Documents to support your identity: Apply for a new adult passport
If you’re applying for a new passport rather than renewing one, you must submit
- at least 1 valid document to support your identity
- You can submit the original or a photocopy of both sides.
- Remember that each photocopy must be signed and dated by your
- guarantor or
- signing official, if you used a Statutory Declaration in lieu of a Guarantor form
- additional documents if you’re changing your name, if applicable
If your passport is still valid, you must include it with your application. In some cases, you can use your Canadian passport as your identification document (ID).
If your passport has a valid visa in it
Tell us on your form if you need the visa and want your original passport back. If you don’t, the visa could be damaged when the previous passport is cancelled.
On this page
- Requirements for your ID
- Types of ID you can use
- Using your Canadian passport as your ID
- How to submit your ID
Requirements for your ID
To support your identity, your ID must
- be valid
- include your
- name
- date of birth
- photo
- signature
- be issued by a federal, provincial, territorial or state government authority, or the equivalent abroad
If you’re applying by mail, we recommend sending photocopies of your ID. If you send photocopies
- photocopy both sides of the ID
- have your guarantor or signing official sign them
- Learn how to submit your documents.
If your ID doesn’t have all the required information
You can include more than 1 ID if all of the required information isn’t on the same document. To prove that each document belongs to you, they must share at least 1 piece of information, such as your name. This is so we can be sure they all belong to you.
If your ID doesn’t have a signature
We may accept it if there isn’t normally a signature on that particular type of ID.
If your ID doesn’t have a date of issue
If it was issued to you without one, you can leave this field blank on the application form.
Types of ID you can use
You can use any of the following types of ID alone or in combination to meet the above requirements:
- Canadian passport
- driver’s licence issued by a province or territory, or the equivalent abroad
- health card issued by a province or territory, or the equivalent abroad
- Certificate of Indian Status
- military ID
- foreign passport
- non-driver’s licence issued by a province or territory, or the equivalent abroad
- ID card issued by the federal government, or a provincial or territorial government, or the equivalent abroad
- employee identification issued by the federal government, or a provincial or territorial government, or the equivalent abroad
You cannot use your social insurance number (SIN) card as ID.
If your ID isn’t in English or French, you must provide an official translation of it.
If your ID is expired and you can’t renew it due to COVID-19
If your expired ID meets the requirements, we’ll accept it as proof of your identity if the province, territory or state that issued it has temporarily extended its validity.
However, this doesn’t apply to Canadian passports. You can’t use your passport as proof of your identity if it’s been expired for more than 1 year.
Using your Canadian passport as your ID
You may be able to use your previous passport as your ID for your application.
If you got your previous passport when you were 16 or older
You can use your previous passport as ID if
- it was valid for 5 years or more when you got it
- it’s still valid or it has been expired for only 1 year or less
If you got your previous passport before you turned 16
You can use your previous passport as ID if
- it was valid for 5 years or more when you got it
- it’s still valid or it has been expired for only 1 year or less and
- you submit another piece of ID that’s
- government-issued
- valid
- has a common element, such as your name, to link your IDs
You can’t use your previous passport as ID if it
- has been expired for more than 1 year
- was a limited-validity passport of 2 years or less
- was damaged
- was reported lost or stolen
If your passport has been expired for 1 year or less
You can send us your original passport or a photocopy of pages 2 and 3.
If you send us photocopies, you must have them signed and dated by your guarantor or signing official.
How to submit your ID
Whether you apply by mail or in person, you can submit either original documents or photocopies with your application.
- If you apply in person
- We’ll check your ID when you submit your application.
- We’ll return it to you before you leave.
- If you apply by mail
- We recommend you submit photocopies.
- This will make sure you can use the original documents while we process your application.
Using photocopies as your ID
You must
- copy both sides of the document
- have your guarantor or signing official sign and date each side of your photocopies
Using original documents as your ID
We’ll return them to you by mail. They may be sent in separate envelopes.
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