Current and former post-graduation work permit holders: How to apply under a public policy if you’re outside Canada

You must apply online for this open work permit on or before December 31, 2023.

You can’t apply at a port of entry.

You can only get this open work permit once, and it can’t be extended.

This guidance is for clients who have not been extended through the opt in simplified process.

Who can apply

To be eligible for this open work permit, you must meet the following requirements:

If you applied under a previous public policy for PGWP holders

Depending on when your original PGWP expired, you may also be eligible for this public policy.

If your original PGWP expired on or after September 20, 2021, and on or before December 31, 2023

You can apply under this public policy.

If your original PGWP expired before September 20, 2021

You can’t apply under this public policy. If you want to work in Canada, you need to apply for another work permit.

If you’re a representative

If you’re applying for a client, you can use the Authorized Paid Representatives Portal to apply for an open work permit under this public policy. To apply

  • Use the form Application for work permit made outside Canada.
  • Attach a letter explaining that you’re applying under the open work permit public policy for former or current PGWP holders.

Step 1: Make sure you have what you need

To apply online, you need

Step 2: Read the instruction guide

Read the instruction guide before you complete your application.

Once you get your document checklist, fill out the application form.

The guide will explain how to complete each field on the form.

Special instructions for this public policy

When you fill out the work permit application form

Venezuelan passport holders

You may need to complete extra steps when you fill out your application.

Step 3: Pay your fees

You’re exempt from paying the open work permit holder fee (CAN$100). Don’t pay this fee.

To pay your fees correctly, you must follow the instructions on this page, including

You must pay the

Because you’re exempt from paying one of the fees (open work permit holder fee), you need to pay your fees before you apply online.

How to pay your fees

The system will calculate the total amount you need to pay when you click “Submit.”

Keep your receipt

After you pay your fee, keep a copy of the receipt. You’ll need to upload it when you apply online for your work permit.

Step 4: Create your online account or sign in

You need an account to apply online. You can use your account to

How to start your application

Once you sign in to your account, you’ll need to

Get your document checklist

You must answer some questions to create a personalized document checklist.

Make sure you answer these questions correctly.

  • You would like to work temporarily.
    • Answer either less than or more than 6 months.
  • Answer “Yes” when asked, “Will you be coming to Canada under an active public policy or special measure announced by IRCC?”
  • Answer “No, I am exempt from paying fees for the application” to the question There are fees associated with this application. Will you be paying your fees or are you fee exempt?

Upload the correct documents

You need to include the documents listed in your application, including

You can upload a blank document if you’re asked for

Create an account or sign in

If you can’t apply online
  • you can’t apply online because of a disability
  • there’s a problem with the online application

What to do if you have problems applying online.

If you need a new social insurance number

To get or renew your social insurance number (SIN), you need to provide a digital copy of your work permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. You cannot use your interim work authorization to get your SIN.

Once you receive your work permit, apply online for your SIN

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