Appearance before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development and the Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment, and Natural Resources (March 2022): Supplementary binder used by the President

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Assessments, By the Numbers

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Assessments, By the Numbers (PDF - 164 kB)

List and status of Regional and Strategic Assessments and Designation requests

Status of Regional and Strategic Assessments, and Requests for these Assessments

All Regional and Strategic Assessments, as well relevant requests for, including their status and all related documents, are included on the dedicated IAAC webpage on Regional and Strategic Assessments. The table below provides an overview of the three regional assessments (RA) and one strategic assessment (SA), as well as the seven requests for RAs and one request for a SA.

Regional Assessments (3)

Regional Assessment


Decision date

Ring of Fire Area in Northern Ontario

Planning in Progress


St. Lawrence River Regional Assessment

Planning in Progress


Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador

Post-RA Activities


Minister’s Response to Request: RA Warranted (2)

Regional Assessment


Decision date

Ring of Fire (ON) x3 – EJSC, James Bay Lowlands, WCS

RA warranted


St. Lawrence River Regional Assessment

RA warranted


Minister’s Response to Request: RA Not Warranted (5)

Regional Assessment


Decision date

Coal Development in Southwest Alberta

RA not warranted


Western Energy Corridor

RA not warranted


Toronto Danforth area including lands on the west side of the Don River

RA not warranted


Radioactive Disposal in the Ottawa Valley

RA not warranted


Regional Assessment of Infilling in Halifax Harbour

RA not warranted


Strategic Assessments (1)

Strategic Assessment

Request Status

Decision date

Strategic Assessment of Climate Change

Completed, ECCC developing technical guidelines


Minister’s Response to Request: SA Not Warranted (1)

Strategic Assessment

Request Status

Decision date

In Situ Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

SA not warranted


Status of Requests to Designate Physical Activities and Ministerial ResponsesFootnote1

All designation requests are posted on IAAC’s Registry when the request is received and deemed to be an official request. Related documents, including the Minister’s Response, are also available on the Registry. The table below includes the 41 designation requests under the Impact Assessment Act, including ongoing requests and related correspondence. Under CEAA 2012, the Agency received 35 requests.

Designation Requests: Ongoing (3)

Project Name


Response dateFootnote2

Lambert La Ronge Peat Harvest Project






Northern Pulp Mill Transformation and Effluent Treatment Facility Project



Minister’s Response: Designation Warranted (5)

Project Name


Response date

Fording River

Project designated by the Minister


Highway 413 (GTA West)

Project designated by the Minister


Tent Mountain Coal Mine Expansion

Project designated by the Minister


Coalspur Vista Coal Underground Mine

Projects designated by the MinisterFootnote3


Coalspur Vista Coal Mine Phase II Expansion

Projects designated by the Minister


Minister’s Response: Designation Not Warranted (30)

Project Name


Response date

Goldboro Gold Mine*

Designation not warranted


Reid Road Reservoir Quarry*

Designation not warranted


Rycroft Alternative Water Hub Facility*

Designation not warranted


Xplornet Telecommunications Tower*

Designation not warranted


600 Creek Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Atwater Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Blackbird Creek Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Brooksby Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Dry Lake Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Lang Creek West Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Saline Lake Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Vipond Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Wascana Block A Drainage Network*

Designation not warranted


Northern Pulp Replacement Effluent Treatment Facility*

Designation not warranted


West Path Delivery Projects

Designation not warranted


CanPacific Potash - Project Albany

Designation not warranted


Surrey-Langley Sky Train

Designation not warranted


Vivian Sand Processing Facility Project and Vivian Sand Extraction

Designation not warranted


Great Sandhills Railway Switching Operation at North West Terminal

Designation not warranted


Ontario Line

Designation not warranted


Bradford Bypass

Designation not warranted


Town of Erin Urban Centre Wastewater Treatment Plant

Designation not warranted


CP Logistics Park: Vancouver

Designation not warranted


Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project

Designation not warranted


Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Expansion Projects

Designation not warrantedFootnote4


Touquoy Gold Mine Expansion

Designation not warranted


Meltech Industrial Building

Designation not warranted


Vivian Sand Project (reconsideration)

