Evaluation of the Provincial Nominee Program
Appendix A: Cross-walk between report sections and evaluation questions and indicators
Evaluation Questions | Indicators | Section of the Report |
Program Profile | ||
The program profile will provide a comprehensive description of the operation of the Provincial Nominee Program for each jurisdiction in which it is delivered, including individual streams, monitoring and accountability mechanisms, and a description of variables used by provinces and territories to determine their need for PNs. |
3.1. Profile of PN Programs Across Canada 3.1.1 Overview of PT PN Programs 3.1.2 How PTs Attract Immigrants 3.1.5 Relative Importance of PNP 3.1.4 Approval Rates 4.2.1 How the Program is Meeting PT Needs |
4.2.1 How the Program is Meeting PT Needs | |
3.2. Profile of PNs 3.2.1 Profile of PNs Compared to Immigrants Coming to Canada under Other Federal Programs |
Program Relevance | ||
1. Is there a continued need for a provincial nominee program in Canada?
1.1 Economic program skill (educational credentials and intended occupation) and economic profile comparison by PT | 3.1.1 Overview of PT PN Programs |
1.2 Perceptions of key stakeholders with respect to continued need and effectiveness of alternatives | 4.1.1 Continuing need 4.1.4. Relationships with other Programs Potential Complementarity, Overlap, and Alternatives |
1.3 Regional distribution of landings (intended and actual) by program over time (comparison with M/T/V) | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
1.4 Volume and trend in PN nominations by PT and stream | 3.1.3 Trends in Applications, Nominations, Landings 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration |
1.5 Evidence of shortages in labour market compared with skill sets/intended occupations of PNs and other economic immigrants over time | 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs | |
1.6 Comparison of PT-identified labour market needs with nominations (by NOC code/sector/occupation) vs. PNs working in occupations identified | 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs | |
2. Is the PNP aligned with CIC and GOC priorities? | 2.1 Degree of alignment with GOC priorities | 4.1.2 Alignment with Federal Priorities |
2.2 Degree of alignment with departmental strategic outcomes | 4.1.2 Alignment with Federal Priorities | |
2.3 Key stakeholders identify provincial nominees as a federal government priority | 4.1.2 Alignment with Federal Priorities | |
3. Is the federal government role in the delivery of the PNP appropriate?
3.1 Degree of alignment with federal and legislative objectives | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations |
3.2 Perceptions of key stakeholders with respect to the federal role in the Provincial Nominee Program | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
Program Performance | ||
4. What are the PT objectives and are they being met through the PNP?
4.1 Stakeholder perception and understanding of both federal and PT PNP objectives | 4.1.2 Alignment with Federal Priorities 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations |
4.2 Stakeholder understanding / clarity of roles and responsibilities | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
4.3 Analysis of provincial/territorial program streams / objectives against federal objectives | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
4.4 Evidence that PT objectives are being met | 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration 4.2.2 Economic Outcomes of PNs |
4.5 Comparison of PT program streams to PT and federal program objectives | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
5. Are FPT partnerships and consultations effective?
5.1 Stakeholder perceptions regarding the effectiveness of consultations and the PNP governance structure | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations |
5.2 Evidence that issues are resolved in a collaborative manner | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
5.3 Evidence of timely sharing of program information (e.g., changes to program delivery, annual PT level plans and reports) | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
5.4 Evidence of consultations and joint frameworks and initiatives (i.e., joint communication products, FPT joint workplans, joint promotion and recruitment strategy, tools and activities, public info – web or publications, joint training initiatives) | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
6. On what basis do PTs determine their need for PNs?
6.1 Profile of PT-identified labour market and other needs for PNs | 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs |
6.2 Perceptions of PTs regarding their ability to address their identified economic needs using the PNP | 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs | |
6.3 Evidence of process for PN need identification by PTs | 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs | |
6.4 Evidence that identified labour market shortages are being filled by PNs | 4.2.1 How the program is meeting PT needs | |
6.5 Evidence that PT PN programs reflect federal input | 4.2.6 Effectiveness of FPT Relations | |
7. Is decision-making by CIC timely, consistent and transparent? | 7.1 Number and nature of complaints and legal challenges regarding selection decisions | 4.2.5 Program Integrity |
7.2 Stakeholder perceptions of consistency, transparency and timeliness of processing | 4.2.4 Delivery / Processing of PNP | |
7.3 Average processing time (initial screening to visa issuance) of PN cases compared to other immigrant categories | 4.2.4 Delivery / Processing of PNP | |
