Our mandate

We investigate complaints and serve as a neutral third party on matters related to the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces. Acting independently of the chain of command and managers, the Ombudsman reports directly to the Minister of National Defence.

Our Office is a direct source of information, referral, and education for the members and employees of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces. We help individuals access existing channels of assistance or redress when they have a complaint or concern. We may also investigate and report publicly on matters affecting the welfare of members and employees of the Department or the Canadian Forces and others falling within our jurisdiction. Ultimately, we want to contribute to substantial and long-lasting improvements to the Defence community.

Any of the following people may bring a complaint to the Ombudsman when the matter is directly related to the Department of National Defence or the Canadian Forces.

  • A current or former member of the Canadian Forces 
  • A current or former member of the Cadets  
  • A current or former employee of the Department of National Defence
  • A current or former non public fund employee
  • A person applying to become a member
  • A member of the immediate family of any of the above-mentioned
  • An individual on an exchange or secondment with the Canadian Forces 

Further details on the Ombudsman’s mandate can be found in the Defence Administrative Orders and Directives DAOD 5047-1, Office of the Ombudsman and its annexes which give legal authority to the Office of the Ombudsman.

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