Designation not warranted


PADCOM Potash Solution Mining

Designation not warranted


Minister’s Response: Minister Cannot Designate (4)

Project Name


Response date

Broadway Subway

Minister cannot designate per subsection 9(7) limitation


Highway 101 Twinning Phase II Aboiteau and Bridges

Minister cannot designate per subsection 9(7) limitation


Long Pond Development

Minister cannot designate per subsection 9(7) limitation


The Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus Project

Minister cannot designate per subsection 9(7) limitation


Ministerial Correspondence Related to a Previous Requests and Responses (3)

Project Name


Response date

Canso Spaceport



Bradford Bypass



Vivian Sand Facility



Anticipated Assessment Decision-Making - 9 Month Look Ahead (April – December 2022)

Map of Canada


  • Summary

    Map of Canada, and timeline, depicting projects under assessment with anticipated ministerial decision in the next 9 months:

    • Cedar LNG (British Columbia; Substituted under the IAA; ministerial decision anticipated in October 2022);
    • Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (British Columbia; Review Panel under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in September 2022);
    • Tilbury Marine Jetty (British Columbia; Substituted under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in August 2022);
    • Sukunka Coal Mine (British Columbia; Substituted under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in December 2022);
    • Lake Manitoba Lake Saint Martin Outlet Channels (Manitoba; Agency-led under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in December 2022);
    • Lynn Lake Gold (Manitoba; Agency-led under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in November 2022);
    • Marathon Palladium (Ontario; Review Panel under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in November 2022);
    • James Bay Lithium Mine (Quebec; Agency-led under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in September 2022);
    • Boat Harbour Remediation (Nova Scotia; Agency-led under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in December 2022);
    • Valentine Gold (Newfoundland and Labrador; Agency-led under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in July 2022); and
    • Bay du Nord Development (Newfoundland and Labrador; Agency-led under CEAA 2012; ministerial decision anticipated in April 2022).

Anticipated Assessment Decision-Making - 9 Month Look Ahead (April – December 2022)

Project Name

Bay Du Nord

James Bay Lithium Mine

Valentine Gold

Sukunka Coal

Tilbury Marine Jetty

Roberts Bank Terminal 2

Cedar LNG

Lynn Lake Gold

Marathon Palladium

Boat Harbour Remediation

Lk. Manitoba and Lk St. Martin

Project Type

Offshore Oil & Gas

Lithium Mine
(Critical Mineral)

Gold Mine

Metallurgical Coal Mine

LNG Transport Jetty

Marine Terminal

LNG Processing Facility and Terminal

Gold Mine

Palladium Mine
(Critical Mineral)

Waste Management and Remediation

Water Management

Capital Investment

$10.9 Billion
(life of project)

$507 million

$662 million
(life of project)

$443.7 million

$260 million

$2.5 billion
(for construction)

$2.5 billion

$493 million

$1.067 billion
(life of project)

$311 million

$540 million

Next Ministerial Decision*

April 2022

September 2022

July 2022

December 2022

August 2022

September 2022

October 2022

November 2022

November 2022

December 2022

December 2022

Assessment Type


(jointly with Cree)




Review Panel

Substituted under IAA


Joint Review Panel



Current Status / Next Milestone

GIC extended Minister’s Significance decisions by 40 days
(April 15)

EA Report to Minister in April 2022.

Review of proponent responses and submit EA Report to Minister June 2022

BC submits report to IAAC in June 2022

EA Report to Minister July 2022

Comment Period on Draft Conditions and responses to Information Request March 2022

