Service Estates

Service estate entitlements for deceased members

The service estate of Canadian Armed Forces members who die while serving

In the case of members who die with a will, their service estate is administered according to their will. In the case of members who die without a will, their service estate is administered according to the applicable provincial or territorial intestacy succession laws.

No service estate exists for former members who die after having released from the CAF.

Contact the CAF Service Estates Manager

The Judge Advocate General (JAG) is appointed by the Minister of National Defence to act as Director of Estates to administer the service estates of deceased CAF members. The CAF Service Estate Manager, working within the Directorate of Law of Compensation, Benefits, Pensions and Estates of the Office of the JAG, manages on behalf of the Director of Estates the service estates of deceased CAF members.

They can provide information only to individuals who are authorized by law to have access.

Contact the CAF Service Estates Manager:

By email:

By mail:

JAG/Director of Estates
Attn: CAF Service Estates Manager
National Defence Headquarters
MGen George R. Pearkes Building
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa (ON) K1A 0K2 

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