Courses and Training

Courses and training are designed to increase your professional knowledge and experience. They are key to your development and career progression.

  • Course deferral or withdrawal

    Certain courses are essential for occupational and rank progression. In certain cases, course deferral or withdrawal requests are the result of exceptional personal or family circumstances. If a situation arises that could prevent you from attending a scheduled compulsory course, notify in writing your chain of command as soon as possible.

  • Administrative Review – following course failure, withdrawal, refusal to attend or return to unit.

    An administrative review (AR) occurs when career authorities analyze evidence of a reported deficiency in a member’s conduct or performance. Career authorities do this to determine the appropriate administrative response, if any, to this deficiency.

    An AR is launched upon the recommendation of the chain of command. Such a review is the result of a member being observed or being documented as having failed to meet the standard of behaviour or professionalism as defined in laws, regulations, orders, directives, policies, procedures, and codes of conduct.

    Based on an analysis of submitted evidentiary reports, observations, and representations, career authorities decide whether the alleged misconduct or performance deficiency is founded. Then the authorities decide what course of administrative action should be taken to address this situation.

    In the case of an academic misconduct report, a Progress Review Board may be conducted. Consult DAOD 5019-6 Academic Misconduct to learn more about the mandate and operations of such a Board.

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