Apply for the Fund: The Intersectoral Action Fund

Funding range: $25,000 to $250,000

Duration: 24 months

Application deadline for the Advanced Screening Form: July 25, 2024

Current status: Open

2024-2025 Solicitation

On this page

General information

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is inviting eligible organizations to apply to the Intersectoral Action Fund (“the Fund”) for funding to support intersectoral policy action on the social determinants of health and community resilience.

It is your responsibility to read through the Applicant Guide to ensure that you understand the eligibility criteria and other important information before submitting your application.

This is an anticipatory solicitation process. Final funding decisions will be subject to available funds.

Project applicants must work in partnership with other sectors of society and meaningfully engage stakeholders and diverse groups, including people with lived experience. Specific activities and areas for action on the social determinants of health will vary according to local community needs as well as any partnerships and initiatives currently in place. Letter(s) of support will be required when submitting a full application. These letters, from partner organizations, major donors, foundations, businesses, or key stakeholders, demonstrate commitment to the project and assure well-established relationships with partners.

Application deadline

The deadline for submitting your completed Advanced Screening Form is Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 3 pm ET (Eastern Time).

All forms must be submitted by email to: No extensions will be granted. Please ensure that your email address is included in your application.

We will let you know by email if your Advanced Screening Form (first stage) is successful within 120 working days of the application deadline. Only successful applicants from the first stage will be invited to submit a full application (second stage). The full application form will then be sent directly to successful organizations by email.

How to apply

The first stage of the application process requires the completion of the Advanced Screening Form. To get a copy, please email with the subject line “Intersectoral Action Fund”.

The Advanced Screening Form is meant to be brief, clear and concise so that we can assess your project idea. Links to external websites included in your application will not be looked at. You can summarize points within your application from any additional materials.

Ensure that your form is complete and up to date before submitting.

Contact us

For additional information about this funding opportunity, please contact: with the subject line “Intersectoral Action Fund”.

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