Program delivery update: Bilateral agreements and arrangements – IEC – [R205(b) - C21] – Reciprocity – International Mobility Program
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
December 11, 2023
The instructions related to the International Experience Canada (IEC) bilateral agreements and arrangements have been updated.
Canada has signed new bilateral agreements with Iceland, and updated youth mobility agreements (YMA) with United Kingdom and South Korea, which will come into effect during the opening 2024 season of IEC on December 11, 2023.
A correction was also made for Chile.
The updates are summarized as follows:
- United Kingdom: Applicants are now allowed 2 participations for a total of 36 months under the bilateral agreement: a first participation of 24 months under any category, and a second participation of 12 months under any category. Applicants whose first participation was for 12 months before 2015 are eligible for a second participation of 24 months. See notes for more information.
- South Korea: Applicants are now allowed 2 participations under the bilateral agreement. The Young Professionals and International Co-op (internship) categories have been added. A repeat category is permitted for the Working Holiday and Young Professionals categories. Applicants can only participate once under the International Co-op (internship) category.
- Chile: Under the International Co-op (internship category), applicants must be registered at a school in Chile at the time of application.
Updated instructions
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