COW - National housing strategy – June 10, 2021

What is the status of initiatives under the National Housing Strategy?


If pressed on the Human Rights-Based Approach to Housing:

If pressed on the Canada Housing Benefit:

If pressed on the Federal/Provincial/Municipal Multilateral Partnership:


Key facts

$70B+ investment over 10 years:

National Housing Strategy

Canada’s National Housing Strategy sets ambitious targets to ensure that unprecedented investments and new programming deliver results. This initial target was 50% reduction in chronic and episodic homelessness, the government is now focused on entirely eliminating chronic homelessness in Canada, and as many as 530,000 households being taken out of housing needs. The National Housing Strategy will result in up to 125,000 new housing units and 300,000 repaired or renewed housing units.

Through new initiatives like the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, the community housing initiatives, and funding to the provinces and territories, the National Housing Strategy will create a new generation of housing in Canada. Our plan will promote diverse communities. It will build housing that is sustainable, accessible, mixed-income, and mixed-use. We will build housing that is fully integrated into the community— close to transit, close to work, and close to public services.

Expanded and reformed federal homelessness programming, a new Canada Housing Benefit, and a human rights-based approach to housing will ensure that the National Housing Strategy prioritizes the most vulnerable Canadians including women and children fleeing family violence, Indigenous peoples, seniors, people with disabilities, those dealing with mental health and addiction issues, veterans, young adults, and those experiencing homelessness. All programs in the National Housing Strategy will be based on best evidence and ongoing input from people with lived experience of housing need.

The National Housing Strategy is truly a national project, built by and for Canadians. The success of our plan requires collaboration from many partners. The National Housing Strategy invests in the provinces and territories, so all regions can achieve better and more affordable housing. It invests in municipalities, to empower communities to lead the fight against homelessness. It also creates new opportunities for the federal government to innovate through partnerships with the community housing sector, co-operative movement, private sector, and research community.

The National Housing Strategy respects the Government of Canada’s commitment to working on a nation-to-nation, Inuit-to-Crown, government-to-government basis with Indigenous peoples, which is why the Department of Indigenous Services, with support from CMHC, is currently engaging with First Nations, Métis Nation, and Inuit partners to develop distinctions-based housing strategies.

The National Housing Co-Investment Fund (NHCF) provides capital contributions and low-cost loans with a total budget of $13.2 billion and focuses on two key priority areas of the National Housing Strategy: new affordable housing supply and the repair and renewal of existing affordable and community housing supply.

Budget 2021 propose:

Federal/Provincial/Territorial NHS Investments

The Government has announced new bilateral agreements with all provincial and territorial partners, with total signed agreements representing over $14 billion in joint funding over 10 years to protect, renew and expand community housing, and support provincial priorities related to housing repairs, construction and affordability.

Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI)

Prepared by:

Hugo P. Fontaine

Parliamentary Affairs



Approved by:

Patrick Perron

Manager/Parliamentary Affairs



Lead Sector(s):

Client Solutions /Policy and Innovation

Date/Docket Number:

May 21, 2021/ QP190124

Page details

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