Eligibility and Evaluation Process Criteria

This page includes the criteria for the Eligibility Process and Evaluation Process, and outlines the corresponding information and documentation you must include in your proposal. We will not consider proposals that do not include all mandatory proposal components.

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Eligibility Process Criteria

Eligibility Criterion #1: Assessment and authentication service covers a broad range of countries.

1.a Provide five (5) sample ECA reports or equivalent statements of assessment outcomes reflecting a range of countries.
1.b Submit a list of countries of credential issuance for which your organization will provide assessments.
1.c Provide any supporting information or evidence of how your organization meets this criterion.

Eligibility Criterion #2: The assessments produced by the professional body determine the equivalency of foreign educational credentials to a Canadian educational credential required to practise in the regulated occupation for which the professional body is recognized.

2.a Provide a list of all possible assessment outcomes that could appear on an ECA report associated with the requirement to practise the profession for which your organization is recognized.

Provide information or evidence of your organization’s to ability to provide an assessment report to clients, as outlined in the Statement of Work, that assesses the equivalency of a Foreign Educational Credential to a Canadian educational credential, and state whether the foreign credential is equivalent to a completed Canadian educational credential required to practise in the regulated occupation for which the professional body is recognized.

Note: Your response may reference materials submitted in response to Eligibility Criterion #1.


Provide information or evidence of your organization’s to ability to provide an assessment report to clients, as outlined in the Statement of Work, that assesses the authenticity of Foreign Educational Credential documentation.

Note: Your response may reference materials submitted in response to Eligibility Criterion #1.

Eligibility Criterion #3: The professional body and its assessments are recognized by the provincial or territorial regulatory authorities governing the practise of the specific occupation in at least seven provinces or territories.

3.a Provide written confirmation (e.g. attestation, written decision, correspondence) demonstrating that your organization and assessments are recognized by the provincial or territorial regulatory authorities governing the practise of the specific occupation in at least seven provinces or territories.

Evaluation Process Criteria

Provide a response and/or supporting documents for each of the criteria listed below. Your submissions will help us evaluate your proposal.

Note: In some cases, we ask you to confirm that your organization will comply with the stated criteria. In your responses to these criteria, confirm if you have already met the criterion and provide supporting evidence or confirm that you are willing to work with IRCC to ensure the criterion is met and provide any relevant information.

Evaluation Criterion #1: Expertise in Conducting Equivalency Assessments

Professional bodies must demonstrate expertise in assessing foreign educational credentials to determine their equivalency to a Canadian educational credential required to practise a specific regulated occupation for which the professional body is recognized.

1.a Describe the tools and methodology your organization uses, establishing its expertise to determine the equivalency of foreign educational credentials to a Canadian educational credential. Include information about how you use pan-Canadian education standards to determine the equivalency of foreign educational credentials.
1.b Describe what steps your organization takes to provide an assessment when the methods described under 1.a) are not sufficient to determine a foreign educational credential’s equivalency to a Canadian educational credential.
1.c Describe, if applicable, how your organization continues to develop and maintain its expertise in assessing foreign educational credentials.
1.d Provide information on hiring requirements (education, training and/or experience) for credential assessors within the organization, as well as ongoing training and supervision of current assessors that supports its continuing expertise.
1.e Describe your organization’s internal practices that ensure quality control and consistency of credential assessments within the organization.
1.f Confirm that clients have online access to all your organization’s assessment services.
1.g Supporting documentation: Provide five sample reports or equivalent statements of assessment outcomes provided to clients, that you organization has produced in the last 12 months reflecting a range of document source countries, credentials and assessment outcomes (including two reports that demonstrate a discrepancy between the foreign credential’s apparent level (taken at face value) and its actual equivalency, when compared to a Canadian educational credential).
1.h Supporting documentation: Provide a sample job description for a senior credential assessor within the organization (e.g., competency profile or other document that describes the duties and requirements of the position) that supports your organization’s expertise.

Evaluation Criterion #2: Expertise in Authenticating Credential Documents

Professional Bodies must demonstrate their expertise in determining whether credential documents are authentic, and issued by a recognized, competent institution in the country of issuance.

2.a Identify the type(s) of credential documentation (e.g., official, original or copies) you require from the client.
2.b Describe the circumstances under which your organization accepts other types of documentation in cases where a client cannot provide the specified document requirements.

