Application to Renounce Canadian Citizenship – R7.1 (for certain persons who acquired citizenship under amendments to the Citizenship Act in 2009 or 2015) (CIT 0496)
Download the form
How to download, save and open this form
- Use your computer. The form may not open on tablets or mobile phones.
- Save the form on your computer in a place you can remember.
- For most Internet browsers, clicking on the link above will automatically download the form.
- If the form doesn’t automatically download, right-click on the link and select “Save as.”
- After you download the form, open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Open this form in Acrobat Reader
- Open Acrobat Reader.
- You need Acrobat Reader version 10 or higher to open our forms.
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- Select “File” from the top menu.
- Click “Open.”
- Find the location where you saved the form, click on the file, and click “Open.”
Complete the form
Read the step by step instructions on how to complete the form.
Applicant’s information
Section 1
- Question 1
Indicate whether you would like service in English or French.
Section 2
- Question 2
Check the box to indicate if you ever had a certificate of Canadian citizenship or naturalization. If yes, write your certificate number (if you have one).
Note: You must return any Canadian citizenship certificates in your possession. Failure to do so will result in delays in processing your application.
Section 3
- Question 3A
Write down your last name (surname/family name) and given name(s).
- Question 3B
If you have used other names in the past, or are known by a name other than the one you listed above, write them in the space provided.
Other names can include your:
- birth name,
- nicknames,
- community names, etc.
Note: You can use a separate piece of paper if required.
Section 4
- Question 4A
- Write your date of birth exactly as it appears on your birth certificate or citizenship certificate. Indicate the place and country where you were born.
- Question 4B
- Check the box to indicate whether you are a F Female, M Male or X Another gender. Include your height, the colour of your eyes, and your legal marital status.
Section 5
- Question 5A
Provide your current home address including your postal code.
- Question 5B
If your mailing address is different from your home address, include your mailing address with your postal code.
If the mailing address is that of a representative, you must indicate their mailing address(es) in this section and complete the IMM 5476 form.
- Question 5C
List the phone number(s) and email where you can be reached.
If the email address is that of a representative, you must indicate their e-mail address in this section and complete the IMM 5476 form (opens in new tab) .
If applicable, write your e-mail address using a format similar to the following:
Note: By indicating your e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing us to transmit all correspondence, including your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address.
Section 6
- Question 6A
Check the box to indicate if you are a citizen or a national of a country other than Canada. If yes, indicate the name of the country.
If no, and you are not a citizen of another country, write the name of the country of which you will become a citizen if your application to renounce Canadian citizenship is approved. Attach proof.
- Question 6B
Indicate the reason(s) you wish to renounce your Canadian citizenship.
Section 7
If you are a woman and married before January 1, 1947:
- Write your spouse’s surname/last name, given name(s), country and date of birth.
- Write the country in which you were married and the date of your marriage.
- Check the box to indicate if your spouse is a Canadian citizen. If yes, check the box to indicate if it was by “birth” or “other”. If you select “other”, provide the details.
- If your spouse has a citizenship certificate, write the certificate number and the date your spouse acquired citizenship.
Absences from Canada
Section 8
You must indicate if you left Canada for 1 year or longer before 1977. If yes, provide the dates you were away, the country of destination and the reason you went to that country.
Section 9
Check the box to indicate if you have ever lived in Canada. If yes, indicate either since birth or the date you first entered to live.
Parents’ information
Section 10
- Check the box to indicate the relationship of your parents to you by selecting Natural or Adoptive.
- Print your parents surname/last name, other names used, given name(s), date of birth and country of birth.
- Indicate where your parents were married (if applicable), and the date of the marriage.
- Indicate how your parents obtained Canadian citizenship.
- Check the box to indicate whether your parents left Canada for more than one (1) year before 1977. If yes, provide the dates they were away and the country they visited.
- Check the box to indicate if your parents are or were citizens of a country other than Canada. If yes, provide the details including the country, date and how the citizenship was obtained.
- Check the box to indicate if at the time of your birth, your parents were employed in Canada by a foreign government or international agency. If yes, provide details.
- If your parents were born in Canada, check the box to indicate if one of your grandparents was employed by a foreign government or international agency. If yes, provide details.
Appointment of a representative
Section 11
If you appoint an individual, firm or organization as your representative, you must complete the Use of a Representative Form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) . Note that once you appoint a representative, all correspondence from us regarding your application will be directed to them and not to you.
Sign the form
Section 12
Make sure to read the declaration. Then sign the application with the signature you currently use on other official documents and include the place and date.
Note: Your application will be returned to you if:
- You have appointed an individual, firm or organization as your representative and did not submit the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476) with your application or this form was submitted incomplete.
- You appoint a compensated representative who is not a member of the following designated bodies:
- Immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC)
- Lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society and students-at-law under their supervision; or
- Notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaries du Québec and students-at-law under their supervision.
Page details
- Date modified: