Application to Resume Canadian Citizenship – Canadian Armed Forces (CIT 0534)
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Application to Resume Canadian Citizenship – Canadian Armed Forces [CIT 0534] (PDF, 2.9 MB)
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Complete the form
Read the step by step instructions on how to complete the form.
Personal information
- Section 1
What is your preferred language for correspondence and, if applicable, interview? English or French?
- Section 2
Check the box to indicate if you have any special needs. Special needs are described as:
- wheelchair access
- sign language interpretation
- personal assistance (for example, you will be accompanied by a care attendant, an interpreter, a seeing eye dog, a sighted guide, etc.)
Note: It is important to provide the information if you need assistance in order for IRCC to make the necessary arrangements to accommodate you.
- Section 3
Check the box to indicate if you have ever applied to resume Canadian citizenship before. If “Yes”, indicate when you last applied.
Check the box to indicate if you have ever had a certificate of Canadian citizenship. If you check “Yes”, indicate the family name, given names, certificate number and the date the certificate was issued.
Indicate whether you have previously returned the certificate of Canadian citizenship and/or the pink transmission copy of a certificate, or whether you are returning it with this application. If the certificate is not being returned, tell us if it was stolen, lost, or destroyed. Indicate if the theft or loss was reported to police and give the details, (e.g., a copy of the police report).
You must return any Canadian citizenship certificates in your possession. Failure to do so will result in delays in processing your application.
- Section 4
A. Indicate your family name and given name(s), as they appear on your Work Permit (IMM 1102 or IMM 1442B), Record of Landing (IMM 1000), Permanent Resident Card (PRC) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292, IMM 5688 or IMM 5509).
B. Write your current last name (surname/family name) and given name(s), if different from question 4A. Important information: You must provide supporting documents for any change in your name. See “Name change” in the Gather Documents section of the instruction guide.
C. If you have used another name in the past, or are known by a name other than the one you listed above, indicate the name on the application form. (Other names can include your birth name, nicknames, community names, etc.).
Note: You cannot request a change of name after your application has been submitted to the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
- Section 5
A. Enter your date of birth exactly as it appears on your Work Permit IMM 1102 or IMM 1442B), Record of Landing (IMM 1000), your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292, IMM 5688 or IMM 5509) or Permanent Resident Card (PRC), or as it appears on your amendment made to these documents, if you have already obtained one. This is the date of birth that will appear on your citizenship certificate.
Note: If you requested an amendment to your Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence, you will need to provide both your original Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence and the letter you received confirming the change(s) you requested have been done.
If the date of birth on the Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Permanent Resident Card is not your correct date of birth, it may be possible to change the information in your immigration records. Your Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Permanent Resident Card (PRC) will be changed only to correct mistakes made by IRCC in recording the information you provided when you applied to come to Canada. You must obtain the correct version before submitting your application for citizenship. Do not apply for citizenship until you have received a response to your request. Include your new corrected Permanent Resident Card or the letter of amendment and your original Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence with your citizenship application. You may not change your birth date during the processing of your application for citizenship.
The guide does not provide general information about amending your Record of Landing (IMM 1000), Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292, IMM 5688 or IMM 5509) or Permanent Resident Card (PRC). For information on amending your Record of Landing or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence, refer to the guide Request to Amend the Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Valid Temporary Resident Documents (IMM 5218). For information on amending your Permanent Resident Card, refer to the guide Application for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5445).
Indicate the place and country where you were born.
B. Indicate whether you are F Female, M Male or X Another gender, your height, and the colour of your eyes. We need this information for our records. Your eye colour, gender, and height will be shown on your citizenship certificate.
C. Check the box to indicate your legal marital status.
- Section 6
A. Provide your current home address complete with postal code.
B. If your mailing address is different from your home address; include your mailing address, complete with postal code.
If the mailing address is that of a representative, you must indicate their mailing address in this section and complete the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) .
C. We may need to contact you by phone. List the phone number(s) where you can be reached. Indicate your e-mail address using this format (if applicable):
If you provide your e-mail address, IRCC may correspond with you about your application via e-mail if necessary. If the e-mail address is that of a representative, you must indicate their e-mail address in this section and complete the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) .
D. Indicate how long you have lived at your current home address.
- Section 7
A. List all countries of which you are a citizen. Indicate the dates and how you obtained this citizenship.
B. If your most recent certificate of Canadian citizenship was issued before February 15, 1977 or you have never had a certificate, list all absences from Canada for one (1) year or longer before 1977. List from the date you left Canada to the date you returned. Indicate in which country you were living and the reason for the absence.
