Permanent residence for extended family of former language and cultural advisors: After you apply

How we process applications

Once we receive your application, we’ll review it to make sure

While your application is being processed, you must tell us if

  • you change your address
  • you change your contact information
  • there are changes to your family (such as a birth, death or divorce)

Contact us through our crisis situation web form if you need to update your application. Choose Make changes to my application when asked what you want to do.

If your application isn’t complete

We’ll return your application to you. Once you add the missing pieces, you can resubmit it. Your application may not be considered if the program is full.

If your application is complete

We’ll send you an acknowledgement of receipt. We may also ask you, and any family members you include in your application, to

If we approve your application

We’ll contact you to let you know and provide more information on the next steps. You should stay in touch with your family in Canada and keep them updated on the status of your application. This will help them prepare for your arrival.

We’ll also let your family member in Canada know when to expect you to arrive in Canada.

Before you leave for Canada

Before you and your family leave for Canada, we will

Once you arrive in Canada

Get health care coverage through the Interim Federal Health Program

Through this public policy, you’ll have limited and temporary health care coverage through the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP), including

Get financial help through the Resettlement Assistance Program

You’re also eligible for a one-time payment equal to 3 months of income support through the Resettlement Assistance Program. You don’t need to apply for this, but you do need to give us your Canadian banking information for direct deposit. Your family member in Canada will have the email address where you can send your Canadian banking information.

This money, along with the support you’ll get from your family in Canada, will help you and your family start your new life in Canada.

Get help settling in Canada

While we’ll give you access to some health care coverage and financial services, we also expect your family member in Canada to help you (and anyone coming with you). Your family member should

You’ll also have access to free newcomer services that can help you

If we refuse your application

We’ll send you a letter and let you know why we refused it.

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