
One of the most significant milestones in a CAF member’s career progression is promotion. Promotion depends on several factors that are prioritized according to the needs of the CAF and the member’s eligibility for promotion. These factors include position vacancy, recommendation, personnel selection, seniority, performance, potential, language requirements, and operational standards.

Selection boards convene on an annual basis, usually from September to November. Supplementary boards can also meet on an “as required” basis.

A selection board will evaluate you by comparing your performance with that of your peers in the same Military Occupation (MOC). Rank and scores are set based on occupation-specific criteria. A selection board will consider information such as performance appraisal reports, second language results, course reports, letters of commendation from formation or higher stages, as well as the Selection Board Personnel Record Resume. Selection board evaluations serve to establish lists for the promotion of Regular Force members to the next highest rank and to grant new Terms of Service for the upcoming year.

You do not attend the meetings of your promotion selection board. However, you can take some steps beforehand to prepare:

  • Know your position’s responsibilities. Then do your job to the best of your ability.
  • Ask your supervisor(s) for feedback so you know what requires improvement.
  • Ensure that your performance appraisal report presents an accurate description of the work you have completed during the previous reporting period.
  • Meet with your orderly room staff to ensure your Guardian file and personnel records are up to date in your Member’s Personnel Record Resume (MPRR). For example, be sure to include any new course qualifications, posting history, second language results, and number of dependents. The accuracy of this information is crucial because the Selection Board Members do not have access to your personnel file, counselling and probation (C&P) documents or conduct sheets.5
  • Be sure to complete your annual interview with your career manager.
  • Consult your chain of command for information about your occupation’s scoring criteria (SCRITs).

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