Hire through the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot: Find a candidate and program

Through the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP), you can hire skilled refugees or other displaced people to fill full-time jobs in Canada by following the instructions below.

Connect with a partner non-government organization (NGO) - optional

To hire through the EMPP, we recommend you work with a partner NGO. For a fee, these organizations will:

Partner organizations

You can contact any of these NGOs for help and support with hiring through the EMPP:

Learn more about the partners we’re working with.

Step 1: Find eligible candidates

The partner organization you work with will help you

Once you find the candidate(s) you want to hire, you can offer them a job.

Step 2: Find the right EMPP stream

With help from a partner organization (if you work with one), you and the candidate will determine the EMPP stream they will apply to. They can apply:

1. directly to the federal EMPP

2. through the regional EMPP if they’re eligible for the:

Step 3: Help the candidate complete their application

The candidate must:

As their employer, you may need to complete forms, or provide information, for their application. Make sure you stay in touch with them about this.

Find out what you may need to do as an employer if you’re hiring through the regional EMPP under one of these programs:

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