8. To what extent are CIC and PTs able to ensure accountability and integrity?
8.1 Evidence of CIC and PT evaluations and accountability tools developed, shared and implemented | 4.2.5 Program Integrity |
8.2 Degree of defaults on good faith deposits and business bonds | 4.2.5 Program Integrity | |
8.3 Evidence of PNs who fail to report to province | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
8.4 Occurrences of fraud detected/reported (A40 refusals, PN certificates revoked for fraud, etc.) | 4.2.5 Program Integrity | |
8.5 Nature and extent of provincial monitoring | 4.2.5 Program Integrity | |
8.6 Evidence that CIC has the tools and information necessary for visa office decision-making on PNs | 4.2.4 Delivery / Processing of PNP | |
9. What are PTs doing to identify, attract and retain PNs? a) Are PNs taking up residence in the province/ territory in which they were nominated? b) How long are they remaining in nominating P/Ts? Where do they go and why? |
9.1 # and percentage of PNs who arrive in province/territory to which they are destined | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration |
9.2 # and percentage of PNs taking up residence in nominating PT for 1, 3 and 5 years | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
9.3 PN perception of the PN program compared to other options | 4.1.4 Relationships with other Programs: Potential Complementarity, Overlap, and Alternatives | |
9.4 Extent to which Temporary Foreign Worker program is used in the context of PN recruitment | 4.1.4 Relationships with other Programs: Potential Complementarity, Overlap, and Alternatives | |
9.5 Distribution of interprovincial migration of PNs | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
9.6 Rates of PN secondary migration over time, and reasons | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
9.7 Evidence of onward migration | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
9.8 Wastage rates (# of PN applications vs. landings) | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
9.9 # and types of activities undertaken by PTs to attract and retain PNs | 3.1.2 How PTs Attract Immigrants 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration |
10. To what extent are PNs becoming established economically?
10.1 # and percentage of PNs employed in intended occupation upon entry | 4.2.2 Economic Outcomes of PNs |
10.2 # and percentage of PNs employed in intended occupation after 1 and 2 years | 4.2.2 Economic Outcomes of PNs | |
10.3 # and percentage of PNs reporting employment income in nominating PT after 1, 3 and 5 years by PT and stream and compared with other immigration categories | 4.2.2 Economic Outcomes of PNs | |
10.4 Average employment earnings by stream, by PT and compared to relative average wage rate in nominating PT | 4.2.2 Economic Outcomes of PNs | |
10.5 Incidence of EI and SA by PT | 4.2.2 Economic Outcomes of PNs | |
10.6 Perception of the extent to which PNs are becoming economically established and the factors affecting successful establishment, by stream/subcategory | 4.2.2 Economic Outcomes of PNs | |
11. To what extent does the provincial nominee program contribute to the development of official language minority communities? | 11.1 Number of PNs who report French mother tongue or French as their first official language | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration |
11.2 Evidence of development of and participation in promotion and recruitment activities aimed at attracting francophone immigration | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
11.3 # of PN streams in which the ability to speak French is measured and taken into account in the evaluation process | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
11.4 Perception of extent to which PNP is contributing to the development of official language minority communities and the factors affecting this, by stream/subcategory | 4.2.3 Regionalization of Immigration | |
12. What program alternatives and best practices exist in other jurisdictions that could improve program design and better facilitate the achievement of program objectives? | 12.1 Best practices identified for nominee programs in other countries (e.g. Australia) and Quebec immigrant selection in the economic class | 4.1.4 Relationships with other Programs: Potential Complementarity, Overlap, and Alternatives |
12.2 Best practices identified through comparative analysis of different PT program streams | 4.2.4 Delivery / Processing of PNP | |
13. What are the CIC and PT resource contributions to the program? | 13.1 Evidence and amount of PT FTEs and funding allocated to PN programs | 4.2.8 Economy and Efficiency |
13.2 Evidence and amount of CIC FTEs and funding allocated to PN programs | 4.2.8 Economy and Efficiency |
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