Prepare for arrival

Be prepared. Know what to expect if your application is approved.

If your family members are already in Canada

We’ll contact your family members with instructions on how to confirm their permanent residence status online through the Permanent Residence Portal.  

In some cases, your family members may need to meet with an immigration officer for an in-person interview. If an interview is required, we’ll tell them what documents to bring and the time and place of their interview. 

Services to help them get settled

You and your family members can contact a service provider organization in Canada to get free newcomer services. These organizations offer services such as

  • help finding a job
  • language assessment or training
  • help signing up kids for school
  • help connecting with others in your community

Find newcomer services near you

If your family members are outside Canada

Before they arrive in Canada

Even if your family members haven’t arrived in Canada, you and your family can get free in-person and online services to help prepare them for life in Canada. We call these pre-arrival services. These services can help your family

  • find out more about living and working in Canada
  • learn English and French
  • connect with others in your community

Learn more about free pre-arrival services

When they arrive

When your sponsored family members arrive at the port of entry to Canada, they must show the border services officer

  • their Confirmation of Permanent Residence
    • This is the document we sent when we approved their application.
  • their valid passport or travel document
  • their valid permanent resident visa (if we issued one)
  • any other document we issued to them and told them to bring

The officer will

  • check that your family members’ permanent resident visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence haven’t expired
  • ask them to confirm information that they gave in their application

Your family members must tell the officer of any funds they’re bringing into Canada, including

  • cash
  • stocks
  • bonds
  • money orders
  • traveller’s cheques

To help speed up entry into Canada, tell your family members to keep their passport and other documents with them at all times. They shouldn’t pack these documents in their luggage.

Get more information on the documents your parents and grandparents need and on the interview process when crossing the Canadian border.

If they meet the requirements to enter Canada

If the officer finds that your family members are admissible to Canada, the officer will

Video: Before You Arrive in Canada

This video will help your family members get ready for their new life in Canada. It will explain some of the things they should do before they leave their country of origin to make sure they’re prepared when they arrive in Canada.

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