
Fax: | 250-491-6420 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: |
Alberta & Northwest Territories
Depot Site: Calgary - Alberta Children's Hospital | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Stephen D. Vaughan | Deana Sabuda |
Title: | Physician | Infectious Diseases Pharmacist |
Institution: | South Health Campus | |
Department: | Infectious Diseases | Calgary Central Production Pharmacy |
Address: | 4448 Front Street SE | |
City: | Calgary | Calgary |
Province: | Alberta | Alberta |
Postal Code: | T3M 1M4 | |
Switchboard: | 403-956-1111 | 403-956-1111 |
Phone: | 403-212-8223 | 403-212-8223 |
Fax: | 403-956-2995 | 403-730-1673 |
Pager: | 403-212-8223 (pager 12523) | 403-212-8223 (pager 02833) |
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Dr. Bonnie Meatherall | Shane MacDonald |
Title: | Infectious Disease Physician | Pharmacy Inventory Manager |
Phone: | 403-212-8223 page 10256 | 403-943-9600 |
Fax: | 403-210-9149 | 403-730-1673 or 403-955-3070 |
Email: | bonnie.meatherall@ | |
Satellite of Calgary: Foothills Medical Center | ||
Name: | Chantelle King | |
Title: | Pharmacy Technician - SAP | |
Institution: | Foothills Medical Center | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 1403-29 Street NW | |
City: | Calgary | |
Province: | Alberta | |
Postal Code: | T2N 2T9 | |
Switchboard: | 403-944-1841 | |
Phone: | 403-944-1618 | |
Fax: | 403-944-5270 | |
Pager: | N/A | |
Email: | | |
Satellite of Calgary: Peter Lougheed Centre | ||
Title: | Pharmacy Manager | |
Institution: | Peter Lougheed Centre | |
Department: | Inpatient Pharmacy | |
Address: | 3500 26th Ave NE | |
City: | Calgary | |
Province: | Alberta | |
Postal Code: | T1Y 6J4 | |
Switchboard: | 403-943-4555 | |
Phone: | 403-943-4680 | |
Fax: | 403-943-4889 | |
Pager: | ||
Satellite of Calgary: Rockyview General Hospital | ||
Name: | Shauna Mont | |
Title: | Pharmacy Assistant | |
Institution: | Rockyview General Hospital | |
Department: | Inpatient Pharmacy | |
Address: | 7007 14th Street SW | |
City: | Calgary | |
Province: | Alberta | |
Postal Code: | T2V 1P9 | |
Switchboard: | 403-943-3000 | |
Phone: | 403-943-3629 | |
Fax: | 403-943-3550 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Calgary: South Health | ||
Institution: | South Health Campus | |
Department: | Inpatient Pharmacy | |
Address: | 4448 Front Street SE | |
City: | Calgary | |
Province: | Alberta | |
Postal Code: | T3M 1M4 | |
Switchboard: | 403-956-1111 | |
Fax: | 403-956-1576 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | ||
Depot Site: Edmonton – University of Alberta Hospital | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. David Waldner | Sherri Bain or Pharmacy Research Office |
Title: | Physician | Pharmacist |
Institution: | University of Alberta | University of Alberta Hospital |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 1-124 Clinical Sciences Building, University of Alberta 11304 83 Avenue |
WMC OG1, 8440-112 Street |
City: | Edmonton | Edmonton |
Province: | Alberta | Alberta |
Postal Code: | T6G 2G3 | T6G 2B7 |
Switchboard: | 780-407-8822 | 780-407-8822 |
Phone: | 780-735-7236 | 780-407-1586 |
Fax: | 780-735-9760 | 780-407-5648 |
Pager: | 780-445-2706 | |
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On-Call | Cecilia Lau |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Phone: | 780-407-8822 and page | 780-407-1586 |
Fax: | 780-407-5648 | |
Email: | | |
Satellite of Edmonton: Yellowknife – Stanton Territorial Hospital | ||
Name: | Edith Lee | |
Title: | Pharmacy Manager | |
Institution: | Stanton Territorial Health Authority, Stanton Territorial hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 548 Bryne Road | |
City: | Yellowknife | |
Province: | Northwest Territories | |
Postal Code: | X1A 2N1 | |
Switchboard: | 867-767-9300 | |
Phone: | 867-767-9407 | |
Fax: | 867-669-4219 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | |
Depot Site: Saskatoon – Royal University Hospital | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Amina Henni | Jennifer McMullen or Justin Kosar |
Title: | Physician | Pharmacist |
Institution: | Royal University Hospital | Royal University Hospital |
Department: | Division of Infectious Diseases | Special Service Pharmacy |
