Prepare to cross the border to settle in Canada as a newcomer

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Prepare your documents

There are documents you must have to cross the border into Canada. Without these documents, we won’t allow you into the country.

You may also need many of the other documents listed below. Have your important documents translated into English or French before you arrive to make it easier for people in Canada to understand them.

Essential documents

To enter Canada, you’ll need:

Don’t pack these documents in your luggage. Keep them with you at all times.

Settler’s effects list

Before you arrive, you should prepare two copies of a list (preferably typed) of all the goods you plan to bring into Canada as. The list should:

Give this list to the border services officer when you first get to Canada, even if you aren’t bringing in any goods at that time.

You can make the process easier by filling out a BSF186, Personal Effects Accounting Documents form before you travel and giving it to the officer when you arrive.

Disclosure of funds

Tell a Canadian official when you arrive in Canada if you’re carrying more than CAN $10,000. If you don’t, you may be fined, and your funds could be seized.

These funds could be in the form of:

Find out more about your duty to disclose funds either before you leave or once you arrive in Canada.

Health documentation

Children in Canada are vaccinated (immunized) starting when they are newborns. Vaccinations help to prevent serious infections or diseases.

When you travel to Canada, bring official documents that state what vaccinations you and your family have already had. If you or your child hasn’t been vaccinated, call your doctor or local public health clinic right away.

In Canada, your children need immunization or vaccination records to enrol in school.

Other documents

Other documents you may need include:

Make photocopies of all these types of documents, in case the originals get lost. Be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals.

Customs declaration card

Before you arrive in Canada, you may be asked to complete a Customs Declaration Card. Complete this card before meeting with customs and immigration officials, even if you aren’t a Canadian citizen.

If you’re traveling by air, it’s a good idea to complete the card before you leave the airplane.

What to declare

Use the Customs Declaration Card to declare what you’re bringing into Canada, including any:

Don’t use this form to list personal and household goods you’re bringing with you or are following you to Canada. You’ll show your lists of those items separately to a customs officer.

Declare all items

If you don’t tell an official that you’re carrying items or money that should be declared, you may be fined or put in prison.

For more information, contact the Canada Border Services Agency.

Prepare for your entry interviews

When you arrive in Canada, you’ll have to go through two screening interviews. If all your documents are available and in order, they should be over quickly.

First interview: official documents

For your first interview, an officer from the CBSA will:

After your first interview, you’ll meet with another CBSA officer. This officer will check the items you’re bringing with you. At some ports of entry, you’ll work with the same officer twice.

Second interview: personal goods

The second interview is for you to declare what you’re bringing with you into Canada.

The officer will ask to see your declaration card. You must tell the officer you’ve arrived in Canada to immigrate. At this point, the officer may direct you to another area for the customs procedure.

You must give the officer the list of goods you’re bringing with you and the list of goods that will be arriving later. The officer will go through both lists with you and may ask questions about some of the goods. The officer may also inspect your luggage.

Be prepared to answer these questions:

Don’t give false answers

Your answers to the questions must be true. It’s a serious crime to make a false statement. If you make a false statement you may not be allowed to stay in Canada.

If you’re well prepared and you have no items that are not allowed in Canada, the process will go quickly.

If there are no issues, the officer will sign your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and authorize your entry into Canada as a permanent resident.

Learn more about crossing the border.

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