C. Check the box to indicate if you are a permanent resident. If “Yes”, give the date when you became a permanent resident. Refer to box 45 of your Record of Landing (IMM 1000), box 46 of your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292, IMM 5688 or IMM 5509), or the back of your Permanent Resident Card (PRC).
Your entry to Canada and your status will be verified with Canadian officials.
If conditions were imposed at the time you were granted permanent resident status that you have not complied with, you should contact IRCC to clarify this situation before applying for citizenship. You cannot resume citizenship if you have unfulfilled (outstanding) conditions relating to your status as a permanent resident.
D. Give the date you returned to Canada to live if different from C.
E. Indicate if you are a permanent resident (or the equivalent) of any country other than Canada. If yes, list the country (countries) and the date(s) that you obtained this status for each country.
F. List all of your Canadian and overseas addresses for the two years immediately before the date of your application, including the postal codes.
- Check the box to indicate if you are, or were, enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces during the two years immediately before the date of your application. If yes, provide the details.
- Check the box to indicate if you are, or were, attached or seconded to the Canadian Armed Forces during the two years immediately before the date of your application. If yes, provide the details.
- Check the box to indicate if you were released from the Canadian Armed Forces during the two years immediately before the date of your application. If yes, provide the date of release and check the box to indicate the category of release.
Note: Categories of release must be either
- Other than honourable release (Item 1, Misconduct; Item 2, Unsatisfactory Service)
- Honourable release (Item 3, Medical; Item 4, Voluntary; Item 5, Service Completed)
- as set out in the Queen’s Regulation and Orders, Article 15.01 Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
H. You must have filed an income tax return, if required under the Income Tax Act, for the taxation year immediately before you apply for citizenship.
To determine if you were required under the Income Tax Act to file income taxes, refer to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Check the box to indicate if you have a Social Insurance Number (SIN), a Temporary Tax Number (TTN), or an Individual Tax Number (ITN).
If you check Yes, provide the most recent number that you used to file your income taxes. Complete the table for the taxation year immediately before the year in which you are applying for citizenship, indicating whether you were required to file personal income taxes, and whether or not you filed personal income taxes.
With your consent to the sharing of your income tax filing information between IRCC and CRA, this information will be used by IRCC to determine if you meet the income tax filing requirement of the Citizenship Act. Note that if you do not provide your consent for that specific purpose, your application will be returned as incomplete and not be processed.
If you check No, you are declaring that you do not have a SIN, TTN, or ITN.
To check your personal tax information, you may refer to the CRA’s My Account online service.
Prohibitions under the Citizenship Act
- Section 8
Certain conditions outlined in the Citizenship Act may affect your application to resume citizenship. To find out if these apply to you, go to Section 8 of the application. Answer all of the questions by checking yes or no. For any yes responses provide details and if applicable, attach court documents.
IRCC checks with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service to find out if there are any criminal or security reasons that could prevent you from resuming Canadian citizenship.
You may be required to provide fingerprints or court documents to ensure that you are not prohibited under the Citizenship Act.
If you received a certificate of Canadian citizenship on or after February 15, 1977, go to Section 13.
- Section 9
Check the box to indicate if you have ever lived in Canada. If yes, indicate either since birth or the date you first entered Canada to live.
Parent’s information
- Section 10
Answer all questions regarding your parents, as applicable:
- Indicate the relationship of your parents to you by indicating Natural or Adoptive.
- Indicate your parents’ family name, other names used, given name(s), date of birth and place/country of birth.
- Indicate where your parents were married (if applicable) and the date of the marriage.
- Indicate how your parents obtained Canadian citizenship.
- Indicate if your parents left Canada for more than one (1) year before 1977. If yes, indicate the dates they were away and the country they were in.
- Indicate if your parents are or were a citizen of a country other than Canada. If yes, indicate the details showing the country, date and how the citizenship was obtained.
- Indicate if your parents were employed in Canada by a foreign government or international agency. If yes, provide details.
- If your parents were born in Canada, indicate if one of their parents was employed by a foreign government or international agency. If yes, provide details.
Citizenship Certificate Type
- Section 11
If your application is approved you will be issued a citizenship certificate as proof of citizenship. Citizenship certificates come in either paper or electronic (printable PDF) format. Citizens can have only one type of certificate but are allowed to print a copy of their electronic certificate.
Check the box next to the type of citizenship certificate that you would like to receive, either paper or electronic citizenship certificate.
Unless you have requested a paper certificate, you must provide an email address in the application form to receive your e-certificate.
