Offer of Employment to a foreign national: Francophone Community Immigration Pilot (IMM 0251)
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Offer of Employment to a foreign national: Francophone Community Immigration Pilot [IMM 0251] (PDF, 1.5 MB)
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Offer of Employment Form to a Foreign National – Francophone Immigration Pilot (IMM 0251)
Note: These instruction apply only when completing the Offer of employment in support of a permanent job offer for the Francophone Community Immigration Pilot program (FCIP). If you wish to submit an offer of employment in support of a FCIP Employer-specific work permit, you must use the Employer Portal. You can find further information on how to submit an offer of employment in the portal in the Employer Portal Guide.
The employer should only submit an offer of employment in the Employer portal once the applicant has received a recommendation certificate from the designated Economic Development Organization of the participating community and has submitted their Application for Permanent Residence to IRCC.
This form must be completed by:
- The employer;
- The principal applicant must sign the form.
Section 1: Business Information
- Question 1
Enter your business operating name.
- Question 2
Enter your business legal name (as registered with Canada Revenue Agency).
- Question 3
Enter your business telephone number.
- Question 4
Enter the mailing address of your main company:
- Enter street and number
- Enter the city
- Enter province
- Enter postal code
- Question 5
Enter the mailing address of your main company:
- Enter street and number
- Enter city
- Enter province
- Enter postal code
- Question 6
Enter at least the first 4 digits of the North American Industry Classification Sector North American Industry Classification Sector (NAICS) code(s) of Business sector.
Select the industry code NAICS which corresponds to your principal business activity.
Note: The NAICS are six-digit codes used by the member countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement to provide common definitions and descriptions of industries and their business activities. The structure of NAICS is hierarchical and the required NAICS code provided by the employer should indicate the industry group which is represented by the first 4 digits.
A company is tied to a specific NAICS code when its principal activity meets the definition of that industry/NAICS. Some companies are engaged in several industrial activities, but the NAICS selected in this section must align with the company’s primary business activity.
For more information on NAICS codes and groupings, refer to Statistics Canada’s website.
- Question 7
Enter your business website address (if applicable).
- Question 8
Enter the date your business was established.
- Question 9
Select the boxes which correspond to the size of your business (number of employees and gross income).
- Question 10
Describe the primary business activities that your company is engaged in.
Note: This will tell us if your primary business activities are consistent with the definition of the industry code NAICS you selected.
Section 2: Primary Contract Information of Employer
- Question 11
Enter your family name (surname).
- Question 12
Enter your given name(s).
- Question 13
Enter your job title.
- Question 14
Enter your telephone number and enter your extension number (if applicable).
- Question 15
Enter your fax number (if applicable).
- Question 16
Enter your email address (work).
Note: This primary contact information must reflect the contact information for the individual who is authorized to make a job offer on behalf of the employer listed in the “Business information” section above. IRCC may use the information in this section to directly contact the employer who provided the job offer.
Section 3: Details of Job
- Question 17
Indicate the title of the job offered to the employee.
- Question 18
Enter the National Occupational Classification (NOC) which corresponds to the main duties which the employee will be expected to perform.
- Question 19
Indicate the skill type or level required to perform the job offered to the employee.
Note: The NOC Skill Type or level corresponds to the main job group (example: 0, A, B, C, or D).
- Question 20
The job offer must meet all of the criteria listed below:
- Full time (at least 30 paid hours per week)
- Employer carries on business in the community
- Indeterminate (no end date);
- Volunteer work and unpaid internships don’t count
- Job is genuine and represents a labour market need
- Non-Seasonal (year round)
- Job is located in the community
Note: If the job offer does not meet one or more of these requirements, then it will not be considered valid.
Note: The offer of employment must not be from:
- a consulate;
- an employer referred to in paragraphs 200(3)(g.1) or (h) of the Regulations;
- a business that recruits individuals to establish a pool of candidates who are intended to be transferred or contracted to other businesses; or
- a business in which a majority of shares or other ownership interests is held, either individually or collectively, by the foreign national or their spouse or common-law partner or that is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the foreign national or their spouse or common-law.