BC submits IA Report to Minister by late Summer 2022

Submission of outstanding information April 2022

Start of public hearings March 2022

Review of proponent info – Outstanding info still required from proponent

Submission of outstanding information May 2022

Provincial Status

No provincial EA

Provincial EA under James Bay Agreement

Provincial EA, approved

BC leading substituted EA, ongoing

BC leading substituted EA, ongoing

BC EA to be concluded after federal decision

BC leading substituted IA, ongoing

Provincial EA, ongoing

Joint Review, ongoing

No provincial EA. NS funding. Proponent is a NS Crown corp

Provincial EA, ongoing

Key Issues / Considerations

Noise on marine mammals; GHGs; Cap on Oil & Gas

Cumulative effects of road traffic and water management

Surface and groundwater quality

SARA (Southern Mountain Caribou); Selenium; Impacts on Indigenous rights

Cumulative effects of marine shipping (Southern Resident Killer Whale; Indigenous rights)

Cumulative effects on Southern Resident Killer Whale; Salmon; Biofilm; Impacts on Indigenous rights

Cap on Oil & Gas; Indigenous-led project; Marine shipping

SARA (Woodland Boreal Caribou); Air; Ground and surface water; Indigenous impacts

SARA (Woodland Boreal Caribou); Water quality and quantity; Impacts to Indigenous rights

Lack of support from Pictou Landing First Nation for disposal location

Effects to fish and fish habitat; Impacts on Indigenous communities

*Dates contingent on the timing and quality of project information from proponents

Note: As of March 22, 2022

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Memorandum of Understanding with Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Question: What is the objective of the Agency’s MOU with NSERC?


The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) entered into a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) in October 2021. Through this mechanism, the Agency can provide funding to recipients of NSERC scholarships conducting research related to impact assessment.

The funding is supplemental. It is provided to existing NSERC award holders at the post-graduate and/or post-doctoral levels.

For the 2021–22 fiscal year, the first year of the partnership, the Agency provided supplemental funding for 15 projects for a total of $155,000 ($150,000 in grants transferred ($10,000 for each recipient) plus $5,000 in operating funds). The funds went to students at different universities across Canada, conducting research on a variety of different environmental topics of importance to impact assessment, such as impacts on marine mammals, protecting biodiversity, and remediation.


The Agency’s MOU with NSERC contributes to the implementation of the Agency’s Research Program. This program aims to support the new impact assessment system by providing research and evidence related to the field of impact assessment, forging partnerships (e.g., with institutions, organizations, governments, other federal departments, etc.), and disseminating knowledge, while also allowing NSERC to provide additional funding to successful applicants. The amount of funds transferred through this agreement is subject to the availability of Agency grant funding in a given fiscal year. The payments that NSERC made with this funding to the researchers (listed in the table to the right) will be in NSERC’s awards database and proactively disclosed on the Government of Canada website this summer. The Agency’s transfer of funds to NSERC “for research in the field of impact assessment” is published in the TBS Supplemental Estimates C publications.

IAAC supplement recipients

Tenure institution



Optimizing the coupling of persulfate oxidation and microbial degradation for the remediation of oil sands naphthenic acids

Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Quantification de l’utilisation des structures linéaires par les prédateurs du Caribou forestier.


Connectivity by design: protecting biodiversity in fragmented habitats


Nearshore habitat use, estuarine residency, and conservation priorities for Pacific Salmon in the Salish Sea.

Simon Fraser

Sound Marine Management: Integrating Marine Bioacoustics into Habitat Protection, Spatial Planning, and Policy.

British Columbia

Linking Caribou population trends to nutritional landscapes following habitat alteration


Measurement and Mitigation of Methane and Black Carbon Emissions in the Oil and Gas Sector


Balancing ecological, social and economic outcomes in Nova Scotia’s lobster fisheries

British Columbia

Cumulative impacts of climate change and habitat alteration on migratory shorebirds


Geochemical implications of soil covers on oil sands sulfide tailings

New Brunswick

Validating the ability of autonomous, mobile, undersea gliders to detect North Atlantic right whale prey populations using a multi-frequency echosounder

University College Dublin

Exploring the role of native tundra legumes in restoring soil health and ecosystem functioning at degraded mining sites in Northern Canada


Perturbations in ovarian function associated with exposure to petroleum-derived polycyclic aromatic compounds


Whale Watching from the Stars: Surveying baleen whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence using VHR satellite imagery


Génétique du paysage et mouvement des tortues et poissons évoluant au sein de systèmes aquatiques anthropisés

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