- Section 12
Congratulatory letter
- If you check the “yes” box:
- you authorize IRCC to provide your name, address and preferred official language to your federal Member of Parliament so that they can send you a letter of congratulations if your Canadian citizenship is resumed.
- If you check the “no” box:
- IRCC will not provide your information to your Member of Parliament.
Note: If you are not a resident of Canada you do not have to complete Section 12.
- If you check the “yes” box:
- Section 13
A. National Register of Electors – Authorization
Check either the Yes box or the No box to indicate whether or not you authorize IRCC to provide your name, address, gender and date of birth to Elections Canada to be added to the National Register of Electors (the Register). When you become a Canadian citizen and are 18 years of age or older, you have the right to vote in federal elections and referendums. Elections Canada maintains the Register and uses it during a federal election or referendum to produce voters lists and to communicate with eligible voters.
If you check the Yes box, IRCC will provide your name, address, gender and date of birth to Elections Canada to be added to the Register, but only after you become a Canadian citizen. If you check the No box, IRCC will not provide your information to Elections Canada. You will still have the right to vote in federal elections and referendums, but you will have to take the necessary steps to be added to the list.
More information about the Register and its uses is available at Elections Canada. You can also call Elections Canada at 1-800-463-6868.
B. Québec’s Permanent List of Electors – Authorization
For Québec residents only.
When you resume your Canadian citizenship, you will have the right to vote. As soon as you become a Canadian citizen, you may want to have your name entered on Québec’s Permanent List of Electors.
What is Québec’s Permanent List of Electors?
The Permanent List of Electors is the registry of persons who are entitled to vote during elections and referendums in Québec. Those persons whose names appear on this list have the right to vote in provincial, municipal and school elections. The Chief Electoral Officer of Québec is responsible for drawing up and updating the Permanent List of Electors.
- If you check the “yes” box in Section 13 (b):
- You authorize IRCC to provide your name, address, gender and date of birth to the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec so that your name can be added to the Permanent List of Electors if you become a Canadian citizen.
- If you check the “no” box in Section 13 (b):
- IRCC will not give your information to the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec;
- To be able to vote in a provincial, municipal or school election, you will have to go to the revision office and present two supporting documents to register your name on the list of electors.
Your personal information is protected.
Under the Election Act of Québec, the information provided by IRCC to the Chief Electoral Officer may only be used for election purposes. The computer systems of IRCC and those of the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec are not linked. IRCC will not disclose to the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec the information needed to register you on the Permanent List of Electors without your consent.
For more information, call toll-free: 1-888-ELECTION (1-888-353-2846) or visit the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec.
C. Service History with the Canadian Armed Forces
Check Yes box to authorize IRCC to contact the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or the Department of National Defence (DND) to verify the details of your service and to use the information to determine your citizenship eligibility. By selecting “Yes” you are also authorising the CAF or the DND to provide the details of your service to IRCC.
D. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Subsection 8(1) of the Privacy Act and paragraph 241(5)(b) of the Income Tax Act allows the CRA to provide personal information to IRCC, with the consent of the relevant individuals.
This consent is required under paragraph 12(2)(f) of the Citizenship Regulations.
Check Yes box to authorize the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to provide details of your tax filing information to IRCC. By selecting Yes you are also authorizing IRCC to collect your tax filing information from the CRA in order to determine whether you meet the income tax requirement for citizenship.
- If you check the “yes” box in Section 13 (b):
Use of a representative
- Section 14
If you appoint an individual, firm or organization as your representative, you must complete the Use of a Representative Form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) . Note that once you appoint a representative, all correspondence from us regarding your application will be directed to them and not to you.
Sign the form
- Section 15
You must sign the application with the signature you currently use on other official documents. Indicate where and when (date and place) you signed your application. Make sure you are eligible to resume citizenship before that date because the application fee is not refundable.
The application must be signed and dated before it is sent for processing. IRCC will use the date you sign your application for the purpose of determining whether you meet the applicable criteria. If your application is not signed and dated, it will be returned to you. Your application will also be returned to you if it is stale-dated (we receive an application signed more than three (3) months ago) or if it is post-dated (we receive an application dated into the future).
Make sure that you are eligible to resume Canadian citizenship on the day before you sign the application.
Your application will be returned to you if:
- You have appointed an individual, firm or organization as your representative and you did not submit the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476) with your application or the form you submitted is incomplete.
- You appoint a compensated representative who is not a member of the following designated bodies:
- Immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC)
- Lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society and students-at-law under their supervision; or
- Notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaries du Québec and students-at-law under their supervision
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