Address: | 103 Hospital Drive | 103 Hospital Drive |
City: | Saskatoon | Saskatoon |
Province: | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan |
Postal Code: | S7N 0W8 | S7N 0W8 |
Switchboard: | 306-655-1000 | 306-655-1000 |
Phone: | 306-956-3444 | 306-655-6780 or 306-655-2975 |
Fax: | 306-683-0701 | 306-655-6388 |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | or |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On Call | Layne Bruce |
Title: | Special Access Pharmacy Technician | |
Phone: | 306-655-1000 | 306-655-2280 |
Fax: | 306-655-6388 | |
Email: | | |
Satellite of Saskatoon: Regina – Regina General Hospital | ||
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Angie McNichol | |
Title: | RQHR Central Pharmacy Purchasing | |
Institution: | Pasqua Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 4101 Dewdney Avenue | |
City: | Regina | |
Province: | Saskatchewan | |
Postal Code: | S4T 1A5 | |
Switchboard: | n/a | |
Phone: | 306-766-2521 | |
Fax: | 306-766-2772 | |
Pager: | n/a | |
Email: | |
Depot Site: Winnipeg – Health Sciences Centre | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Pierre Plourde | Jarrid McKitrick |
Title: | Physician, Medical Officer of Health | Regional Pharmacy Manager |
Institution: | Winnipeg Regional Health Authority | Health Sciences Centre |
Department: | Investigational Drug Services | |
Address: | 490 Hargrave Street | MS189H, 820 Sherbrook Street |
City: | Winnipeg | Winnipeg |
Province: | Manitoba | Manitoba |
Postal Code: | R3A 0X7 | R3A 1R9 |
Switchboard: | ||
Phone: | 204-940-1907 | 204-787-1418 or 204-806-2432 |
Fax: | 204-956-4494 | 204-787-3195 |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On-Call | Bev Alexiuk |
Title: | Regional Pharmacy Manager | |
Phone: | 204-787-2071 (Health Science Center Paging) | 204-787-4554 or 431-275-1075 |
Fax: | 204-787-3195 | |
Email: | | |
Satellite of Winnipeg: St-Boniface General Hospital | ||
Name: | Carol Davis | |
Title: | Pharmacist, Pharmacy Manager of Information Systems & Logistics | |
Institution: | St-Boniface General Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy Department | |
Address: | 409 Tache Avenue | |
City: | Winnipeg | |
Province: | Manitoba | |
Postal Code: | R2H 2A6 | |
Switchboard: | 204-237-2053 | |
Phone: | 204-237-2166 | |
Fax: | 204-237-2165 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Winnipeg: Grace General Hospital | ||
Name: | Ashley Walus | |
Title: | Regional Pharmacy Manager | |
Institution: | Grace Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 300 Booth Drive | |
City: | Winnipeg | |
Province: | Manitoba | |
Postal Code: | R3J 3M7 | |
Switchboard: | ||
Phone: | 204-837-0189 | |
Fax: | 204-888-0196 | |
Pager: | N/A | |
Email: | |
Depot Site: Ottawa – The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Anne McCarthy | |
Title: | Physician, Director of Tropical Medicine and International Health Clinic | Pharmacy Research Technicians |
Institution: | The Ottawa Hospital – General Campus | The Ottawa Hospital – General Campus |
Department: | Division of Infectious Diseases | Pharmacy |
Address: | 501 Smyth Road | 501 Smyth Road |
City: | Ottawa | Ottawa |
Province: | Ontario | Ontario |
Postal Code: | K1H 8L6 | K1H 8L6 |
Switchboard: | 613-737-8899 | 613-722-7000 |
Phone: | 613-737-8899 ext. 19388 | |
Fax: | 613-761-5260 | |
Pager: | 613-760-7172 | |
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Stephanie Cumming | Rosemary Zvonar |
Title: | Administrative Assistant | Pharmacist, Antimicrobial Pharmacy Specialist |
Phone: | 613-737-8899 ext.19388 | |
Fax: | 613-761-5260 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | *please CC all emails to | *please CC all emails to |
Satellite of Ottawa: The Ottawa Hospital - Civic Campus | ||
Name: | ||
Title: | Pharmacy Assistant- Inventory | |
Institution: | The Ottawa Hospital – Civic Campus | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 1053 Carling Avenue | |
City: | Ottawa | |
Province: | Ontario | |
Postal Code: | K1Y 4E9 | |
Switchboard: | 613-722-7000 | |
Phone: | 613-737-8899, ext 16642 | |
Fax: | 613-761-4066 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Ottawa: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario | ||
