Helmet tips and tricks: described video
Transcript - Helmet tips and tricks:
Animated video. We see the Healthy Canadians logo appear, along with the words "Tips and Tricks" and the icons for Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube followed by the web address /HealthyCdns.
A red ball representing a head appears. A hockey helmet descends onto the ball but it is too loose and slips off.
A bicycle helmet descends onto the ball but it also slips off.
A ski helmet descends onto the ball and the chin strap clips under the ball.
A hand approaches the chin strap. One finger extends from the hand into the space between strap and ball.
The Healthy Canadians logo reappears, along with icons and the Government of Canada wordmark.
The following text appears:
To check if your child's helmet fits, use a finger.
Learn more about injury prevention at Canada.ca/Health
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