Review of the Migration Policy Development Program

MPDP review management response

Key Findings Response Action Accountability Implementation Date
The MPDP is well aligned with Government of Canada and CIC objectives. CIC agrees with this finding. No action required DG/IIR  
The forums (IGC, RCM, MPI) continue to be important and valued means to engage like-minded nations in migration policy discussions, and participation provides unique access to key information and networks. CIC agrees with this finding. No action required DG/IIR  
There was a strong consensus among key informants that Canada should continue to participate fully in all three forums. CIC agrees with this finding. No action required DG/IIR  
The MPDP has delivered on its numerous key activities and outputs annually over the period under review. CIC agrees with this finding. No action required DG/IIR  

Canada’s involvement in the MPDP has:
1) provided the opportunity to demonstrate its practices and influence policy thinking in international fora;
2) strengthened intergovernmental relationships and international networks, particularly with Central American states and European Union;
3) contributed to strengthening migration policy and programs in the Central American region;
4) contributed to the migration-related policy thinking and discussions within Canada.

CIC agrees with this finding. No action required DG/IIR  
Additional efforts to increase awareness and dissemination of information related to IGC within CIC would allow the department to more fully exploit the benefits of membership. CIC agrees with this finding. IIR will 1) offer debriefs of the mini-full round and the full round to branches within CIC; 2) ensure reports of IGC workshops are more broadly disseminated across the department; and 3) increase the number of CIC staff who have access to the IGC website. DG/IIR FY 2008-2009

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