Health effects of stroke

Learn how a stroke can affect your health.

On this page

Physical effects of stroke

Depending on the type of stroke and the timing of intervention, the effects of a stroke vary from mild to severe. People are affected differently. 

Physical effects of stroke can include:

  • another stroke
  • communication problems
  • weakness and balance problems, which increase your risk of:
    • falling
    • swallowing issues
    • bowel and bladder issues

Increased risk effects of stroke

The increased risk effects of stroke can include:

  • fatigue
  • paralysis
  • depression
  • vision problems
  • loss of sensation
  • thinking problems
  • mobility limitations
  • swallowing problems
  • worsened bowel and bladder problems
  • worsened communication problems, including trouble:
    • writing
    • reading
    • producing or understanding speech

For more information

  • Heart and Stroke Foundation
    • Living with physical changes
    • Living with changes to emotions, energy, cognition and perception

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