Operating Context 2024-2025

The key trends in the audiovisual industry have remained the same over the last few years. Canadians are increasingly turning to digital distribution channels and connected devices to access the video content that interests them. The rapid development of new technologies, proliferation of content-distribution platforms and growing availability of content are all realities that affect the NFB’s ability to fulfill its mandate. The organization must therefore be constantly innovative and adaptive in the ways it produces works, promotes them and allows different audiences to discover and access them. These issues around accessibility and discoverability of content, continuously evolving technology and changing audience habits are as much challenges as they are opportunities to be bold and original. In this spirit, the NFB needs to find ways to streamline its processes in order to become nimbler and perform better. One way that it will do so is by requesting exemptions and increases in certain authorities.

Along with other key industry players, the NFB is fully participating in the sweeping Department of Canadian Heritage initiative to modernize the audiovisual sector. This in-depth process of reflection will feed into the NFB’s next strategic plan and provide the organization with a renewed mandate, enabling it to keep pace with changes in the audiovisual ecosystem.

Another major issue for the institution is the steady reduction in its distribution revenues over the years, as a result of the erosion of traditional revenue sources such as DVD sales and broadcast licences. Over and above these challenges, the NFB is operating within an already constrained budgetary context and is faced with additional fiscal pressures that could make it difficult to maintain long-term financial sustainability. In 2022–2023, the NFB obtained temporary funding for two years to stabilize its financial situation. This funding was essential in allowing the organization to refocus its priorities on its production and distribution mandate and plan its activities accordingly.

Mindful of the challenges that lie ahead, the NFB will keep creating and distributing innovative works that amplify the diverse voices of Canadian people. To achieve this, the NFB will focus on: operationalizing its programming vision, supported by the programming framework; developing technology in the service of production; providing professional guidance to creators from idea to screen; and firmly maintaining its commitments in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion.

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