Citizenship ceremony closure and reception
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
Closing remarks
After special guests have spoken, the citizenship judge or presiding official makes closing remarks (2 minutes) and asks the new citizens and guests to join in singing of the national anthem.
The national anthem
The clerk of the ceremony says the following:
Please all rise for the singing of our national anthem.
Veuillez vous lever pour entonner notre hymne national.
We encourage you to join us and sing it loudly with pride. Today, you will be singing “O Canada” for the very first time as a Canadian citizen. This is now your national anthem!
We will be singing a bilingual version but you may choose to sing in English or French, or bilingually. The words to “O Canada” are printed in your programs.
Nous vous encourageons à mêler vos voix aux nôtres avec fierté et assurance. Aujourd’hui, vous chanterez le « Ô Canada » pour la toute première fois en tant que citoyen canadien. Cet hymne national est maintenant le vôtre! Vous pouvez chanter « Ô Canada » en français ou en anglais, ou encore dans les deux langues. Les paroles se trouvent dans votre programme.
The platform party stands at attention for “O Canada.”
For ceremonies where musicians or singers are not present, play the anthem using the CDs with the bilingual version. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) officials should sing along with the assembly.
See also Canadian symbols - national anthem “O Canada”.
At the conclusion of our national anthem, the clerk or the judge or presiding official says the following:
Congratulations to you all.
Félicitations à tous.
Please remain standing.
Veuillez rester debout.
End of ceremony
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer says the following:
This citizenship ceremony is now closed.
La cérémonie de citoyenneté est maintenant terminée.
The RCMP officer leads the citizenship judge or volunteer presiding official and special guests in the platform party from the stage area and out of the room.
If a RCMP officer is not present, the clerk of the ceremony closes the ceremony.
When the Governor General or a lieutenant governor is a special guest
At the end of the citizenship ceremony, following the singing of "O Canada", the RCMP officer says the following:
This citizenship ceremony is now closed. Please remain standing for the departure of His/Her Excellency the Governor General (His/Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor).
La cérémonie de citoyenneté est maintenant terminée. Veuillez rester debout pendant que Son Excellence le gouverneur général (Son Honneur le lieutenant gouverneur) quitte les lieux.
The RCMP officer then escorts the Governor General or lieutenant governor, the citizenship judge or presiding official, and other members of the platform party from the room.
When the Prime Minister, a federal cabinet minister or a provincial premier is a special guest
At the end of the citizenship ceremony, following the singing of “O Canada”, the RCMP officer says the following:
This citizenship ceremony is now closed. Please remain standing for the departure of the Prime Minister (cabinet minister or premier).
La cérémonie de citoyenneté est maintenant terminée. Veuillez rester debout pendant que le premier ministre (le ministre fédéral ou le premier ministre provincial) quitte les lieux.
The RCMP officer then escorts the Prime Minister (cabinet minister or premier), the citizenship judge or presiding official, and other members of the platform party from the room.
Clerk’s closing remarks
The clerk of the ceremony remains standing until the platform party has left the room.
The clerk may again remind the new citizens to check the contents of their certificate packages, and to correct mistakes on the certificate as soon as possible.
If there is a reception, the clerk adds the following:
I invite you to the reception, being held in (location).
Je vous invite à la réception qui se tiendra (endroit).
See also: Bilingual text for the clerk of the ceremony.
Informal reception
These gatherings give the new citizens the opportunity to mingle and meet the citizenship judge or volunteer presiding official, special guests, the clerk and citizenship staff. They are also often a good opportunity for photos with the judge and any other special guests.
Signage regarding nut allergies should be displayed in the reception area at a location where it can be easily seen.
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