Name: | Chantal Rocheleau | |
Title: | Senior Pharmacy Inventory Controller | |
Institution: | Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 401 Smyth Road | |
City: | Ottawa | |
Province: | Ontario | |
Postal Code: | K1H 8L1 | |
Switchboard: | 613-737-7600 | |
Phone: | 613-737-7600, ext 3615 | |
Fax: | 613-738-4206 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Ottawa: Kingston General Hospital | ||
Name: | Michelle Tryon or Spencer Candy (as backup) or Brianna Grant (as backup) | |
Title: | Clinical Pharmacist | |
Institution: | Health Sciences Centre | |
Department: | Pharmacy Department | |
Address: | 76 Stuart St | |
City: | Kingston | |
Province: | Ontario | |
Postal Code: | K7L 2V7 | |
Switchboard: | 613-549-6666 | |
Phone: | 613-549-6666, ext 3654 | |
Fax: | 613-548-1386 | |
Pager: | 613-536-7574 | |
Email: | or or or | |
Satellite of Ottawa: Quebec – Hull Hospital (Gatineau) | ||
Name: | Jae-Hun Kim or Anik Rioux | |
Title: | Pharmacist / Assistant Chief | |
Institution: | Hull Hospital, CISSS de L'Outaouais | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 116 Blvd. Lionel Emond | |
City: | Gatineau | |
Province: | Quebec | |
Postal Code: | J8Y 1W7 | |
Switchboard: | 819-966-6200 | |
Phone: | 819-966-6200, ext 335114 or 819-966-6100 ext. 338186 | |
Fax: | 819-966-6073 | |
Pager: | 613-759-9749 or 613-274-9296 | |
Email: | or | |
Satellite of Ottawa: Iqaluit- Qikiqtani General Hospital | ||
Name: | Elisabeth Gesch | |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Institution: | Qikiqtani General Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | PO Box 1000, Station 1026 | |
City: | Iqaluit | |
Province: | Nunavut | |
Postal Code: | X0A 0H0 | |
Switchboard: | 867-975-8600 | |
Phone: | Ext. 6352 | |
Fax: | 867-975-8606 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Ottawa: Thunder Bay – Regional Health Sciences Centre | ||
Name: | Carina Desramaux or Larry Bertoldo | |
Title: | Pharmacy Manager/Pharmacy Clinical Lead | |
Institution: | Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 980 Olivier Road | |
City: | Thunder Bay | |
Province: | Ontario | |
Postal Code: | P7B 6V4 | |
Switchboard: | 807-684-6000 | |
Phone: | 807-684-6327 | |
Fax: | 807-684-5855 | |
Cell: | 807-629-2813 | |
Email: | or | |
Satellite of Ottawa: North Bay General Hospital | ||
Name: | Wendy Aubin | |
Title: | Pharmacy Technician - Inventory Management | |
Institution: | North Bay General Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 50 College Drive | |
City: | North Bay | |
Province: | Ontario | |
Postal Code: | P1B 0A4 | |
Switchboard: | 705-474-8600 | |
Phone: | 705-474-8600, ext 2921 | |
Fax: | 705-495-7986 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Depot Site: Toronto General Hospital | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Andrea Boggild | Bonnie Hu |
Title: | Staff Physician | Technician Supervisor |
Institution: | Toronto General Hospital | Toronto General Hospital |
Department: | Tropical Disease Unit, Division of Infectious Diseases | In-patient Pharmacy Department |
Address: | 200 Elizabeth Street, 13EN-1350 | 200 Elizabeth St. EN-B-216 |
City: | Toronto | Toronto |
Province: | Ontario | Ontario |
Postal Code: | M5G 2C4 | M5G 2C4 |
Switchboard: | 416-340-4800 | 416-340-4800 |
Phone: | 416-340-3675 | 416-340-4800, ext 3499 |
Fax: | 416-340-3260 | 416-340-3431 |
Pager: | 416-340-4800, ext 3155 | |
Email: | or | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On-Call | Muhammad Zuberi |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Phone: | 416-340-4800, ext 3155 | 416-340-4800, ext 8446 |
Fax: | 416-340-3431 | |
Email: | | |
Depot Site: Hamilton – McMaster University Medical Centre | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Shariq Haider | Gita Sobhi R.Ph. |
Title: | Physician | Pharmacist, Manager of Research Support |
Institution: | McMaster University Hospital - Juravinski Hospital | McMaster University Medical Center (Hamilton Health Sciences) |
Department: | Medicine | In-Patient Pharmacy Department |
Address: | A3-79A 711 Concession Street | 1200 Main Street West |
City: | Hamilton | Hamilton |