Describe your organization’s methodology for authenticating foreign educational credential documentation:

  • The methodology and/or tools you use to ensure that all foreign credentials assessed were earned at a recognized educational institution in a recognized program; and
  • Identify whether your organization verifies credentials with the issuing body, noting the practices for authenticating credentials from countries with higher risk of fraud or corruption.
2.d Describe your organization’s internal policies (e.g., notifying the client, other professional bodies, law enforcement, consequences to the client, etc.) to be used when fraud is detected, and confirm you will align your policies with IRCC’s anti-fraud framework.

Evaluation Criterion #3: Ability to meet IRCC Operational Requirements

You must confirm that your organization has the ability and commitment to collaborate with us to meet operational needs.

3.a.i Conversion Table: Confirm that your organization will provide IRCC with a list of possible assessment outcomes for foreign educational credentials that aligns them with the educational credentials contained under the education factor in the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) regulations.
3.a.ii Conversion Table: Confirm that your organization will provide IRCC with the possible assessment outcome(s) for cases where equivalency to a completed Canadian educational credential has not been established.
3.b Assessment Report: Confirm that your organization has the ability to provide an assessment report as described in Appendix 3, Statement of Work, Annex 3A – Educational Credential Assessment Report.
3.c Assessment Report: Confirm that your organization will embed at least one security feature in the assessment report and describe the security feature(s) to IRCC’s satisfaction.

Secure Communications: Provide a plan to establish a database with information specific to those clients who have requested a credential assessment for the purpose of applying for immigration. This database must be segregated for this Service from all other information and records of the Organization and not shared with or accessible by other business lines.

Confirm that your organization’s database will be operational by the time of designation and you will provide online secure access for IRCC to verify clients’ assessment reports and credential documentation both within and outside of Canada.

3.e Data Collection and Sharing: Describe the types of data/reports your organization collects and produces in regards to processing, timelines and assessment outcomes.
3.f Not mandatory: List limitations, if any, you may foresee in sharing aggregate de-personalised data and statistical information with IRCC.
3.g Confirm that your organization has the ability to provide a status report containing aggregate data twice yearly to IRCC, as described in the Statement of Work and the Resulting Service Agreement.

Evaluation Criterion #4: Recognition by Provincial or Territorial Regulatory Authorities

Confirm that your organization’s assessments are recognized by at least seven provincial or territorial regulatory authorities as a requirement to practise that occupation.

4.a Indicate which seven (minimum) provincial and territorial regulatory authorities recognize your organization’s assessments as a requirement to practise the occupation that your organization oversees.

Evaluation Criterion #5: Customer Service

You must demonstrate that your organization’s practices reflect a commitment to client service.

5.a Provide the average time (in working days, based on the most recent 12-month period), it takes your organization to provide an assessment report to a client after receipt of all necessary documentation. Confirm your organization will inform clients of actual processing times, via your organization’s website, as well as inform the client directly of any unanticipated delays in processing.
5.b Provide your current service charge structure outlining all costs to the client, including fees for assessing more than one credential.
5.b.i Provide a service charge proposal for clients requiring a foreign educational credential assessment for immigration purposes, that demonstrates the standard service charge for an educational credential assessment for immigration purposes. This service charge must include access to the organization’s secure online database by IRCC.
5.b.ii In addition to submitting the current service charge structure, advise whether your organization offers priority or expedited services to clients. If your organization does offer priority or expedited services, indicate under what conditions priority is given and when the client pays an extra service charge.
5.c Standard processing times: Indicate whether your organization is willing to negotiate with IRCC to establish standard processing times for educational credential assessments that it can meet by the time of designation.
5.d Protocols for Privacy and Access: Describe in detail your organization’s protocols and relevant administrative, physical and technological measures and solutions in order to satisfy the requirements of the Service Agreement and the Statement of Work, including the referenced Canadian privacy laws, regarding:
I. Protection of privacy and preservation of integrity of client personal information and records;
II. Collection, use and access to client personal information;
III. Sharing of documents/disclosure of client personal information with other organizations;
IV. Storage of all client personal information and credentials submitted and assessment reports for later retrieval by IRCC (IRCC will require that documents are retained electronically in a format that can be retrieved for a minimum period of ten years);
V. Correction of client personal information;
VI. Return of documents to the clients;
VII. Disposal/destruction of any records in any form containing client personal information;
VIII. Format and content of any notices to and consents to be signed by clients; and,
IX. A statement of whether your Organization meets the preference, as per the Statement of Work, that information is to be managed from within Canada and all databases containing information and physical (paper) records be located in Canada.
5.e Official languages: Confirm that your organization will provide the Service in both of Canada’s official languages.
5.f Appeals Process: Confirm and describe your organization’s appeal process, and any charges, associated with such an appeal, available for clients to challenge your organization’s credential assessment outcomes.

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