Best way to thaw frozen meat!

Transcript - Best way to thaw frozen meat!

Transcript - Best way to thaw frozen meat!

Image of refrigerator in kitchen.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: Defrosting meat

Hands open freezer drawer and pull out a bag of frozen ground beef.

Image of countertop with black plate on it slides onto screen.

Hands place bag of frozen ground beef onto black plate.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: Here on the counter?

Time passes and we see meat defrosting with puddle of liquid on plate.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: Wait! Let’s start again!

Image of refrigerator door slides onto screen.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: To defrost safely

Hand opens refrigerator door, places bag of frozen ground beef on black plate into refrigerator.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: Do it in the fridge

Image of kitchen sink slides onto screen, hand puts stopper in drain.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: …or if you are in a rush…

Hand starts filling sink up with water.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: in cold water

Hands place bag of frozen ground beef into water-filled sink.

Image of Microwave slides onto screen.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: …or in the microwave

Hand opens microwave door and puts black plate with frozen ground beef in.

Image of kitchen sink slides onto screen.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: Remember, defrost frozen meat with care!

Hands start tap and washes thoroughly with soap.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: And always wash your hands after handling raw meat

Hands wave over countertop.

TEXT ON-SCREEN: Food safety is in your hands!


TEXT ON-SCREEN: Government of Canada logo

A message from the Government of Canada.

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