Province: | Ontario | Ontario |
Postal Code: | L8V 1C3 | L8N 3Z5 |
Switchboard: | 905-521-2100 | 905-521-2100 |
Phone: | 905-521-2100, ext 76443 | 905-521-2100, ext 73447 |
Fax: | 905-389-0108 | 905-577-8490 |
Pager: | 905-521-5030, page 8020 | N/A |
Email: | | or PreSSpharmacyresearchsupportservices |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On-Call | Karen Currie |
Title: | Pharmacy Research Coordinator | |
Phone: | 905-521-2100, ext 76443 | 905-521-2100, ext 76812 |
Fax: | 905-577-8490 | |
Email: | PreSSpharmacyresearchsupportservices | |
Satellite of Hamilton: London Health Sciences Centre | ||
Name: | Pharmacy Leader on Call | |
Title: | Pharmacy Manager | |
Institution: | London Health Sciences Centre, Victoria Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 800 Commissioners Road East | |
City: | London | |
Province: | Ontario | |
Postal Code: | N6A 5W9 | |
Switchboard: | 519-685-8500 | |
Phone: | 519-685-8500 | |
Fax: | 519-663-2968 | |
Pager: | 519-685-8500 ext. 17816 | |
Email: |
Depot Site: Québec City – Centre hospitalier de l'Université Laval | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Marie-Claude Beaudoin | Tuong-Vi Tran |
Title: | Physician | Pharmacist |
Institution: | CHU de Québec - Université Laval CHUL | CHU de Québec - Université Laval CHUL |
Department: | Microbiologie-infectiologie | Pharmacy |
Address: | 2705, boul. Laurier, F-00413 | 2705 Boul. Laurier, R-1720 |
City: | Québec | Québec |
Province: | Québec | Québec |
Postal Code: | G1V 4G2 | G1V 4G2 |
Switchboard: | 418-525-4444 | 418-525-4444 |
Phone: | 418-525-4444, ext 47882 | 418-525-4444, ext 47818 |
Fax: | 418-654-2194 | 418-654-2154 |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | or |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Dr Marie-Louise Vachon | Lydia Lavastre |
Title: | Physician | Pharmacist |
Phone: | 418-525-4444, ext 48229 | 418-525-4444, ext 47818 |
Fax: | 418-654-2194 | 418-654-2154 |
Email: | | or |
Depot Site: McGill University Health Centre (Glen Site) | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Michael Libman | Kathleen Normandin |
Title: | Director, Trop Medicine | Pharmacist |
Institution: | MUHC | MUHC (Glen site) |
Department: | Tropical Medicine | McGill Pharmacy |
Address: | McGill University Health Center Room E05-1830 1001 Boul. Décarie, CRC.6004 |
McGill University Health Center 1001 Boul. Décarie, CRC.6004 |
City: | Montreal | Montreal |
Province: | Québec | Québec |
Postal Code: | H4A 3J1 | H4A 3J1 |
Switchboard: | 514-934-1934 | 514-934-1934 |
Phone: | 514-934-1934 Ext 5333 | 514-934-1934 Week day 8h00-16h00 ext. 35643 Evening 16h00-22h00 and week-end 8h00-20h00 ext. 34030 For after-hours requests contact switch board for the Royal Victoria hospital on call pharmacist |
Fax: | 514-934-1934 | 514-843-2867 |
Pager: | 514-406-7401 | |
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On-Call | Jasmine Mian or Teri Adamo |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Phone: | 514-934-1934, ext 48075 | Same as above |
Fax: | 514-843-2867 | |
Email: | | |
Satellite of Montreal: Jewish General Hospital | ||
Name: | Nikki Kampouris | |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Institution: | Jewish General Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 3755 Chemin Cote St Catherine | |
City: | Montreal | |
Province: | Québec | |
Postal Code: | H3T 1E2 | |
Switchboard: | 514-340-8222 | |
Phone: | 514-340-8222, ext. 25506 or 22825 | |
Fax: | 514-340-8120 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Montreal: Sherbrooke – CHU de Sherbrooke, Site Fleurimont | ||
Name: | Brigitte Bolduc or Sylvie Perreault | |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Institution: | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke, Site Fleurimont | |
Department: | Pharmacie | |
Address: | 3001 12e avenue Nord | |
City: | Sherbrooke | |
Province: | Québec | |
Postal Code: | J1H 5N4 | |
Switchboard: | 819-346-1110 | |
Phone: | 819-346-1110, ext. 13028 ou 13082 | |
Fax: | 819-820-6447 | |
Pager: | 819-346-1110, page 4193 | |
Email: | or | |
Satellite of Montreal: Amos - Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu d'Amos | ||
