Hire a candidate

Once you’re designated, you can offer jobs to eligible candidates.

The Rural and Francophone Community Immigration Pilots don’t match candidates with jobs. You may find a candidate on your own or a candidate may approach you.

On this page

Job offer requirements

The job you’re offering must be

  • within the boundaries of your community
  • full time (at least 30 paid hours per week)
  • non-seasonal (year-round)
  • indeterminate (no end date)
    • Volunteer work and unpaid internships don’t count.
  • at a similar skill level as your candidate’s qualifying work experience (see the table below)
Exemptions for candidates who graduated in your community

Your candidate doesn’t need qualifying work experience if they’re an international student who has graduated from a public post-secondary institution in your community.

Exemptions for healthcare workers

If your candidate’s work experience is in NOC 31301 (Registered Nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses – TEER 1), you can make a job offer in one of the following occupation categories:

  • NOC 33102 (TEER 3): Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates or
  • NOC 44101 (TEER 4): Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations
NOC 2021 TEER job offer category and qualifying work experience requirement
NOC 2021 TEER job offer category Work experience requirement
TEER 0 or 1 TEER 0, 1, 2 or 3
TEER 2 TEER 1, 2, 3 or 4
TEER 3 or 4 TEER 2, 3 or 4
TEER 5 Must be in the same 5-digit NOC code as the job offer

Candidate requirements

Encourage candidates to get their documents ready

Candidates will need to include specific documents with their recommendation application. Encourage your candidate to start getting these documents ready before you make the job offer, because some of these documents take time to get. The documents include

  • results of a language test
  • an educational credential assessment report
    • This shows how their education compares to a Canadian credential, if the candidate studied outside Canada.
  • proof of work experience, unless they’re exempt
  • proof that they have enough money to support themselves and their family

Make a job offer

When you have both a candidate and a job that meet the pilot requirements, offer the candidate the job using the form:

Complete and sign the form. Give the candidate a copy for them to sign and submit with their application.

Get support

Find out about the additional support you can get as a designated employer.

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