Details on transfer payment programs

Transfer payment programs with total planned spending of $5 million or more

Participant Funding Program, Policy Dialogue Program and Indigenous Capacity Support Program – Contributions to support the participation of the public and Indigenous groups in assessments and policy dialogue and the development of Indigenous Knowledge and capacity associated with assessments and related activities.

Start date: 2018

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2022–23

Link to departmental result: Stakeholders and Indigenous groups meaningfully participate in the assessment process

Link to the department’s program inventory:

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program:

Results achieved:

The Participant Funding Program expended $3.47M through contribution agreements to support the participation of Indigenous Peoples and the public in 14 assessment processes, and an additional $1.00M to support participation in five regional assessment processes. In 2023–24, the program provided funding to 74 unique recipients, 44 to participate in project assessment processes, and 30 to participate in regional assessment processes. Sixty-one percent (61%) of funding was provided to unique Indigenous recipients. A total of 43 new contribution agreements were signed in 2023–24, 12 for project assessments processes and 31 for regional assessment processes.

The Policy Dialogue Program expended $2.03M through contribution agreements to support the participation of Indigenous groups and members of the public in the development of policy and guidance. In 2023–24, funding was provided to support the participation of 65 unique recipients. Thirty-two percent (32%) of unique recipients of funding were Indigenous Peoples, and a total of 54 new contribution agreements were signed.

Through the program, participants provided feedback on Agency policies and guidance, engaged in collaborative work on policy issues, and provided financial support to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on Science and Knowledge, the Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC), and the Minister’s Advisory Council (MINAC) on Impact Assessment.

In 2023–24, TAC held five meetings during which the committee examined several critical topics, including biodiversity in the context of impact assessments, “alternatives to” and “alternative means”, as well as on the review of the Physical Activities Regulations. The committee also provided informal feedback on IAAC’s approach to updating its guidance documents on cumulative effects and health, social and economic effects, in addition to providing feedback on the joint Agency and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) guidance document on economic effects.

In 2023–24, IAC held four meetings, during which it examined several critical topics, including Indigenous Knowledge and science, Assessment of Impacts to Rights, and feedback on the co-administration agreements discussion paper.

A Circle of Experts, created as a subcommittee of IAC, held three meetings and continued its work to co-develop a discussion paper on Indigenous impact assessment co-administration agreements.

Information on TAC and IAC, including summaries of their meetings, can be found on IAAC’s Advisory Groups webpage.

MINAC drafted and submitted to IAAC its second report for the Minister, which was tabled in Parliament in June 2023. In 2023–24, MINAC held five meetings, during which it discussed several key topics, including the Minister’s response to the second report, the Supreme Court of Canada Decision and proposed amendments to the IAA, reflections on impact assessment experiences in Eastern Canada, and future priorities for the next report.

The Indigenous Capacity Support Program expended $12.63M through contribution agreements to support the participation of Indigenous communities and Indigenous not-for-profit organizations in engaging and leading consultations as part of assessments, policy engagement, and monitoring and follow-up activities. In 2023–24, the program provided funding support to 63 unique recipients and signed 47 new contribution agreements.

Activities supported under this program included developing governance structures, generic tools and studies, in-house training, and general awareness of the impact assessment process for community members. Funding also supported an in-person national conference in January 2023, called the "National Indigenous Capacity Conference," where recipients shared tools, knowledge, and best practices in impact assessments.

Findings of audits completed in 2023–24: No audit was completed in 2023–24

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023–24: No evaluation was conducted in 2023–24

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023–24:

Transfer payment programs with total planned spending of less than $5 million

Contribution to the Province of Quebec – James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement

Start date: 1978

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: Most recent agreements (renewal) were signed between Canada and Quebec in March 2002, outlining terms and conditions. The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (1975) establishes obligations for funding.

Link to departmental result(s): Scientific and evidence-based information, and Indigenous Knowledge on key health, social, economic, and environmental effects is available to inform project assessment processes, including impact assessment reports, decisions and conditions

Link to the department’s program inventory: Indigenous Relations and Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: Maintain and provide funding for the secretariats supporting the James Bay Advisory Committee on the Environment and the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee.

Results achieved:

Disbursed $432,500 to the Province of Quebec ─ James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement

Findings of audits completed in 2023–24: No audit was completed in 2023–24

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023–24: No evaluation was conducted in 2023–24

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023–24: Not applicable

Grants to support the participation of the public and Indigenous groups in impact, regional or strategic assessments, and to support impact assessment-related research

Start date: 2019–20

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2022–23

Link to departmental result(s):

Link to the department’s program inventory:

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program:

Results achieved:

The Participant Funding Program expended $1.19M in funding through 169 grant agreements to support the participation of Indigenous groups, the public, and stakeholders in assessment processes:

Eighty-five percent (85%) of funding was provided to unique Indigenous recipients.

The Research Program expended $0.60M through ten grant agreements to nine unique recipients to support research on topics including:

Funding from the Research Program also supported:

The Policy Dialogue Program expended $0.52M through 19 grant agreements to 17 unique recipients to support the participation of Indigenous Peoples in policy and guidance development.

Findings of audits completed in 2023–24: No audit was completed in 2023–24

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023–24: No evaluation was conducted in 2023–24

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023–24:

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment

2021–22 actual spending

2022–23 actual spending

2023–24 planned spending

2023–24 total authorities available for use

2023–24 actual spending (authorities used)

Variance (2023–24 actual minus 2023–24 planned)

Total grants







Total contributions







Total other types of transfer payments







Total program







Note: Totals may not add due to rounding.

Explanation of variances

There was a reduction in grant spending following the Supreme Court of Canada Decision on the constitutionality of the IAA and varying project funding timelines. Remaining funding was reallocated to fulfill funding obligations for active contribution agreements that required additional funding.

Page details

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