CIMM – IRCC Workforce Demographics – November 07, 2023

Includes all employment types occupying a substantive position. Data pulled on September 29, 2023. Percentages do not necessarily add to 100% due to rounding.

Workforce Evolution

As of March 27, 2020 9,207
As of March 26, 2021 9,701
As of March 25, 2022 11,276
As of March 31, 2023 13,136
As of September 29, 2023 13,910

Growth in the past 3 years: 52%

Workforce by Employment Type

Indeterminate 9,510 68%
Term 3,382 24%
Casual 615 4%
Students 332 2%
Other 71 0%

Contingent workforce = 4,400 (32%)

Operations Sector = 9,207 (66%)

National Capital Region (NCR) = 7,818 (56%)

Overseas = 225 (2%)

Official Languages

First Official Language
English 76%
French 24%

5,587 (40%) positions are bilingual

3,851 (69%) employees in bilingual positions meet the linguistic requirements of their position

3,290 employees are Francophone of which 2,232 (68%) are in the NCR, 61 (2%) are overseas and 997 (30%) are in the regions, mostly in the Québec region.

Employment Equity

Active substantive Indeterminate & term > 3 months employees

EE Group All Career Levels Executive Level
Representation Baseline Gap Representation Baseline Gap
Racialized Men 1,144 (10%) 8% 193 12 (5%) 11% -13
Racialized Women 2,032 (17%) 15% 233 29 (13%) 17% -10
Black Men 535 (4%) 2% 343 <5 - -1
Black Women 913 (8%) 3% 544 6 (3%) 3% -1
Indigenous Men 189 (2%) 1% 26 5 (2%) 1% 2
Indigenous Women 251 (2%) 3% -77 <5 - -3
Men with a Disability 391 (3%) 3% -4 13 (6%) 4% 4
Women with a Disability 638 (5%) 6% -91 11 (5%) 6% -2

To ensure data confidentiality, data with less than 5 employees (<5) is suppressed

IRCC has made significant progress addressing under representation across all EE groups and continues to leverage EE candidates in the remaining areas.

Years Of Service

Indeterminate employees

Average years in position: 3

Average years at IRCC: 9

Average years in public service: 14

First position in public service is at IRCC: 7%

Service Delivery and Settlement, Integration & Francophone Affairs Sector employees have been at IRCC the longest, with an average of 9 years.

Departures (leaving IRCC)

Indeterminate employees
Resignation Other Retirement Movement Total Departure rate
2021-2022 51 152 115 193 511 7.0%
2022-2023 69 215 132 188 604 7.4%
2023-2024Table footnote * 33 103 63 53 252 5.6%

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