Name: | Jessica Lachance | |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Institution: | Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu d'Amos - Centre de santé et de services sociaux les Eskers de l'Abitibi | |
Department: | Pharmacie | |
Address: | 622, 4e Rue Ouest | |
City: | Amos | |
Province: | Québec | |
Postal Code: | J9T 2S2 | |
Switchboard: | 819-732-3341, ext 2490 | |
Phone: | 819-732-3341, ext 2452 | |
Fax: | 819-732-6427 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Satellite of Montreal: Sherbrooke –CHU Ste- Justine | ||
Name: | ||
Title: | ||
Institution: | CHU Ste- Justine | |
Department: | Pharmacie | |
Address: | 3175 Chemin de la Cote Ste- Catherine | |
City: | Montreal | |
Province: | Québec | |
Postal Code: | H3T 1C5 | |
Switchboard: | 514-345-4931 | |
Phone: | 514-345-4603 | |
Fax: | ||
Pager: | ||
Email: |
Nova Scotia
Depot Site: Halifax - Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, VG Site | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Ian Davis | Sarah Burgess |
Title: | Physician | Clinical Coordinator– Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine |
Institution: | Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, VG Site | Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, VG Site |
Department: | Microbiology Laboratory, Mackenzie Building | Pharmacy Department |
Address: | 5788 University Avenue | 1276 South Park St., Room 2042 |
City: | Halifax | Halifax |
Province: | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
Postal Code: | B1H 1V8 | B3H 2Y9 |
Switchboard: | 902-473-2700 | 902-473-2700 |
Phone: | 902-473-8477 | 902-473-6829 |
Fax: | 902-473-7394 | 902-473-1606 |
Pager: | 902-458-3756 | |
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On-Call | Peter Mac Millan |
Title: | Pharmacy Technician | |
Phone: | 902-473-2222 and page | 902-473-3667 |
Fax: | 902-473-7394 | 902-473-1606 |
Email: | |
New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island
Depot Site: Moncton – CHU Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Gabriel Girouard | Stephanie Gallant |
Title: | Infectious diseases consultant and medical microbiologist | Pharmacist |
Institution: | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont |
Department: | Division of infectious diseases and medical microbiology | Pharmacy Department |
Address: | 330 Université | 330 Université |
City: | Moncton | Moncton |
Province: | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
Postal Code: | E1C 2Z3 | E1C 2Z3 |
Switchboard: | 506-862-4000 | 506-862-4000 |
Phone: | 506-862-4000 and page | 506-862-3763 or 506-862-4200 |
Fax: | 506-862-4827 | 506-862-4226 |
Pager: | ||
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | ||
Title: | ||
Phone: | ||
Fax: | ||
Email: | ||
Satellite of Moncton: Charlottetown - Queen Elizabeth Hospital | ||
Name: | Kilby Rinco or Fiona Mitchell or Sarah Lutes | |
Title: | Pharmacist | |
Institution: | Queen Elizabeth Hospital | |
Department: | Pharmacy | |
Address: | 60 Riverside Drive (PO Box 6600) | |
City: | Charlottetown | |
Province: | Prince Edward Island | |
Postal Code: | C1A 8T5 | |
Switchboard: | 902-894-2111 | |
Phone: | 902-894-2587 or 902-894-2344 or 902-894-2024 | |
Fax: | 902-894-2911 | |
Pager: | ||
Email: | or or |
Depot Site: St. John's - Health Sciences Centre | ||
Designated Physician | Designated Pharmacist | |
Primary Contact | ||
Name: | Dr. Peter Daley | Zeta Hannaford |
Title: | Physician, Division Chief | Clinical Trials Pharmacist |
Institution: | Memorial University, Eastern Health | Health Sciences Centre |
Department: | Microbiology | Pharmacy |
Address: | 300 Prince Philip Drive, Room 1J421 | 300 Prince Philip Drive |
City: | St. John's | St. John's |
Province: | Newfoundland | Newfoundland |
Postal Code: | A1B 3V6 | A1B 3V6 |
Switchboard: | 709-777-6300 | 709-777-6300 |
Phone: | 709-777-2089 or 709-777-7801 | 709-777-2953 |
Fax: | 709-777-7655 | 709-777-8120 |
Pager: | 709-570-9494 | |
Email: | | |
Secondary Contact: | ||
Name: | Infectious Disease Physician On-Call | Main pharmacy |
Title: | Pharmacy Technicians | |
Phone: | 709-777-6300 and page | 709-777-6455 |
Fax: | 709-777-6201 | |
Email: |
Page details
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