The genuineness of a job offer is based on the following factors:
- You are actively engaged in the business in respect of which the offer is made;
- The offer must meet the needs of the employer;
- You are able to reasonably fulfill the terms of the offer you provided the employee; and
- You must have complied with all employment laws and rules in the past
- Question 21
Indicate the address where the work will be performed:
- Enter street and number
- Enter city
- Enter province
- Enter postal code
- Question 22
Indicate the expected start date of employment.
Enter the date that you expect the employee will be joining your company. If the employee is already working for you, enter the same date that this offer is signed.
Note: you are committing to provide an offer of employment that meets all FCIP job offer requirements as of the date entered in this section.
- Question 23
Describe the main duties which the employee will be expected to perform.
Note: This will tell us if the main duties are consistent with the lead statement and duties shown in the National Occupation Classification (NOC) list for the occupation offered to the employee.
- Question 24
Select the minimum education requirements of the job.
- Provide details on how the candidate was selected for this position
- Indicate if there was an interview and how the interview took place
- Provide details regarding the interview
- Provide any additional pertinent information related to the job offer
Note: The minimum educational requirements of the job can be found in the National Occupational Classification list for the occupation (NOC) offered to the employee. Some occupations have mandatory educational requirements while others have none. To verify, do a search of the occupation code (NOC) in the National Occupational Classification list.
- Question 25
Describe the experience and skills required to perform the job offered to the employee.
- Question 26
Certification, licensing and registration requirements can be found in the National Occupational Classification list for the occupation offered to the employee. Provinces and territories have mandatory licensing and registration requirements for some occupations. To verify, do a search of the occupation code (NOC) in the National Occupational Classification list.
- Question 27
Enter the following details:
- The hourly wage being offered to the employee
- The yearly wage offered to the employee
- The total number of hours the employee will be working per day
- The total number of hours the employee will be working per week
- The total number of hours the employee will be working per month
- The overtime rate offered to the employee and when the rate starts applying (after how many hours of work per week, if applicable)
Note: The wage offered to the employee must be at or above the wage for that particular occupation, as identified by the Job Bank of the Canada Employment Insurance Commission, in the region where the employment will take place. If there is no wage identified for the occupation in that region, then the provincial wage applies. If there is no provincial wage available, then the national wage applies.
The wage offered to the employee must be above or within the range of wages for that particular occupation at the time the application is submitted and at the time the permanent resident visa is issued.
If the job is based on a yearly salary, calculate the wage by dividing the salary by 52 weeks and divide that by the number of hours the employee is expected to work per week.
- Question 28
Describe any alternate compensation offered to the employee (if applicable).
Note: Alternate compensation can include housing, on-site meals, uniforms, etc. If alternate compensation is not being offered, indicate not applicable (N/A) in this section.
- Question 29
Select the employment benefits offered to the employee.
Section 4: Employee Information (This section must also be completed by the employer)
The employee’s information is required in this section.
- Question 30
Enter the family name (surname) (as indicated on the passport).
- Question 31
Enter the given name(s) (as indicated on the passport).
- Question 32
Enter the gender.
- Question 33
Enter the date of birth.
- Question 34
Enter the Unique Client Identifier (UCI).
Note: If the employee does not have a UCI, then leave this section blank.
- Question 35
Enter the country of birth.
- Question 36
Enter the country of residence.
- Question 37
Enter the country of citizenship.
- Question 38
Enter the passport number.
- Question 39
Enter the marital status.
- Question 40
Indicate the employee's accompanying family members and their date(s) of birth.
- Question 41
Enter the mailing address.
- Question 42
Enter the email address (if applicable).
- Question 43
Enter the telephone number.
Section 5: Declaration of the employer
You, the employer must read the statement carefully, print your name, sign and date the declaration.
Section 6: Declaration of the employee
You, the employee (principal applicant), must read the contents, read the statement carefully, print your name, sign and date the declaration.
Note: Once you have filled out the form, click on the “Validate” button located at the top of the form. Missing information will be identified by a pop up when you press the “validate” button. You should fill out your forms on a computer and validate them electronically to reduce mistakes and help you submit forms that are complete. Note: The form will not produce a barcode when it is validated.
For more information about the “validate” button, visit the Frequently Asked Questions/Help Centre.
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