Occupational Transfer

An occupational transfer is the transfer of a member from one military occupation to another. A CAF member has no inherent right to obtain an occupational transfer upon request. Selection and assignment of military occupations can be particularly challenging during a significant period of reconstitution and recruitment. However, when institutional interests and your interests align it’s a win-win outcome! Learn more about service selection and occupational transfers by consulting DGMC | In Service Selection (mil.ca).

  • Voluntary Occupational Transfer

    A voluntary occupational transfer (VOT) occurs when a member voluntarily requests to change occupations. Calls for VOT applications are issued annually through CANFORGEN. Be certain to review the CANFORGEN that applies to your situation. For example, consider the cases of VOTs for untrained Regular Force members or for trained Regular Force members because both involve specific programs, deadlines, and eligibility criteria. You can learn more about these factors by using the CAF app to view CANFORGENs outside the DWAN. This app is available for downloading at https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/canforgens.html. If you are interested in a VOT, speak to your chain of command or your Wing or Base Personnel Selection Office.

    The approving authority considers VOT applications according to military requirements as well as general and specific eligibility criteria. These criteria may vary from one occupation to another. For some selection processes, your CO may request the personnel selection office to employ other accredited professionals such as doctors and social workers to collect personal, medical, or other sensitive data. In turn, this collection allows your CO to submit a complete application and recommendation about your candidacy to Director of Military Careers (D Mil C). While your request is being considered, you can obtain related information by consulting your chain of command and local Wing or Base Personnel Selection Office.

    If your VOT application is approved, you must agree to a restricted release date period. This allows the CAF to obtain a return on the time and money invested to train you for your new trade. Once you have completed training and have reached your new occupation’s Operationally Functional Point (OFP), you will be obligated to serve a minimum of three years starting the day after you reach your OFP. For more information, consult the Frequently Asked Questions found at http://cmp-cpm.mil.ca/en/recruitment-careers/terms-of-service/faq.page#_Toc5877671.

    Be aware that if you have incurred obligatory service or have received training for which release is restricted, you will not normally be eligible for VOT application approval. However, exceptions may be considered.

    Review the complaint mechanisms – career issues page for information on what recourse mechanisms may be available to you.

  • Compulsory Occupational Transfer

    A compulsory occupational transfer (COT) is due to a member’s inability to meet academic or military standards, career review board decisions, career medical review board decisions, and other less common reasons. Examples of less common reasons include the elimination of an occupation and changes to occupational requirements.

    For more information on occupational transfers, consult the Canadian Forces Administrative Orders 11-12 - Occupation Transfer of non-commissioned members - Regular Force and the Canadian Forces Administrative Orders 10-1 - Officer Transfer - Military Occupation Regular Force, which are accessible only on the Defence Team Intranet.

    For questions about in-service transition, book a consultation with a transition advisor at your nearest CAF Transition Centre.

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